Catholic Community of Pleasanton

Social Justice Newsletter

June 27, 2013




This will be the last Social Justice Newsletter until September 12, 2013.  The next Social Justice Committee meeting will be the Thursday before that on September 5 in the "Cry Room" at St Elizabeth Seton church at 7:00 P.M.  All are welcome to attend.  Comments are also welcome and may be sent to


Help Needed for Congolese Refugees Arriving in East Bay
A150 highly traumatized Congolese refugees, mostly women and children, will be arriving in the East Bay starting in July.  The relocation is being coordinated through the US State Department with the aid of the International Rescue Committee and Catholic Charities.  The typical family group includes an HIV-infected mother with 4-5 children, all of whom will become patients at Children's Hospital Oakland. Approximately 25% of the 100-120 children are anticipated to also be HIV-infected.
There will be less than 10 days' notice before each family arrives. 
Each family will be taken to an apartment in Oakland along the International Blvd corridor.  The apartment will have 3 days of food, simple beds, one set of linen, one set of clothes for each child, minimal furniture, a few dishes.
These families will have tremendous needs.  The women have an average of a 3rd grade education.  Virtually none of them speak English or any other 'common' language.  Most speak dialects from rural areas that are specific to their villages or local communities only.
The families will get minimal financial assistance that will barely make any ends meet and from which they will have to pay rent, food, etc., and eventually they will be expected to find work (with some assistance).  They will get Medi-Cal initially (fortunately) and the Oakland Children's Hospital will work hard to find them optimal health coverage.  But it will definitely be very tough!
Arrangements will be made for kids' school enrollment once their immunizations have been updated and Oakland Unified School District will address their special needs.
The women will get health care through Highland Hospital's Adult Immunology Clinic and Highland's primary care program for adults.
What can you do?
Donate the following:
       Diapers and other kid-essentials.
       Toys without batteries (batteries cost too much money. The children have NO toys and not likely have had any for the years they lived in refugee camps.
       New or used school supplies (or make kits that can be distributed to the school-age kids).
       Furniture that will make their apartments feel more cozy and comfortable.
       Sheets, towels, hand-towels, kitchen equipment - new or used, as long as they are clean and washed.
Brief Links
A Fresh Start for U.S. Policy in Central Africa, link

Bishops on Syria, letter [If PDF link doesn't work, go to PDF1
Articles in this issue
:: Help Needed for Congolese Refugees Arriving in East Bay
:: Brief Links
:: Action Alert
:: What Makes Us Happy?
:: Syrian Civil War and Humanitarian Crisis

Action Alert


Ask Governor to Sign Bill Protecting Human Trafficking Victims
Take Action


What Makes Us Happy?
A segment of the PBS Newshour program dealt with the question, "What makes us happy?" on Thursday, June 20.  A video recording of the 9 � minute segment is available at video.
Much of the information for the segment came from Paul Solman's interviews with members of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley.  The Greater Good website at has a wealth of information including blog posts about family life and raising children.
You can click on these buttons at very the top of the website's home page
  • About the Greater Good Science Center
  • News & Events
  • Resources
  • Join & Donate

Below the website's title is another row of buttons to click:

  • Family & Couples
  • Education
  • Work & Career
  • Mind & Body
  • Big Ideas

A third row of buttons yields information on the Center's "Core Themes" listed below.  You can increase each of these qualities in yourself by learning to do so, using the guidance the Center provides.

  • Gratitude
  • Altruism
  • Compassion
  • Empathy
  • Forgiveness
  • Happiness
  • Mindfulness

Below that are displays that change periodically covering a variety of new topics.

Syrian Civil War and Humanitarian Crisis


You can watch a recording of the webcast that took place on Thursday, June 20th, about the crisis in Syria, webcast.

Additional information from Catholic Relief Services, CRS info.

Letter to Secretary of State John Kerry from Bishop Pates and Bishop Kicanas, letter. [If this PDF ink doesn't work, go to PDF1.]

Raise your voice to help Syrian Refugees today! Urge your Members of Congress to work towards a political solution to end the violence in Syria and support vital humanitarian assistance, take action.


PDF Link


Social Justice Committee