VOL 54 / NO 11
The Predicator
November Chapter Meeting
Shades of Green: Green Globes vs. LEED

Tuesday, November 11, 2014
NEW LOCATION: DoubleTree Hotel - Lloyd Center
1000 NE Multnomah, Portland, OR 97232


There is quite a lot of talk out there about green building and sustainable design, and there are a number of different certifications and rating systems to measure it. What do they all mean? How do they affect the design and building process? Come get all your questions answered! In November, we will have a panel of experts on LEED and Green Globes to discuss the similarities and differences between the two rating systems and answer your questions. 



Thomas J. White, MS, PE, CEM, LEED AP, Green Building Initiative 

Richard Manning, AIA, Green Building Services 

Jessica Gracie-Griffin, SERA Architects 

Shem Heiple, PE, LEED AP, GGP, Interface Engineering


Give Joy, Donate a Toy
Alicia Clark, CSI, Board Director, Programs Chair

This year, Portland CSI will be collecting toys and other items for the Randall Childrens Hospital as our annual December community outreach.  Our goal is to collect 500 items by our December Holiday Mixer on 12/9. Please donate and consider helping brighten the day of a sick child. DOWNLOAD FLYER HERE >

President's Message
Cherise Schacter, CSI, CDT, Board President

How fortunate I feel to be part of such a large, busy and vibrant CSI chapter.  Portland is leading the charge by stepping outside the box and exploring new ways to provide value to our members and attract younger professionals to the fold. 


Our places of work are rapidly changing with the retiring exodus of baby boomers and not enough Generation Xers to fill their shoes. This leaves a wide open door for the Generation Y professionals who are savvy enough to step up and learn some of the things that, traditionally, came later in an AEC career. That has changed and these young professionals need to learn what CSI has to offer now. The individuals that do will be primed to step into leadership roles far earlier than we have ever before seen in our industry. READ MORE >

Elephants in the Fall
Ellen Onstad, CSI, CDT, President-Elect


The September Chapter Meeting was Part 2 from our NW Region Conference last May. Andrew Dykeman and Emily Dawson spoke at one of the morning sessions about some of the planning and preparation for the Elephant Habitat Construction at the Oregon Zoo through the previous bond. They did a wonderful presentation including images and process description. But in September, we were able to go behind the fences and see this major project while in construction. We would like extend our appreciation to our generous tour guides:

  • Andrew Dykeman and Lease Crutcher Lewis for putting together the presentation/tour and giving us extra tour guides in case any of us got lost
  • Emily Dawson for giving a wonderful presentation and explanation of some of the design elements 
  • Ashely Mazziotta from CLR Design for attending our presentation and enjoying Portland just a little while longer.
  • Heidi Rahn gave a great description of the various bond projects. As Zoo Bond Program Director, she has first-hand experience of what is going on up there
  • Jim Mitchell, also from the zoo, was also a wealth of information on our tour and demonstrated how all of the zoo humans are doing a great job
  • The Oregon Zoo for allowing us to tour without paying admission

Personally, I am proud of our zoo.  It is a place that has grown and changed as the needs of the animals change, as well as a place that continues to rotate the species of animals around to give the visitor a unique experience each time. 


For those of you who missed the tour and presentation, I would suggest planning a trip to the zoo this winter when they have their zoo lights display. From what Andrew told us, it will be more spectacular than ever. 

Specifier's Share Group
Corey Morris, AIA, CSI, Board Secretary


The SSG has been busy this fall. September's program on galvanizing included technical and anecdotal information from some of the most experienced folks in the industry. October's program focused on trends, product availability and design resources within the lumber supply trades. November's upcoming program on exterior skin and insulation systems still has space available. Join us! 


November 13, 2014 from 12-1 PM

Hennebery Eddy Architects, 921 SW Washington, Portland, OR


Focus on exterior skin and insulation systems.  We will be joined by a real, live general contractor to share their observations from the field, collaborate on what's going well and what needs to be improved when it comes to designing and specifying exterior insulation systems. RSVP HERE >

December Chapter Meeting:
Washington High School Tour & Holiday Mixer
Alicia Clark, AIA, CSI, Board Director, Programs Chair


December 9th, 5:30-8:30 PM

Washington High School

531 SE 14th Avenue, Portland, OR


The holidays are about family and friends, lights, good food and cheer, so CSI Portland will be hosting a holiday mixer at the recently completed Washington High School. Come and mingle with industry colleagues and tour an amazing project.


