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Mannkal's Focus



Mannkal was delighted to host several world class academics and statesmen as speakers this month. Rafe Champion (click here for his blog "The Rathouse"), Dr David Hart of the Liberty Fund (click here to visit his website and here for the Liberty Fund) and President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus were welcomed to Perth in July.


This month my regular Mannerisms feature (see below) takes "Another Look At China". 


Ron's Signature


 Ron Manners


 Read All About It!

The Convoy of No Confidence is Heading Towards Canberra

Something beautiful is unfolding. From all over Australia, people whose businesses and jobs are being driven into the ground by spectacular government mismanagement are gathering to drive from the corners of the continent to converge on Canberra to demand an election. For details on the ELEVEN convoys leaving from all over Australia check out Jo Nova's website here. The Perth convoy is likely to leave from Kings Park on August 18th, at 7am but for updates visit the Facebook group here or contact Matt and Janet Thompson (details on Jo's website).


Science, Climate and a Load of Codswallop 

It's too late, but Pierpont has just thought of an infallible way of making money at this year's Diggers and Dealers in Kalgoorlie.  More > >

President Klaus Youtube Videos
Mannkal has put up three short videos from our recent public lunch featuring President Vaclav Klaus.  The videos cover Ideas (click here), Climate (click here) and Politics (click here). Enjoy!

Economic Freedom and Quality of Life
This Youtube clip is a short, informative video on economic freedom and the societal benefits it produces. The video helps explain what economic freedom is and why it's a key to improving society. To watch it Click Here.


Opportunities for Students

Mises Seminar

The Mises Seminar is a national event which aims to educate the public in Austrian-school economics and libertarian theory in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard and Hans-Hermann Hoppe, while celebrating the notable contributions of other Austrian-school economists such as Friedrich A. Hayek and Israel Kirzner. Mannkal will select two students from each WA University to attend this conference. Click here for more information and to apply.


 Another Look At China More � �

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