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A Newsletter Committed to Independent Insurance Agents Success & Engagement 

February 3, 2016
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Feb 11, 2016Personal Lines Complications: Because "Simple" is Just Too Darn Easy
Feb 16, 2016Seven Ways to Get Sued & How to Avoid Them
Feb 17, 2016CyberMaster: Recognizing & Insuring Digital Assets & Electronic Risk
Feb 18, 2016Ethics for Insurance Professionals
Feb 22, 2016CHAOS: Contracts, Holds Harmless, Additional Insureds & Other Stuff
Feb 23, 2016Contractors: Insuring the Liability Exposures
Feb 24, 2016What We Learned: Claim & Coverage Issues from Catastrophes

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"Every day's a crisis," Jeff grumped to his car pool after work. "If it isn't an urgent deadline, then the boss is mad or equipment is on the fritz! I never get to relax, no matter how hard I try!"
From the front seat, Alicia gave a full-throated laugh. "Did you hear yourself? You can't relax because you're trying so hard to relax!"


Selling is something everyone does each and every day. Every conversation is a selling moment and a perfect opportunity to leave an indelible impression with whom you are speaking. That impression you leave can have other people wanting and clamoring to engage you. But wait - there is another selling tool that everyone uses every day. It is used more than conversation and many people do not have an active realization of how critical this tool is to success. Curious as to what it is?


10 Technology Driven Hard Trends Shaping 2016 

It has been widely reported that we should expect more than seven billion people and businesses, and at least 30 billion devices, will be connected to the Internet by 2020, so it should be of no surprise that this tech-driven economy is here to stay. Technology has become everyone's business as we enter the next stage of this digital transformation where even your next toaster or refrigerator will connect to the Internet.


Body Language: How to Read Your Prospect Like a Book! 

Are you aware that your body language gestures reveal your deepest feelings and hidden thoughts to total strangers? The very first sale you must make with each new prospect is to "sell yourself".  If your prospect doesn't like or trust you, he or she will never even remotely consider buying your product or service. Understanding body language gestures will help you build trust and rapport quickly with your prospects and customers... face-to-face or over the phone.