About Washington High School

Washington High School has been vacant for decades and the Central Eastside neighborhoods have long desired that the school be returned to an active, community-enhancing use. Plans for the revitalization project focused on preserving the building's historical integrity, restoring the exterior fa�ade, and giving new life to the building's interior core. 


Come one, come all

As the holidays are about getting together, CSI will be extending our member rate to other industry organizations. Members of other AEC groups in Portland will be invited, and this will be a great opportunity to mix and mingle with other disciplines. To see a list of our partners, CLICK HERE >


Give a toy

This will also be the culmination of our Toy Drive for The Randalls Children's Hospital, so make sure to bring a toy to spread some cheer and help put a smile on a child's face.  REGISTER HERE >

Save the Dates: Upcoming Chapter Meetings
Alicia Clark, AIA, CSI, Board Director, Programs Chair


January Chapter Meeting - Annual Economic Forecast

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


February Chapter Meeting - Grill the Product Rep

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Advanced Certification Scholarships Now Offered
Kathy Hempel, CSI, CCCA, Board Director, Certification Chair

GOOD NEWS from Certification Committee!  The board has evaluated our scholarship program over the last year and decided to change it up a bit. We feel that the best way to support our chapter is to promote education, so that more of our members can benefit.


The Portland Chapter is now offering scholarships for advanced certifications with much the same qualifications as the CDT scholarship. This will include the Certified Construction Contract Administrator (CCCA); Certified Construction Specifier (CCS) and Certified Construction Product Representative (CCPR).


Advanced certification scholarship criteria includes:

  1. Must be a CSI member in good standing or willing to become a CSI member
  2. Have your CDT certificate and meet the experience criteria for the advanced exams
  3. Make a one-year commitment to a CSI committee of your choice 

Value of the scholarship: $368.00

  • Cost of program Practice Guide and Study Workbook ($88.00)
  • Exam cost reimbursed upon passing ($280.00)

Of course, we are still offering scholarships for the Construction Documents Technologist (CDT) certification, which promotes an understanding of contractual agreements, roles, responsibilities, drawings and specifications, construction delivery systems, and how to develop organized, effective construction documents.


Apply for these scholarships by sending an email to with your name, address, company, discipline and how you would benefit from this opportunity. Scholarship deadline is December 31st 2014Spring 2015 exam registration will open December 1st.


Please contact Kathy Hempel at  or Katie Kniesteadt with questions about getting your study materials, scheduling your exam or putting an advanced certificate study group together.

CSI Lecture Series Continues:
Acoustics in the Office
Jake LaManna, CSI, Education Chair


November 18th, 5:30-7:30 PM

Columbia Square, 111 SW Columbia, Portland

Cost: $10 Members or Non-members, $5 Students

Presenter: Tony Sola, acoustical consultant


Our November lecture in the series will be on acoustics and is available for AIA CEU credits. The following topics will be covered:

  • How to create an acoustically-sound environment which considers the health and safety of the occupants with regards to hearing
  • How to create an environment with regards to fire safety
  • Designing an acoustically-desirable space while considering sustainability and material function
  • Learn about fabric stretch systems with regards to acoustic enhancement, space aesthetics, HSW, and fire testing.


Are you a Kraken?
Cherise Schacter, CSI ,CDT, #CSIKraken


You should be! The CSI Kraken Committee is a group of dedicated, positive, forward thinking members with a "go big or go home" attitude.  The only requirements to call yourself a CSI Kraken is a willingness to adopt this attitude and help take our chapter to the next level. No meetings, no dues - just a willingness to pitch in, think outside the box and help make it happen.  Contact me for more information.

Leaders are Made, not Born 
Cherise Schacter, CSI, CDT, #CSIKraken


One of the things that makes Portland CSI such a large, vibrant and active chapter are the wonderful, long term, quality leaders that bring it month after month. The longevity of our leaders speaks to the quality of the people that make up our organization.  Let's face it; it is all about the people.  Good people don't stick around in boring, stale organizations.


