Illinois Library Association
Vol. 7, Issue:  30| December 4, 2014
Congratulations and Thank You! 
FOIA Reform Passes in Illinois General Assembly
Late yesterday afternoon, the Illinois Senate joined the Illinois House of Representatives in overriding the Governor's veto of House Bill (HB) 3796 --- reforms to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)The vote was 39 to 13.  (Please click here to view the Senate vote or click here to view the House vote.)  Despite all the adverse press reports of late, our coalition of local government advocates prevailed.

HB 3796 included language proposed by ILA to increase transparency by encouraging, but not mandating, Internet posting of documents subject to FOIA requests.  If the information requested was already publicly available on the Internet, a government body can refer the requester to the Internet document rather than having to duplicate and mail the information.

The bill also provided measured relief from voluminous FOIA requests while maintaining the basic principles of access to information.  This is a complex issue and the ability of ILA members and others to present their case effectively was an important element in the bill's passage.
December 2014 ILA Reporter on ILA Website
Please click here to download the entire December 2014 ILA Reporter in PDF format.

Reading Reduces Recidivism:  Getting Books to Prison Libraries
by Diana Brawley Sussman
PDF Download

Phil Klay Comes to Carbondale
by Diana Brawley Sussman
PDF Download

2014 ILA Annual Conference Looking Back . . . Now Free for Public Libraries 
What is - Libraries
What is - Libraries

Launched at the American Library Association Annual Conference last summer, this early learning website is now available free to public libraries. The award-winning site features 3500+ learning activities in a comprehensive curriculum for children aged 2 to 6. Please click here to sign up for your FREE Library Account.  

Soon To Be Famous
Soon to Be Famous Logo Ask your fabulous local authors to bring their self-published fiction books into their local or branch library NOW to be entered into the 2015 Soon to be Famous Illinois Author project. Nominations are due December 15.  Please click here for the streamlined  submission process.
Job Opportunities
Facility Manager
Bartlett Public Library

Visiting Reference Librarian and Visiting Assistant Professor
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Executive Director of Libraries
The Art Institute of Chicago

Technical Services Assistant
Lewis University

Library Director
Ella Johnson Memorial Public Library District

Director, Library Systems and Technical Services
Triton College
In the News 
Library-related stories appearing in local news media are reflected in this section of the ILA E-Newsletter.  The intent is to alert and inform the Illinois library community about issues and events that are considered significant by the general media.  
Ukuleles Come to Highland Park Public Library 
To view this video, please click here.   

South Side Sings to President Obama to Bring It On Home

To view this video, please click below
Budget Cuts Turn the Page on Resources in Lovejoy Library
To read this article, please click here.

City Council Approves Evanston Public Library Property Tax Levy
To read this article, please click here.

If your library has a newspaper story with link, send it to us at [email protected] for possible inclusion in the next ILA E-Newsletter.  Thanks.

Robert P. Doyle
Illinois Library Association
Libraries of Illinois Risk Agency (LIRA) is a group insurance pool for ILA institutional members that offers potential savings for property, casualty, and workers compensation coverage for libraries. Click here to learn more.
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Got A Job?  Advertise on ILA's Jobline 
Check out the latest jobs on Jobline.

As the employment picture improves, competition by employers for the best candidates is increasing.  Since 1981, the Library Jobline of Illinois has been used by hundreds of employers and job-seekers throughout the state, helping match needs and skills in the library community.  It is designed to help you locate qualified staff to fill current positions by announcing your job openings to a wide audience of library and information professionals and support staff. 
  • Individual posts are only $100
  • All posts appear on the ILA website for 30 days
  • New posts are listed within 48 hours of receipt of your listing
  • Job posts are advertised in the ILA E-Newsletter

ILA Calendar Events

December 20, 2014
Deadline for February issue of the ILA Reporter.

Guidelines for Submissions to the ILA Reporter.


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