September, 2015
In This Issue
Faces of Harmony

Krystle Zapalac
Teacher, Harmony School of Exploration
I love being able to provide students with a fun, first educational experience and to be the one to help give a solid foundation for the rest of their school career. The growth a young kindergartner makes in only 10 months is phenomenal and so rewarding!  "Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body." --Joseph Addison

Ahmed Atik (pictured left)
Alumnus, Class of 2007
B.S. Electrical Engineering
Univ. of Houston Law Grad. 
I attended Harmony back when it was only a single campus, the one located on South Braeswood.  My friend and I  created a new theorem while studying for AP Calculus AB. We basically combined two existing theorems that already worked together but no one had given the combination a name before, so we called it the AAA theorem due to all our last names starting with the letter A. Studying a major that gets you out of bed every morning is the best use of your time in college. I can be a good example for that because, after my undergraduate studies, I started law school at the University of Houston and just graduated this May.
Ice Cream Social

HSA-El Paso organized a fun-filled event with parents, teachers, and students. The first of many ice cream socials was a hit! Here at Harmony, we are dedicated to staying in touch with our students and their families. Engagement activities like the ice cream social are a great way to boost morale. 

It's not easy preparing a building, that just finished construction, for 650 K-5 students from the bottom up. However, the staff and administration at Harmony School of Achievement rallied together to do just that. "I couldn't imagine the kids walking in for the first time and not being proud of their school or excited to go to class" said Principal Knight. #DedicatedStaff, one of our core values, is the backbone to our organization. Thank you all for your tireless work! 
HSA-Houston Re-Opens

HSA-Houston, the first Harmony campus, is directly adjacent to Braes Bayou and sustained major damage in the Memorial Day floods a few months ago. The water rose to about 3 feet high inside the entire school, but our staff was driven to push renovations through the summer to open on time for the 2015-2016 school year.
Welcome Message 
Dear Harmony Public Schools Families, 

We welcome you back to school, and we are excited to start the 2015-2016 school year. This year we have the privilege of continuing to build Harmony, by opening three new schools. The new schools are:
Harmony School of Excellence - San Antonio
Harmony School of Achievement - Houston
Harmony School of Excellence - Dallas/Carrollton

We also open this year with wonderful news from the Texas Education Agency, 100 percent of our districts and 98 percent of our schools were rated 'met standard'. Distinction designations are awarded to campuses based on achievement in several performance indicators relative to a group of 40 campuses of similar type, size, and student demographics. At HPS, 72 percent of all campuses received distinction designations from the TEA in key areas compared to 50.8 percent of the state. And, nine Harmony campuses earned all of the distinctions available. What an accomplishment for the Harmony team, to have received this honor.

Pathways to Success: Harmony Leads 
100% of Harmony districts and 98% of Harmony campuses received "Met Standard" rating for the 2014-2015 academic school year. In addition, 72% of HPS campuses received an additional distinction in at least one additional area (click here for details) compared to only 50.8% of other schools in Texas. 21% or nine HPS campuses earned a distinction designation in all seven categories evaluated for that campus. Only 1.8% of other schools in Texas received the same distinction.
More great news! Harmony Science Academy - Houston has been named one of America's top high schools in Newsweek's 2015 High School Rankings. As over 16,000 schools were considered for the rankings, this is an impressive achievement for HSA. 
In Memory of Mrs. Williams Crespin
It is with a very heavy heart we announce the loss of a member of the Harmony Public Schools family from Dallas. Stephanie Williams Crespin, a Special Education Coordinator at the Harmony School of Business passed away earlier this month. She leaves behind a husband and two sons. She will be greatly missed by her many friends, family and colleagues. We invite you to view the page set up to raise funds for her family during this difficult time.
3 New Additions: HPS Reaches 46 Campuses
With the opening of 3 new campuses, Harmony has now reached a total of 46 campuses in Texas. 2015 Marks 15 years of leadership in the charter school community, and we hope to continue our expansion across the state. The new locations and school names are as follows: Harmony School of Excellence - San Antonio, Harmony School of Achievement - Houston, Harmony School of Excellence - Dallas/Carrollton. 
Cost Effective Spending: Academic Excellence
All Harmony districts have earned a passing grade on their financial accountability ratings, known as FIRST by the Texas Education Agency. What does this mean? Harmony carefully spends, manages, and distributes their finances to ensure your students are receiving the best education possible. The state of Texas recognizes this by giving us this rating. For more information, please visit our website by clicking here. 
$10,000 Fundraiser Brings New Digital Sign
For the past two years Harmony-Brownsville students, parents, teachers and staff have been working hard to fund-raise for a new digital sign. Our dedicated efforts have finally paid off and this year Harmony Brownsville was able to purchase a new digital sign. Parents and students were very excited to see their hard work pay off raising over $10,000. The sign will allow parents, students, teachers and staff to see important daily notifications. 
HSA-Austin Moves to New Building
In 2002, Harmony opened the first of its six Austin locations on Rundberg Lane. Since then, Harmony Science Academy has been teaching students in a remodeled church building. The student waitlist at the Rundberg campus has continued to grow every year, but with budget constraints, HPS was unable to make major structural changes to the building to allow for more students. Last year, HPS received funding to upgrade campuses in need, and Rundberg was finally able to upgrade.  Read more..
#STEMforAll - Summer Projects at Discovery
Summer is the perfect time to reflect on all the great things students have learned the previous school year. At Harmony School of Discovery, students were required to complete a PBL (project based learning) assignment over the summer where they implemented all subjects into their work. The projects highlighted the skills and knowledge needed to create amazing masterpieces. Pictured is a 7th grade project on animal habitats. 
All Harmony Teachers Receive Salary Increases
Harmony Public Schools is happy to announce a $3K - $5K increase in teacher base salaries. The increase will go into effect immediately in an effort to recognize and reward highly effective teachers. "Today is a great day for Harmony Public Schools and our teachers" said Chief Talent Officer Darren Polat.
"Our instructors are among the finest in the teaching profession and they go above and beyond the call of duty every day for our students and their families."
Read more.
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9231 W. Sam Houston Pkwy S. Houston, TX 77099