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Winter 2013                     SOC NEWS               

SOC Newsletter 


Dan Gold, SOC 

Board of Governors

Chris Tufty, President
Steve Fracol, Vice Pres
Dave Frederick, Vice Pres
Mike Scott, Vice Pres
Dan Turrett, Treasurer
Dan Gold, Secretary
Mark August, Sgt.-at-Arms

Board Members

Bonnie Blake
Dan Coplan
Rich Davis
Mitch Dubin
David Emmerichs
Eric Fletcher
Michael Frediani
Buddy Fries
Bob Gorelick
Chris Haarhoff
Alec Jarnagin
Doug Knapp
Kenji Luster
Denis Moran
Georgia Packard
Heather Page

In this issue...
Nominate for the Board
Constitutional Amendments
Arri Breakfast Meeting
Awards Tickets
Video Link To Seminar
Across The Pond - ACO
Plaque for Mole-Richardson
SOC Letters

Upcoming Events

Click For Details

NAB Show
April 6-11
Las Vegas
Burbank, CA 

Cine Gear Expo LA
May 31 - June 2
Paramount Studios Hollywood

 New Members 

SOC Welcomes These New Members


Active Members


Dean Holmes
David Knox
Mario Page
John James Beattie
Harvey Glenn
John Perry
Mark Schmidt
Brian Osmond


Associate Members


Tim Kane
Paul Case
Bryan Fowler
Kim Palmer
Mack Collins

Student Members


Fabian Montes  

Anthony Worley

Jeff-Steven Arevalo Mojica

Christina Wolf 



SOC Gear

Do you need an SOC shirt or other official SOC gear?


SOC Shirt  

Visit the

SOC Online Store 

to purchase genuine  

SOC swag.  

Please Click
The Logos To

Visit Our
Corporate Members

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JL Fisher logo

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Past Issues

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Camera Operator  

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$28 / yr Foreign  

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Welcome to the Winter 2013 issue of the SOC Newsletter.

The 2013 SOC Lifetime Achievement Awards are almost here. Please plan to join us on Saturday March 9th for this wonderful evening of cocktails and hors d'oeuvres, and a star studded night as we celebrate the achievements of our peers and give our charitable support to the Vision Center at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. Please purchase your tickets right away. 

Every two years the SOC must elect a new Board of Governors. The time is now. Nominations are still being accepted but at midnight on March 2nd nominations will be closed. Please see the article below.

The SOC had a very successful General Membership meeting in January at the Motion Picture Country House. Once again it was generously sponsored by our friends at Arriflex. Bill Russell and his staff presented the latest that Arri has to offer to SOC members.

See you at the Awards,    
Dan Gold, SOC Secretary 
Newsletter Editor


Last Call For BOG Nominations
Associate Members May Be Eligible To Serve On The Board Of Governors

Transparent SOC Blue Logo

Make your Nominations Now!

Any Member in good standing may nominate an Active Member 
in good standing by clicking the Active Member nomination link below. 
Active Members may also nominate themselves. 
This year for the first time Associate Members may  
become eligible to be Members of the Board*

Any Member in good standing may nominate an Associate Member
in good standing by clicking the Associate Member nomination link below.
Associate Members may also nominate themselves.
 Nominate an Associate Member

*Associate Members serving as governors is subject subject to approval of constitutional amendments
which will be submitted to the voting members with the Board of Governors election materials.

Board of Governors Nominations Will Be Accepted Until Midnight on March 2nd.


Constitution and Bylaws Revisions
Board of Governors Recommends Amendments

C7BL Cover
Recently the Constitution and Bylaws Committee made recommendations to the Board of Governors regarding changes to the SOC Constitution and Bylaws. These changes fall into two categories.

The first is a series of revisions that would allow Associate Members to serve on The Board of Governors. The Committee Chair, Dan Gold, sent these comments to the Board.

"Sitting in the General Membership meeting today I was struck by the pool of talent that remains untapped because our Constitution says only Active members may be Governors on the Board. There are so many talented, energetic and available Associate Members whose contributions we can't take advantage of. So I'm proposing that we revise the make up of the Board to include Active and Associate Members."

The second category of revisions is a simple change to the Constitution that would give the Board of Governors the power to amend the Bylaws portion of our governing document. The Committee Chair's comments continue,

"The Bylaws contain the nuts and bolts of running the SOC, it's day to day operation. I think our Bylaws are too hard to amend. At present it takes a mail ballot from the general membership to make any changes. The Board needs to be more nimble than this procedure allows. So I'd like to use the model of Local 600's Constitution and Bylaws and give the SOC Board of Governors the power to amend the Bylaws. The Constitution will still be protected by the more stringent requirement that the general membership vote on any amendments to that part of the document."

The specific proposed revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws will be laid out in the Board of Governors Election materials soon to be mailed to all voting members (Active Members in good standing).

The SOC Board of Governors unanimously approved the amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws
and strongly recommends a yes vote from the Active Members.

Constitution and Bylaws Committee

Dan Gold, Chair
Chris Tufty
Brad Greenspan
David Mahlmann
Dan Kneece

General Membership Meeting
Sponsored By Arriflex
In January we had a very successful General Membership Meeting at the Motion Picture Country Home in Woodland Hills, California, sponsored by Arriflex. Bill Russell and his staff presented the Alexa Camera in Broadcast mode with Fiber Remote Option, the three axis Arri WCU-4 Wireless Control Unit and the Arri L7-C LED Fresnel Light. SOC members got a close up look.

