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December 8, 2015
Quote of the Day
For the best seat in the house, you'll have to move the dog.
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The Text Revolution:
Changing Times Call for Changes in your Communication Practices
By Aaron Simon

In today's day and age there are numerous ways you can communicate with people, including your insurance customers. This includes phone calls, letters, text messaging, Facebook Messenger�, Skype�, LinkedIn�, and so on. The use of what was once known as "non-traditional" forms of communication, particularly text messages, has exponentially increased over the past few years. This article will focus on this rise in text messaging, how you can properly use it to increase and improve your business, and the legal implications of texting for insurance agents.


Twenty Years Ago - Employment Practices Liability

I was looking at my calendar the other day and I noticed that it has been twenty years since 1) I retired from the St. Paul (now part of the Travelers Companies) and 2) we became aware that we had better be offering Employment Practices Liability insurance to our clients. Whether they bought the coverage or not, the offer was something that had to be made.


When a Who Is Actually a What: Properly Insuring Residences Owned by a Trust, LLC, or Other Entity*

Especially over the past 2 decades, an increasing number of Americans are transferring personal ownership of residential property to trusts, LLCs, limited liability partnerships (LLPs) and other asset-protection or tax-advantaged entities (hereafter collectively referred to as "entity" or "entities"). While transferring real property to an entity can offer a number of benefits, this strategy can also create significant unintended gaps in insurance coverage for the individuals transferring ownership of the property, the entities, those with a fiduciary duty to protect the interests of the entity, and potentially even the professional advisers who have assisted in the transaction.


Link provided with permission of the publisher, International Risk Management Institute, Inc., Dallas, Texas, from the Expert Commentary section of, copyright International Risk Management Institute, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit for more information.

Succeed in Personal Lines

Commercial lines accounts may command higher premiums, but many independent Trusted Choice agencies are taking a fresh look at personal lines. Even though captive writers and direct writers leverage massive advertising budgets to increase brand visibility, some Trusted Choice agencies are finding other ways to grow their market share.


Humanizing Your Digital Communications

Video conferencing has been around for a long time. The equipment is usually kept in a special room filled with expensive equipment that's always booked by executives because of the high value they derive from using it to enhance their communications and collaborations.