Did Elvis give his life to Jesus and finally repent on his death bed? from reading a book on the Shroud of Turin?
Was God almighty trying to reach his soul?
by showing Elvis the scientific, supernatural, physical and visible evidence of His son Jesus on the Shroud. 

Elvis specifically requested the Shroud book a few weeks before his death, having heard that the book proved the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin.
When Elvis was found dead in his bathroom the book was clutched to his chest.
According to the British Society for the Turin Shroud, it is now official, Elvis Presley died reading a book about the Shroud of Turin. 
What also seems clear is the fact of Elvis reading about Jesus's burial cloths at his death. This in return planted a spiritual good seed, which opened the hearts of some of his fans who were influenced by Elvis, who also ordered and read the same book to read about the physical and visible evidence of Jesus . 
perfect example how God makes good from all situations.   

Who knows? born again believers may see Elvis sing about Jesus once again.

Elvis Presley once sang a song called Who Am I?

Who am I that The King would bleed and die for?
Who am I that He would pray not my will, thine Lord?
The answer I may never know
Why He ever loved me so
That to an old rugged cross He'd go
For who am I?


Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men , him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 10:32 KJV.

 Read the full article about Elvis here.

Follow Pastor Caspar McCloud in this exciting interview as he interviews  Mr RUSS BREAULT www.shroudencounter.com 

Spiritual Encounters with Caspar McCloud and Russ Breault Shroud of Turin. Part 1 of 4
Spiritual Encounters with Caspar McCloud and Russ Breault Shroud of Turin. Part 1 of 4

RUSS BREAULT has been researching and lecturing on the Shroud of Turin for over 25 years. His presentation makes use of over 150 superb images and unfolds like a CSI investigation. The audience is riveted as each clue is revealed and becomes another piece of a grand puzzle as the mystery of the Shroud is explored. Carefully designed to be educational and entertaining, Mr. Breault delivers a dynamic, fast-paced experience. His highly acclaimed presentation is called THE MYSTERY OF THE SHROUD: A Multi-Media Encounter or simply...Shroud Encounter!


This new one hour interview will be available on a DVD for only the shipping cost of �1. UK and �2.50 outside the UK.

To order your FREE copies email mrsimonbrown@aol.com

Shroud of Turin [Paperback] NO 1 On Amazon.com
Shroud of turin book.  
The Evidence and The True Face of The Shroud film
Join me again in my next article and amazing adventure.
Where I will be showing and sharing with you the archeological find of archaeologist Dr. Nitowski video and her research, who tested samples of soil found on the foot and the knee of the Shroud of Turin, to be identical soil samples tested at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem opposite the Garden Tomb, believed to be The Tomb of Jesus owned by Joseph of Arimathaea. 
Dr. Nitowski research is with thanks and permission from C�sar barta, and Giorgio Bracaglia, The Holy Shroud Guild's past is the present.  

I am also preparing to undertake a soil test of my samples from the Garden Tomb to see if it matches the soil tested by archaeologist Dr. Nitowski on the Shroud of Turin and at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem opposite the Garden Tomb. 

With a further test of my samples of the Great Stone at Mount Nebo and my samples of the Garden tomb exterior, I believe the further test will be similar to a DNA test and can be used in a court of law.
Garden Tomb  Photo above of Peter from Simon's team taking soil samples and measuring the sepulchre grave of Jesus in the Garden Tomb. 
 May you be blessed and strengthened by seeing the physical and visible evidence of God for the Glory of God. Amen.