(photos by Dan Gold, SOC) 

Arri camera
Andrew Parke (R) with the
Fiber Remote Option Aelxa 
Arri Gaudioz
Tony Gaudioz (R) views the new Arri Wireless Control Unit. 
Brad & Rochelle
Rochelle Brown and Brad Greenspan with SOC Merchandise. 

Arri Turrett & Tolsky
Dave Tolsky (L) and Dan Turrett (R) discuss the Alexa. 
Knapp & Tondeur
Doug Knapp and David Tondeur 

Tufty & Johnson
Former SOC President Randall Robinson (L) and current SOC President Chris Tufty (R) 

Arri Andy
Chris Taylor (L) and Andy Sydney (Center) and the Arri L7-C LED Light 


2013 SOC Lifetime Achievement Awards
Get Your Tickets Now

On Saturday March 9th the SOC will celebrate the 2013 Lifetime Achievement Awards
at the Leonard Goldenson Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Theater in North Hollywood. 

red carpet
The Red Carpet (Photo by Craig T. Mathew/Mathew Imaging)

The Lifetime Achievement Awards celebrate Camera Operators, Camera Technicians,
Still Photographers, and Mobile Camera Platform Operators.

The SOC also salutes influential individuals with a Governors, President's,
Distinguished Service, and Historical Shot award.

This event benefits the Vision Center of Children's Hospital Los Angeles.

The SOC Governors Award will be presented to Penny Marshall  
For ticket purchases and more on the
2013 SOC Lifetime Achievement Awards go to


SOC Seminar
Art and Craft of Camera Operating

SOC Presents
Click SOC Above To Watch The Seminar

A special seminar was created for SOC members and guests in Northern California to discuss the Art & Craft of Camera Operating, relationships with D.P.s, and the trials and tribulations of working in our business.

Panelists: Al Gonzalez, SOC, Hiro Narita, ASC, Michael Frediani, SOC, Tim Bellen, SOC, Doug Stanley, SOC. Moderated by Hugh Litfin, SOC.

Or go to our home page at


ACO - Association of Camera Operators
Across The Pond

ACO Tondeur & Plevin
David Tondeur (R), SOC Membership Chairman meeting
ACO President Chris Plevin UK (L).

David Tondeur, SOC recently met with ACO President Chris Plevin at a wonderful old English pub in Buckinghamshire just north of London to hand over some SOC merchandise and several copies of our magazine in a friendly gesture between the two Societies .This was much appreciated by Chris who wished everyone a great New Year from our English colleagues. We have many UK  based members in the SOC & are recruiting more!

Visit the ACO Website at
Mole Plaque Historical Committee
Mole Richardson Plaque

The SOC Historical Committee has created a commemorative plaque to be placed at the Mole Richardson Company in Hollywood. The unveiling and formal presentation will be announced soon by email. All SOC Members will be invited to attend.

Instrumental in the success of this project are former SOC President Mike Frediani and SOC Historical Committee Chair Georgia Packard.


The SOC Letters Are For All Active Members, Please Use Them!
Especially In Your Screen Credit

SOC gold logo

We'd like to remind all Active members to use the "SOC" letters after your name, especially in your screen credit. Film and Television credits are some of the best ways to get the SOC name out there. When you fill out your start paperwork on a project don't forget those three letters "SOC" where it says "screen credit if granted". If you are a member of Local 600 the right to include this in your credit is actually part of the union contract.

"General Clauses Agreement dated Aug 1, 2009 paragraph 84, page 99 (b) Screen credit may be accorded to such other members of the camera crew as may be mutually agreed to by the Producer and employee. After the Camera Operator's name, the letters SOC shall appear if so requested."

Stealthy Ad Varizoom Releases the Stealthy
SOC Corporate Member

VariZoom: Austin, TX New Product Stealthy photo/video support

VariZoom announces the release of the Stealthy, a patented product with other patents pending. The Stealthy is VariZoom's answer to the demand for a device that can handle the needs of both video and photography applications in the field: Steady motion stabilizer, 3-point shooter, mini monopod, full monopod, & tripod.

The new Stealthy hangs from a belt clip and can be quickly drawn to capture images.  With one simple move the Stealthy transforms into a lap monopod, with another move it becomes a fully functional gimbaled stabilizer for steady walking shots and simulated crane motions. With another quick adjustment it becomes a 3-point shooter allowing rock steady shots with full adjustments to fit nearly any user of DSLR and video cameras from 8 ounces up to several pounds.

The Stealthy device also converts in seconds to a tabletop tripod, and the optional extended monopod goes to 6'. price $599. limited time introductory offer $349. and or


Hagman on Dallas
Left to right, Michael Alba, A camera operator, Larry Hagman, Brown Cooper, B camera operator, Kristopher Hardy, B 1st, Dan Clear, B dolly grip
Last Looks
Finishing Up Season 2
on Dallas

Shooting with Mr. Hagman on his last few episodes was such a pleasure for SOC members Michael Alba and Brown Cooper.

Larry Hagman, a real class act.
September 21, 1931-
November 23, 2012