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A Newsletter Committed to Independent Insurance Agents Success & Engagement 

June 3, 2015
Quote of the Day
"Don't think of yourself as an ugly person. Think of yourself as a beautiful monkey!"

-  Anonymous 
Upcoming Classes
CICJun 10-12, 2015Commercial Casualty
Jun 9, 2015Dynamics of Service
Jun 16, 2015Elements of Risk Management
Jun 18, 2015Agency Operations
Jun 23-26, 2015
Practice of Risk Management
Dec 8-11, 2015
Principles of Risk Management
Jun 11, 2015E&O Seminar
Jun 11, 2015BIP(idy) BOP(idy) BOO(ze)
Jun 15, 2015Ethics for Insurance Professionals
Jun 16, 2015CHAOS: Contracts, Hold Harmless, Additional Insureds & Other Stuff
Jun 22, 2015Contractors: Insuring the Liability Exposures
Jun 23, 2015Lawncare to Lipstick: Coverage Concerns for the Self-Employed
Jun 25, 2015Seven Ways to Get Sued & How to Avoid Them
Jun 29, 2015CyberMaster: Recognizing & Insuring Digital Assets & Electronic Risk

Thank You to Our Diamond Partners
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Just for Fun...
Bizarre Warning Labels

Market Share Report
2015 Market Share Report Now Available...

The Market Share report provides introduction, commentary, lines of business share overview, gains and losses, carrier statistics, expense comparisons, ratios and data to help gain a better understanding of the agency marketplace within a two year timeframe.

More Info...

Check Out Our 2015 Convention Video!

Agency Fees
by Christopher D. Stall, Moss & Barnett


In general, no insurance agency can charge fees (in addition to commissions) for any services rendered in connection with the solicitation, negotiation, or servicing of any insurance contract without complying with the requirements of Minn. Stat. � 60K.46. 


More Info...

MIIAB Catastrophe Van and Trusted Choice Chopper

MIIAB members can reserve the Catastrophe Van/Trailer and Trusted Choice Custom Chopper for Agency Events throughout the state.

Click Here to Download Reservation Form

Stop Being Afraid of the AI Future

AI systems are everywhere-on the Internet, in your pocket, in video games, but never have so many important people been so worried about them. 




Are You a Bridge Builder?


Over the years, I have been fortunate to have had many people come into my life and take the time to mentor and guide me along my career path. Mentors, like bridge builders, help people go from where they are to where they want to be. Mentors build their bridges not with concrete and steel girders, but with words of wisdom and encouragement. Mentors don't build bridges for the sake of personal recognition or financial gain, they build because it is in their very nature to encourage, assist, and support others along the path of life.