www.ushalonbank.com  1.800.433.1751                                         March 2015 - Vol 2, Issue 40                     
New NFPA 2001 Requires Test/Cert of Recharge Agents
5 Characteristics of Great Leaders
Tyco Completes Acquisition of Industrial Safety Technologies
Photos From FSSA 2015 Annual Forum
UTC Considers Shedding Sikorsky
UTC Looks to Unlock Value from Sikorsky
Why I Am a Climate Change Skeptic
New Safety Initiative at Port Kembla Coal Terminal Developed by Tyco
Pictures From the GAFSED Annual Conference
Roundtable to Review Health, Safety Regulations for Businesses in Massachusetts
Pump Up the Bass to Douse a Blaze - A Clean Agent If There Ever Was One!!
Most Popular Stories from February 2015
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New NFPA 2001 Requires Test/Cert of Recharge Agents

NFPA Standard 2001 Edition 2015, which became effective Jan. 1, 2015, is now available from the NFPA website. Several additions and changes to the Standard have occurred that may impact those involved with clean agent systems.




The first addition to NFPA 2001 2015 edition is in section 4.1.2. This addition makes it clear that clean agent used in systems for initial fill and recharge must meet the quality requirements set forth in NFPA 2001, and each batch of clean agent - both recycled and newly manufactured - must be tested and certified to these quality specifications.


Annex material references the new Recycling Code of Practice developed by HARC. This RCOP has been endorsed by several trade associations including the FSSA. A copy can be downloaded here.


Click here to read the full article.  


5 Characteristics of Great Leaders

Pop Quiz Hotshot - What Is Halon?
Jeff Daniels in "Speed"

1.   A Rock Group

2.   Software  

3.   A Critical Fire Suppression Chemical

Click here to find out!


Tyco Completes Acquisition of Industrial Safety Technologies


Facility Safety Management

PRINCETON, NJ -- Tyco International Ltd., a provider of fire protection and security products, recently completed the acquisition of Industrial Safety Technologies, a Texas-based gas & flame detection products manufacturer.

The strategic purchase will augment Tyco's gas & flame detection capabilities across the globe and generate additional revenues of $140 million, the company said.

Industrial Safety Technologies manufactures products to protect the sanctity of workplaces and save countless lives by avoiding risks related to fire and poisonous gases. The company manufactures industrial grade fixed gas detectors, control systems, pipeline analyzers, and wireless technology products; trace consumables and checkpoint screening products for explosives and narcotics trace detectors; and portable gas detection instruments and enhancements for oil and gas, chemical, and shipping industries.

Click here to read the rest of the article.


Photos From FSSA 2015 Annual Forum

The FSSA 2015 Annual Forum took place February 21-24, 2014 at the Sandpearl Resort in Clearwater Beach, FL. Click here to see more photos.


UTC Considers Shedding Sikorsky
(Photo: MC3 Paul Kelly/US Navy)


By Aaron Mehta

WASHINGTON - United Technologies is considering spinning off its Sikorsky subsidiary after concluding the helicopter manufacturer is no longer a fit for the company.

Greg Hayes, UTC's president and CEO, told an investor conference Thursday that the company is exploring options for divesting Sikorsky, the largest manufacturer of military helicopters in the US.

Sikorsky is "just not quite as attractive as the rest of the businesses," Hayes said, noting the subsidiary's role "as a platform provider, as opposed to a system provider, differentiates Sikorsky from the rest of the portfolio."

Hayes called the decision "not an easy one," but called it "the right one for Sikorsky's customers, for Sikorsky's employees, and for our shareholders."

Click here to read the rest of the article.


UTC Looks to Unlock Value from Sikorsky


By Trefis Team, Contributor

United Technologies has finally announced that it is looking at divesting its Sikorsky helicopter unit. Sikorsky is one of the largest makers of military and commercial helicopters in the world including the Black Hawk and Marine One, which flies the President. However, in recent years, this business has been severely impacted by weak U.S. defense spending and a slowdown in demand for helicopters from the oil and gas sector due to lower crude oil prices. In our view, the recent drop in oil prices, coupled with the anticipation that oil prices could remain weak for the foreseeable future, prompted United Technologies to reevaluate this business. Sikorsky had been counting on higher sales of commercial helicopters from the oil and gas sector; however, as crude oil prices fell, demand for helicopters from the sector dropped.

Click here to read the full article.


Why I Am a Climate Change Skeptic


By Patrick Moore

I am skeptical humans are the main cause of climate change and that it will be catastrophic in the near future. There is no scientific proof of this hypothesis, yet we are told "the debate is over" and "the science is settled."

My skepticism begins with the believers' certainty they can predict the global climate with a computer model. The entire basis for the doomsday climate change scenario is the hypothesis increased atmospheric carbon dioxide due to fossil fuel emissions will heat the Earth to unlivable temperatures.

Click here to continue reading this article.



New Safety Initiative at Port Kembla Coal Terminal Developed by Tyco
Trent Green from Tyco's Wollongong team (pictured) and Tyco's Technical Services team put their heads together and came up with a creative solution to address heavy lifting


By Tyco Services - Fire & Safety

Tyco Services - Fire & Safety devised a new solution for the Port Kembla Coal Terminal in Wollongong, New South Wales to safely lift heavy gas cylinders for the fire safety system.

The Inergen gas cylinders are critical components of the fire safety system installed at Port Kembla, which has a stringent fire safety protocol in place. The fire system consists of 28 fire panels and more than 100 Inergen cylinders located in switch rooms throughout the terminal.

As part of ongoing maintenance, up to nine very heavy cylinders are required to be lifted from the ground level to a height of 20 metres on a regular basis. Each cylinder weighs 121 kilograms.

Committed to delivering superior safety practices in the workplace, Tyco Integrated Fire & Security staff working at the Port Kembla Coal Terminal provided an innovative lifting solution for the cylinders.

Click here to read the rest of the article.


Pictures From the GAFSED Annual Conference

 Click here to see more pictures from the conference.


Roundtable to Review Health, Safety Regulations for Businesses in Massachusetts - Suppression Systems May Be Affected


Wicked Local Harvard

The Environmental Health and Science Roundtable, hosted by the nonprofit Devens Eco-Efficiency Center, will be held from 8 to 9:30 a.m. March 27 and April 24 at 33 Andrews Parkway, Devens. These events will provide opportunities for firms to learn more about the new Massachusetts Fire Safety Code and a get a review of Department of Environmental Protection regulations. Businesses are encouraged to attend to be informed of how these rules apply to operational practices in their facility.

Click here to see the full article. 


Pump Up the Bass to Douse a Blaze - A Clean Agent If There Ever Was One!!
Screenshot from George Mason University YouTube video



Two engineering students at George Mason University have created a potentially revolutionary fire extinguisher that uses sound to fight blazes.

The brainchild of engineering seniors Viet Tran and Seth Robertson, the device uses low frequency sound waves to extinguish fires. Click here to see the students demonstrate the extinguisher in an amazing YouTube video.

According to its makers, the device could be used in a number of settings, from a kitchen stovetop to tackling large infernos. For example, the extinguisher could be attached to a drone for fighting forest and building fires, keeping firefighters out of harm's way.

Tran and Robertson hold a preliminary patent application for their invention.


Most Popular Stories from February 2015  



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