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Freedom Focus


Here at Mannkal we have had a very busy few weeks, settling in to our new office and finishing up what has been a productive year. Our end of year report, Mannkal Musings, will be available in January for you to see what has been keeping us busy the past 6 months!


The second highlight video from our Sun Rises in West conference is available below, and there are many other clips from the day so be sure to check out Mannkal's youtube page here.


As always please provide us with your feedback or pass this email on to your friends and contacts.

I wish you all the best for the festive season and a happy new year!


Ron's Signature


Ron Manners

The Sun Rises in the West

 Kolm, Chafuen and Davidson

Here is the second YouTube clip from Mannkal's The Sun Rises in the West Conference which took place in Perth, Western Australia in October.  More � �


Read All About It!

 The Rahn Curve and the Growth-Maximising Level of Government

Government spending can promote economic growth if money is used for core "public goods" such as rule of law and property rights. But the burden of government spending in the US and other industrial nations is far higher than needed to finance such activities. More � �


Government Officials to Skip Airport Security 

Isn't the law supposed to be applied equally!?!  More � �

Government Department Blocks Access to Site That Keeps Track of What MPs Say 

A site which makes it easy to track what MPs say in parliament has been blocked by a government department. More � �

Environmental Issues

Boycott the Cancun Climate Circus                  

The Carbon Sense Coalition today called on all Australian governments to boycott the Cancun Climate Change Circus  More � �


Festive Reflections on Entering the New Decade More � �



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