We need you!  We have many ways you can get involved.  From big jobs to small ones, we would love to have your expertise as a contribution to our chapter.  Fresh eyes and new ideas are welcome.  If you would like to get involved in Portland CSI, have a great idea and want to connect with members of all areas of our industry, please e-mail me for more information at

Counting our Blessings
Cherise Schacter, CSI, CDT, #CSIKraken


While there are many who contribute regularly in making Portland CSI one of the most active in the country, each month we like to spotlight  a member or two who are going above and beyond to help us have great events.


This month, it is a big thank you to Jake LaManna and Ali Clark.  Two of our younger professional members, Jake and Ali both have really stepped up to the plate with their involvement in the Portland Chapter and are teaching us all how much value we receive and how much we have to learn from our younger members. 


Ali Clark, Emerick Construction, is currently a Director on our Board, chair of the Programs Committee and a member of our Education Committee. This young woman is a dynamo helping bring fresh and innovative ideas to our chapter.  Not just ideas either; Ali is a true CSI Kraken gets it done, every single time.  Thank you Ali.


Jake LaManna, OH Planning + Design Architecture, is also a Director on our Board and recently stepped up as chair of our Education Committee.  Jake just kicked off our second year of cost effective educational programs with a great mock bid day. The focus for the Education Committee and these events will be building technologies. Jake has a number of great events already in the planning stages for the coming year. Again, another young professional bringing a new outlook and cutting edge ideas to us and another CSI Kraken.


I am thrilled to watch Jake and Ali grow and couldn't be more proud to include them in the Portland ranks. Thank you both. Next time you see one of these individuals, take a moment to thank them for their dedication to the Portland Chapter of CSI. 

Our YouTube Channel Expands

The Portland CSI YouTube Channel has launched, and we are very excited. Portland aims to videotape as many chapter events as possible so we can share some of the great things we are doing. 


Our first two presentations have been uploaded and are ready to view at your leisure. The September Elephant Lands meeting and the October Social Media Networking presentations are available now. Stay tuned for future events, classes and presentations to be added for your viewing pleasure. 



Our national institute also has a YouTube channel that provides a multitude of content including classes and presentations. 


Get Social

CSI Members in Portland, across the country and beyond are sharing information on LinkedIn Discussion Groups, Twitter and blogs that are full of great information. We encourage you to connect with these professionals and expand your network.  We learn something new from them each and every day.


Featured blogs this month:

Solar Love - a story of passion to make change for a better future, Design Matters by The Gaines Group


Throw out the box, The Voices in my Head by Cherise Schacter



New & Renewed Members
Lee Kilbourn, FAIA, Membership Chair

July and August 2014:

  • Paul D. Adelman, CSI; Performance Contracting Inc.; member since 2014 - NEW
  • Bruce C. Brown, CSI, AIA; GBD Architects, Incorporated; member since 1990
  • Artemus L. DeRosia, CSI, AIA; PacTrust; member since 2006
  • Tony R DiVincenzo, CSI, LEED GA; Ideate Inc.; member since 2012
  • Caleb J. Ewing, CSI; Coastal Specified Products; member since 2012
  • Anthony J Fennig, CSI; PKA Architects; member since 1993
  • Angela J. Frye, CSI; PPG Industries; member since 2014 - NEW
  • Joseph C. Gehlen, CSI; Kramer-Gehlen & Associates; member since 1988
  • Aric R. Goe, CSI; Interface Engineering; member since 2013
  • James L. Helton, CSI; Murray, Smith & Associates; member since 2000
  • Craig Jaeger, CSI, CDT; Jaeger& Erwert General Contractors; member since 1986
  • James Raymond LaManna, Jr., CSI-EP, CDT; The Louisa; member since 2013
  • Jim Land, III, CSI, AIA; Spraylock; member since 2014 - NEW
  • Dennet W. Latham, RA, CSI, CCS, RA, LEED AP; CH2M HILL; member since 1980
  • Erik D. Lawrence, CSI, AIA; RDH Building Sciences, Inc.; member since 2013
  • Brian D. Lee, PE, CSI; PACE Engineers; member since 1997
  • Richard McBride, CSI; McBride Architects, P.C.; member since 1996
  • Dennis Milsten, CSI; Westmark Products; member since 1977
  • Jody R. Moore, CSI, CDT; DeaMor Associates, Inc.; member since 1984
  • Justin Norman, CSI; Woodfold Mfg. Inc.; member since 2010
  • Steve O'Hollaren, CSI, LEED GA, USGBC; ICD High Performance Coatings; member since 2009
  • William (Bill) J. Parry, CSI; Glumac; member since 2008
  • William Pelke, CSI, CSC, AIA; Bayer MaterialScience; member since 2004
  • Logan Raivio, CSI-EP; Pacific Architectural Products; member since 2013
  • Joan Annette Schaefer, CSI, CCPR, USGBC; Solatube International, Inc.; member since 1995
  • Heather M. Steele, CSI; Construction Defect Consulting; member since 2014 - NEW
  • Stan Vande Bergh, CSI; Portland Bureau of Water; member since 1993
  • Eric R. Watson, CSI; Miller Consulting Engineers, Inc.; member since 2003
  • Richard Wickizer, CSI, CDT; Wickizer & Associates; member since 2012
  • James B. Wilson, CSI, CCS; SRG Partnership, P.C.; member since 1989

