RIP Wescat....
With heavy hearts we announce the passing of a beloved member of our Wesco family, "Wescat," who had been battling illness for some time. Wescat came to us 5 years ago, and we quickly adopted the sweet and loving cat, friendly to everyone she came in contact with. She became Wesco's mascot, presiding over the warehouse. She leaves behind the warehouse guys -- Mark, Joe S, Anthony, Mike and Joe W, the office staff -- John, Dan, Gabby, Joan, and Sue, and the sales team -- Heather, Karen and Shannon, as well as numerous friends she's made while at Wesco. She will be truly missed...RIP Wescat....and may God provide you with an eternal supply of catnip....
Assure your customer an FM200*, FE25*, Novec 1230** Recharge that complies with industry standards!
Recycled, sampled and independently tested Clean Agents always in stock
More experience on more clean agent systems than anyone in the industry!
*FM200 and FE25 are a registered trademark of DuPont
**Novec 1230 is a registered trademark of 3M
Three Firms Sentenced After Man Killed by Rocketing Fire Suppression Cylinder
Corridor after the explosion
Three South East firms have been ordered to pay a total of £685,787.31 in fines and costs for serious safety breaches after a plumber died and six other workers were seriously injured by a barrage of flying gas cylinders.
Adam Johnston, 38, from Sutton, Surrey, was struck by one of 66 heavy cylinders as they rocketed at speeds of up to 170 mph after one toppled over, discharged high-pressure gas, collided with others and set off a frightening chain reaction.
Read the full article here.
UTC Sells Explosion Suppression Business |
July 24, 2003UTC Climate, Controls & Security has completed the sale of its industrial explosion protection businesses to IEP Technologies, a newly formed company established by Sentinel Capital Partners. The deal is effective as of July 19, 2013. The businesses provide systems and services that suppress, isolate and / or vent potential combustible dust or vapor explosions in process industries. UTC Climate, Controls & Security is the leading provider of heating, air conditioning and refrigeration systems, building controls and automation, and fire and security solutions. UTC Climate, Controls & Security is a unit of United Technologies Corp., a leading provider to the aerospace and building systems industries worldwide.
DuPont Responds to Moisture Content Controversy
| Last month, in John Demeter's Air Up There column, we questioned what happens when FM-200 is exposed to elevated levels of water. You can read the original column here.
We were lucky enough to receive an answer to this very question from Mark L. Robin, PhD of DuPont Chemicals & Fluoroproducts:
June 21, 2013
You asked what happens when FM-200 is exposed to elevated levels of water. This has been examined by DuPont. Exposure of FM-200 to 2000 ppm water in a sealed tube for two weeks at 175 C (347 F) results in no chemical reaction. Ditto for FE-25. The experience you describe with recycled clean agents is a clear demonstration of why one of the key criteria for consideration in clean agent selection is chemical reactivity. Take chemical reactivity with water as an example: water is everywhere, and whereas it is easy to say "prevent any contact with water," in practice, and as supported by the sampling study you described, it is challenging to pull off this feat. Complications due to inadvertent contamination with water can obviously be avoided by employing agents that are unreactive towards water, e.g., HFCs or inert gas agents. The HFC clean agents are extremely stable towards hydrolysis and that is one of the major advantages of the HFC clean fire extinguishing agents. No reactivity with water translates to a lack of formation of corrosive acids inside cylinders due to water "contamination", ensuring long-term system reliability and performance. No reactivity with water also translates to a high level of safety in use and during handling - the HFC agents do not form toxic or corrosive acids due to hydrolysis (reaction with water) when inhaled.
Cintas Fire Protection Joins BOMA International as a Leadership Circle Partner |
May 13, 2013 The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International announced the addition of Cintas Fire Protection, a leader in the fire life safety industry, to its Partnership Program. As a BOMA Leadership Circle Partner, Cintas Fire Protection pledges to support BOMA's vital programs in advocacy, education and research. BOMA International's Partnership Program, developed in 2004, allows companies to invest in their own success and viability, as well as that of the building management industry. With three levels of participation-Cornerstone Partner, Leadership Circle Partner and Supporting Partner-the program demonstrates the commitment of leading organizations to support BOMA International with the resources to advance its various initiatives that benefit the entire commercial real estate industry. Click here to read the full article.
Seventh Triennial International Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference | The Seventh Triennial International Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference will be held at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, December 2-5, 2013.The conference is jointly sponsored by the following international aviation authorities: the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA), the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the Civil Aviation Safety Authority of Australia (CASA), the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), and the National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil (ANAC).The conference was established to inform the international aviation community about recent, ongoing, and planned research in transport category airplane fire and cabin safety.
