History Matters
 E-News from the Congregational Library & Archives
April, 2015  
March 25
Doshisha middle schooler's antics with the likeness of Niijima and the real Peggy Bendroth


 Soon after a stimulating

History Matters discussion with

John Demos, a group of active middle school students from Kyoto's Doshisha, founded by Congregational pastor Jo Niijima swept through the Library & Archives seeking all connections shared by

 the CL&A and their own history.

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April 15th- Americans take a collective sigh and pay their fair share. But it wasn't always so.
"No taxation without representation" is one of the sentiments that ignited the American Revolution. So where did it come from? While the scholarship here proves to be a little shaky, many have credited Reverend Jonathan Mayhew. Known as a liberal theologian, the Martha's Vineyard native railed against tyranny from the pulpit and in print. And it was his A Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-Resistance to the Higher Powers sermon in 1750 that is credited (some say by John Adams) with hatching the famous call against taxing citizens who have no legislative recourse.  Learn more
New Fellows at the Library & Archives

The New England Regional Fellowship Consortium announced its 2015-2016 fellows and the Congregational Library & Archives will host four enthusiastic scholars this spring and summer. Their topics range widely and our unique collections will help them develop new scholarship and deliver more information from our collections to an ever-widening readership. As research becomes more nuanced, unique collections like ours become more valuable. We welcome these four young scholars and look forward to assisting them in their pursuits. Who are they?


Bonnie Hurd Smith


Judith Sargent Murray 

History Matters Series
Join us at the Library on Tuesday, April 14 at noon for a special presentation by the founder of History Smiths.
Learn the real stories of 18th century intellectual, Universalist and champion of
women's rights
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