Members may access contact information for these and other members at  For assistance in using the CSI website Member Directory or other membership questions, contact Lee Kilbourn at

News from Your Region Leaders

You may think the monthly CSI chapter meetings or National's CONSTRUCT show are all that CSI can offer in terms of programs and conferences; I am here to tell you differently. Here is a list of the major ones coming up in our region. I hope you can attend.


CSI Academies - April 16-18, 2015 - San Francisco, CA (Registration to open soon) "The CSI Academies are your chance to learn the construction communication and contract skills that improve your performance" Registration to open soon.


Tri Region Conference - May 13-16, 2015 - San Diego CA (Early Bird Registration ends February 14th) If you attended the NW Region Conference in Portland May of 2014, then you know how much fun the Northwest region has when it gets together, This year we have the unique opportunity to join the West and the Southwest Regions in a three day conference "Coming Together to build a Better 2015" Leadership Tracks, AIA/CEU Credits, Specification tracks and product rep tracks are in development now. We hope to have further information toward the end of the year. Put this on your calendar now - this is an event you won't want to miss!


Further down the road is CSI National CONSTRUCT in St Louis Mo on September 30 to October 3rd, 2015. If last year was any indication, this will be a wonderful week of networking, education, sightseeing and laughing along with catching up with old and new friends. For a review of the events of this year may I suggest going on twitter and searching for #CONSTRUCT or #CSINIGHTOUT


Early Planning is underway for the Bi-Region Conference May 18-22nd, 2016. It is planned for Lake Tahoe. If you are interested in helping out please let one of your region leaders know. 

TPO Roofing Free Webinar

November 19th, 2 PM eastern time 

CSI Webreach Sponsored Webinar

TPO Roofing, the Industry Leader and Still Growing

Presented by David French & Randy Ober 


To view upcoming webinars, events and educational opportunities offered by our national institute, CLICK HERE >

Institute and Region Chapters 
Chapter Name
Monthly Meetings
Big Sky
Jan O'Brien
Last Tuesday
Chris Veit
Third Thursday
Cook Inlet
Mark Hughes
Third Tuesday
Karen Morris
Third Tuesday
Mt. Rainier
Bob Kenworthy
First Thursday
Puget Sound
Andrew Estep
Second Thursday
Georgia Spencer
Second Thursday
Willamette Valley
Alorie Mayer
Last Thursday
The Future of Old Town/Chinatown             

November SMPS Oregon Event - The Future of Old Town/Chinatown, November 12th

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Sentinel Grand Ballroom (formerly Governor Hotel)

614 SW 11th Ave, Portland, OR, 97205


Due to its central location between the Pearl District and the Willamette River, Portland's Old Town/Chinatown neighborhood has long been slated for potential development. A recent vote by the City Council has waived fees, estimated around $7 million, to spur market-rate and mixed-use development in the neighborhood. This panel discussion will explore how the vote will affect the district, and how the A/E/C industry can contribute going forward.  Join SMPS Oregon for a lively discussion on the future of the Old Town/Chinatown neighborhood, and what opportunities and challenges lay ahead. REGISTER HERE >



