Missing Links
Is Evolution FACT? 
FACT.  Most schools now teach children that Evolution is fact.
FACT.  Most of the population now believe Evolution is fact.
What is Evolution?
Evolution means change over time, and refers to observed changes in organisms, to their descent from a common ancestor, and at a technical level to a change in gene frequency over time. Wikipedia,
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia states.
Many scientists and philosophers of science have described evolution as fact and theory, a phrase which was used as the title of an article by Stephen Jay Gould in 1981. 
Atheists believe Evolution is a fact in the sense that it is overwhelmingly validated by the evidence and facts.

In the very popular image below seen in millions of books and articles all over the world, we see probably one of the most seen images and diagrams ''ever''.

This image and diagram is the main visible image used to promote and teach the human race that Evolution is a fact .

Lets now look closely to this very popular image and diagram.

We can very easily see an ape believed by most to be our common ancestor, that many believe changes over millions of years and slowly becomes a human being. 
However there is a very interesting fact in this next image. 
LOOK at the ''four images'' in the centre.
Missing Links.
Please feel free to share this image above.
Yes that's right, these very popular photos always (show
The Missing links have never ever been discovered.
Yet we see Atheists, scientists and philosophers of science are clearly teaching the human race evolution is fact.
Missing Links.Evolution.  
Evidence proves the FACTS, which proves things to be true. So where is the evidence of any kind, or form of animals changing into human beings?
FACT. There is no FACTS and no Evidence of Evolution.


So why do scientists and philosophers of science add in the photos above the four images of apes changing into a human being? when the missing links have not been discovered, and still do not exist?


The Bible gives us the answer here.
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4. King James Version (KJV)
FACT. We can find 100's of Dinosaurs remains? then we should find the remains of                  the missing links showing apes changing into human beings called,
FACT.  THE MISSING LINKS do not exist.


 FACT, This is why it is called THE MISSING LINKS. 


FACT. This is why it remains THE MISSING LINKS


FACT. THE MISSING LINKS will never be found, because human beings have                        never changed. 
FACT. Human beings have always been human beings and animals have always
             been animals and apes have always been apes and bananas have always
             been bananas and cats have always been cats and dogs have always been
             dogs and roses have always been roses, as God has never changed from
             being God.
FACT. God is an intelligent designer. His name Is Jesus Christ.
             The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Who has always been (One God)


FACT. If Evolution is FACT? Then we would still see animals changing into a                          different species. 


FACT.  If Evolution is FACT? Then we would still see apes changing into human                       beings.


FACT.  NO human being has ever seen animals or humans changing into anything.


Now let's look at the (Evidence) and the ''TRUE'' FACTS.


FACT. The Wonders of the world and the sophisticated, complex universe, sun and                    the millions of planets very easily proves an intelligent designer. God.


FACT. Our highly sophisticated and complex bodies, very easily                                                prove an intelligent designer. God.


FACT. The 1000's of highly sophisticated and complex Fish and sea creatures,                          insects, birds and animals, very easily prove an intelligent designer. God.


FACT. THE 100's of trees and plants, herbs and spices, fruit and vegetables, nuts                      milk and honey, very easily prove an intelligent designer. God.


FACT. The 100's of Bible prophecies fulfilled of Jesus Christ, and the examples of                    Jesus' skill in telling Parables, very easily prove God was who He claimed                    to be.


FACT. The 100's of Bible discoveries, that prove the Holy Bible, very easily prove                  God is real and He is here and is active.


THE PHYSICAL AND VISIBLE EVIDENCE OF JESUS on the Shroud of Turin proves God's ''VISIBLE'' love and His sons life, who was crucified, died, and was raised to life by God, and became the Lamb of God who takes away our shame and sin, from those who believe and follow Him, and who are granted eternal life.

What the Shroud gives us is a forensically accurate description of a crucified man, exactly as the gospel accounts recorded the death of Jesus which is a physical indisputable scientific proof of the crucifixion as documented in the Holy  Bible.
 FACT. The clever complex Clock works automatically.
 Because It has an intelligent designer called human beings.

FACT. The sophisticated, complex universe and wonders of the world including life forms continues to work more reliable than clock work.
 Because is has an intelligent designer called Jesus Christ.
FACT. It is Impossible for nothing to became something.
 Something must of made nothing into something.



I am Simon Brown. May you come, see and find the hidden treasure.
His name is Jesus Christ (YESHUA) 
And be saved and blessed. Amen.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 
Genesis 1:26 - 27. KJB.