Community Matters e-News 
Sharing the power of compassion and connection
February/March 2014 

Partnership Grant Report: Your Gift in Action.
Partnership Grant pays for 900 students to participate in STEM education field trips.

Thank you. Your gift made this year's Partnership Grants wildly successful.  10 Grants - 10 terrific stories. Black Rock Solar is one to feel good about. 
Black Rock Solar (BRS) installs solar arrays, at no cost for nonprofit groups, tribes and underserved communities. Since 2007, BRS has installed three megawatts and built over $13 million in solar energy systems through 61 arrays.


Building upon the  good produced by the solar arrays,

BRS applied for and won a Partnership Grant for 12 teaching field trips this year for up to 900 local students. Students visit the arrays and learn first hand how solar energy is working in Nevada and get a crash course on renewable energy, conservation and solar photovoltaic power. BRS partners with Desert Research Institute for the curriculum taught during these trips, meeting the need for quality STEM education. 

Your generosity helped  these students learn the value of renewable energy and about career in science.

You Made A Wise Investment: Partnership Grants.
I wish everyday in school could be like this!

We challenged the Partnership Grant Winners 

to raise a 1:1 match. The Winners took that challenge and ran with it, turning $1 into $5 and earning new supporters and friends along the way.


Black Rock Solar used the matching Partnership Grant as an opportunity to reach out to a new group of fans, asking them to "join up", increase their commitment to the cause and make the most of their gifts by helping make their partnership match. 

Even Whole Foods decided after years of declining, to add Black Rock Solar to their "Nickles to Nonprofits" Program. They got on board for this matching opportunity.

Catherine Leon, Black Rock Solar Education Program Manager says,

We learned that donors need a special reason to give. They are not only looking to support a great cause, they are also looking to establish/grow personal relationships with the people of an organization and its mission. They are looking to make a wise investment that will make a difference.


Thank you for investing in your community through your gift to the Partnership Grant program.


Join Forces for Good. 
Partnership Grants Logo
There is more work to do.
The 2014 Partnership Grant Program is shaping up to make even more impact.

Call Tracy Turner, Chief Philanthropy Officer at
775-333-5499 to learn more about the Partnership Grant Program. 

Ask how your contribution will make a world of difference to a great nonprofit like Black Rock Solar and the community and people it serves.
Inside this Issue
Thank you for believing in Partnership Grants.
You helped make 10 game-changing grants for Nevada.
Quick Links
Who We Are
Linda Smith,
Thomas J. Hall
Vice Chair
Jim Pfrommer
Butch Anderson
Sallie Armstrong
Kathie Bartlett
Rebecca Dickson
Barbara Drake
Matt Gray
Nora James
Brian Kennedy
Diana Kern
Cary Lurie
Jan Rude-Willson
Jennifer Satre
Norma Webster
Advisory Board
Kim Becker
Carina Black
Greg Brower
Steven Brown
Steve Frank
David Geddes
Ray Gonzalez
Klaus Grimm
Gail Humphreys
Craig King
Dong-Joon (DJ) Lee
Lance McKenzie
Teresa Mentzer
Susanne Pennington
Alicia Reban
Beatriz Robinson
Nancy Rodriguez
Beth Schuler
John Solari
Lilli Trinchero
Reggie Valenzuela
Jim Webster
Chris Askin, CSPG
President and CEO
Lyndsey Crossley
Executive Assistant
Dani Lutzow
Program Officer
Maureen Mensing
Accounting Associate
Margaret Stewart
Communications Director
Melissa Tschanz, CPA
Tracy Turner, PhD
Chief Philanthropy Officer
See for Yourself
Enjoy a field trip!
We will arrange a site visit to one of the Partnership grantees if you'd like to delve deeper into the impact made by your gift to the Partnership Grants.
Call Tracy Turner, 

Community Foundation Events

Free Planning Workshop Series to Begin in March     
Registration Required

2nd Community-Wide You'N-I (Youth Network) Convening     
March 12, 5:30 to 8 PM
Boys and Girls Club of Truckee Meadows
RSVP Required - email Lyndsey or call 775-333-5499 
Download the You'N-I 2nd Convening Invitation for more information.

Connecting people who care with causes that matter.                             

1885 South Arlington Avenue
Suite 103
Reno, NV 89509

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