  • Sarah Harpole, Senior Project/Program Coordinator - Portland Development Commission
  • Jill Sherman, Vice President - Gerding Edlen Development
  • Jillian Detweiler, Policy Director of Mayor Charlie Hales - City of Portland
  • Suenn Ho, Principal, Urban Designer - RESOLVE Architecture + Planning
  • Moderator: Suzanne Stevens, Editor - Portland Business Journal
Building Products University           

Firestone is offering a one day mini "Building Products University" in Portland on Tuesday November 18, 2014 with seminars aimed at an architectural audience.


If you are interested the following is included:

  • 5 HSW/AIA approved learning units
  • Continental breakfast
  • Catered lunch
  • One GREAT chance to learn!

Firestone is bringing in some exceptional talent to present the seminars- providing you the opportunity to tap into a ton of expertise that is not typically so easily accessed.  Bring your tough questions and your appetite for some great brain food accompanied by some great eats and great people to share it with!


For more information or to register please contact Russell Harrison at 503.577.9314 or

Oregon Energy Code Changes         

November 19th, 12:00-1:30 PM

World Trade Center

Members $25, Non-members $30, Students $5

Speaker: Mark Heizer, Policy Analyst, Oregon Building Codes Division


Take this opportunity to stay current on a crucial part of the construction process--compliance with the Oregon Energy Code. Mark Heizer will provide an opportunity to learn about the changes and be available for explanations and questions. REGISTER HERE >

Professional Organizations              

Construction Specifications Canada (CSC)

Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)

Specifications Consultants in Independent Practice (SCIP) 

Allied Organizations               

Got an addition to the list?  Send it to



American Institute of Architects - Portland (AIA)

American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) 

Cascadia Region Green Building Council (GBC) 

National Association of Office and Industrial Properties - Oregon (NAIOP) 

Society for Marketing Professional Services - Oregon (SMPS) 

Architectural Foundation of Oregon (AFO)



American Society of Mechanical Engineers - Oregon (ASME)

American Society of Plumbing Engineers - Portland Chapter 

Building Owners and Managers Association International - Oregon (BOMA)  

International Facilities Management Association - Oregon & SW Washington Chapter (IFMA) 

Portland Building Enclosure Council (BEC) 



Associated General Contractors - Oregon-Columbia Chapter  (AGC)

Construction Management Association of America - Oregon (CMAA)

Design-Build Institute of America - Northwest Region (DBIA)

Home Builders Association of Metropolitan Portland (HBA)

Oregon Remodelers Association (ORA)

National Women in Construction - Portland Chapter #54 (NAWIC)

Add a description
In this Issue
Green Globes vs. LEED
Donate a Toy
President's Message
Elephants in the Fall
Specifiers Share Group
December Chapter Meeting
Save the Dates
Advanced Certification Scholarships
CSI Lecture Series
YouTube Channel Expands
Social Media
New & Renewed Members
News from Region Leaders
TPO Roofing Webinar
Region Chapter Contacts
The Future of Old Town/Chinatown
Building Products University
Oregon Energy Code Changes
Professional Organizations
Allied Organizations
Upcoming Events


November 11
November Chapter Meeting
5:30 - 8:30 PM

November 12
SMPS November Event The Future of Old Town/Chinatown

November 13
12-1 PM
Hennebery Eddy Architects

November 18
5:30-7:30 PM
Columbia Square

November 18
Firestone Building Products University

November 19
2:00 PM EST

November 19
12-1:30 PM
World Trade Center


December 1
Spring certification exam registration opens

December 9
5:30 - 8:30 PM

December 31
CDT & Advanced Certification Scholarship deadline


January 13, 2015
January Chapter Meeting Annual Economic Forecast

February 10
February Chapter Meeting Grill the Product Rep

April 16-18, 2015
CSI Academies
San Francisco, CA

May 13-16, 2015
Tri-Region Conference
San Diego, CA

May 18-22
Bi-Region Conference
Lake Tahoe

Golf 2014

Platinum Sponsor

Bronze  Sponsor

Dinner Sponsors

Course Sponsors

Hole Sponsors

Tee Box Sponsors