This year's conference theme is "Investment in Research to Enhance Safety in a Changing World" with an opening session featuring presentations from several of the sponsoring aviation authorities.Session topics throughout the next three days will cover the areas of: aircraft fire safety; magnesium use in aircraft, materials safety developments; halon replacement; batteries; cargo fire protection; engine and fuel tank safety; fire research (including fire modeling); cabin safety; operational issues; and crash dynamics.
Conference registration is free and is open to anyone with an interest in aircraft fire and cabin safety research.Past attendees have included aviation safety professionals in the areas of engineering, design, operations, maintenance, and research.Attendance at this year's conference is expected to reach 600-700.Conference registration, hotel reservation details, and travel information for the Philadelphia area are available at http://www.fire.tc.faa.gov/2013Conference/conference.asp.Conference presenter bios and presentation abstracts will be available on this website a few months prior to the conference date.Proceedings from the previous conferences are also available on the website.Please contact April Horner, CMP, Conference Manager, with any questions at april.ctr.horner@faa.gov.
FSSA AnnunciatorJuly 2013Roger Bourgeois Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Roger Bourgeois, President of Bourgeois & Associates, Inc, a Houma based Fire Protection Company was recently awarded the Larry Neibauer Lifetime Achievement Award. The award was presented at the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) meeting in Chicago, by the Automatic Fire Alarm Association (AFAA). Bourgeois is a Past Chairman of the AFAA. He was recognized for 37 years of service to the industry. Bourgeois was previously awarded the Fire Suppression Systems Association (FSSA) Lifetime Achievement Award for his work in the"Suppression" side of Fire Protection. Bourgeois is a Past President of that Organization. Click here to read the press release.
FSSA Training Program
The FSSA Training program is live! If you reserved a spot at the forum invoices were emailed in May. For questions regarding the training program or to reserve your space, please contact Vince Mullhausen at FSSA HQ.
FSSA 2014 Annual Forum - San DiegoSAVE THE DATE! The FSSA 32nd Annual Forum location is confirmed. Mark your calendar for February 22 - 25, 2014. Book your hotel reservations now at the Loews Coronado Bay Resort by calling 1-800-815-6397 and just mention the FSSA Room Block. FSSA has a special group rate of $219/per night. |
UTC Board of Directors Announces Quarterly Dividend |
June 12, 2013
United Technologies Corp.'s (NYSE: UTX) Board of Directors today declared, effective July 5, a dividend of 53.5 cents per common share payable Sept. 10 to shareowners of record at the close of business Aug. 16. The ex-dividend date is Aug. 14.
UTC has paid cash dividends on its common stock every year since 1936.
Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2013/06/12/5491808/utc-board-of-directors-announces.html#storylink=cpy
Tyco Security Products Launches Technology Events, Training Series for 2013 |
Event series will offer, for the first time ever, technology presentations and training on intrusion, video solutions and access control at locations throughout the DACH region
Tyco Security Products, part of Tyco (NYSE: TYC), the world's largest pure-play fire protection and security company, is announcing an inaugural series of in-depth technology presentations and training events for dealers, integrators, monitoring stations and their customers in the DACH region. With 11 events held in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in June and September, the series will offer unique educational opportunities to new customers as well as installers already familiar with the Tyco Security Products portfolio. Click here to read the full article.
Tyco's Kozlowski Should Be Denied New Hearing, Parole Board Says |
June 12, 2013Bloomberg News
Former Tyco International Ltd. (TYC) Chief Executive Officer L. Dennis Kozlowski shouldn't be given a new parole hearing because his crimes were too serious to allow his release from prison yet, parole officials told a court Mark Shawhan, an attorney for the New York Attorney General's Office, today asked a panel of five appellate judges in Manhattan to overturn a ruling granting Kozlowski a new hearing before the state's Board of Parole, saying the former Tyco executive stole more than $100 million from his company.
Click here to read the full article.
It's a Boy! For Century Fire's Joe Konencamp |  Let's give a shout out to our friend and customer, Joe Konencamp, with Century Fire, down in Duluth, GA, whose wife Tiffany (who also works for Century Fire), gave birth to Joseph Hayden Konencamp, on July 5th, weighing in at 5 lbs, 7 oz... mom and baby are doing great! |
A Pictorial Review of the FFEDA 2013 Conference
Here are a few pictures for the FFEDA 2013 Conference. Click here to see more!
Most Popular Stories from June 2013 |
These are the stories in our last issue that got the most clicks. If you haven't already, check them out!
Did You Know? |
According to Industry estimates there is approximately 3.8 million pounds of halon 1301 installed in the current commercial aviation fleet.
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