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A Newsletter Committed to Independent Insurance Agents Success & Engagement 

April 2, 2015
Quote of the Day
"We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."
Upcoming Classes
Apr 8-10, 2015
Commercial Property
CICMay 20-22, 2015Agency Management
Apr 7, 2015Elements of Risk Mgmt
May 6, 2015Commercial Casualty I
May 12, 2015Agency Operations
May 14, 2015William T. Hold - CL
Jun 23-26, 2015
Practice of Risk Management
Dec 8-11, 2015
Principles of Risk Management
Apr 30, 2015
E&O Seminar
May 19, 2015E&O Seminar
Apr 15, 2015Contractors: Insuring the Liability Exposures
Apr 16, 2015Ethics for Insurance Professionals
Apr 17, 2015CyberMaster: Recognizing & Insuring Digital Assets & Electronic Risk
Apr 20, 2015CHAOS: Contracts, Hold Harmless, Additional Insureds & Other Stuff
Apr 21, 2015BIP(idy) BOP(idy) BOO(ze)
Apr 23, 2015Personal Lines Complications: Because Simple is Just Too Darn Easy
Apr 27, 2015Seven Ways to Get Sued & How to Avoid Them
Apr 28, 2015Lawncare to Lipstick: Coverage Concerns for the Self-Employed

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Just for Fun...

Last Poll Results


Would you rather find 10 million dollars or true love?


53%  10 Million Dollars

47%  True Love

What would you do if you had a data breach?
By John Immordino CIC, CRM, RPLU, CIPP/US

According to recent Symantec research, 60% of small businesses will close within six months of a cyber-attack. Are you prepared to handle a breach?


Email Etiquette for Generation Text
By Ben Carpenter

You understand that you'll need to structure your professional emails differently than you would a text or a tweet. But unless you had the good fortune to take an "Email Etiquette 101" course in college, you might be unsure of what, exactly, you should and shouldn't do before clicking "send."


Selling is a Contact Sport: Keys to Effective Phone Calling


Its been said that salespeople who avoid making phone calls have skinny children. Prospecting for new business is critically important and for the majority of salespeople, it is by far the most challenging and stressful aspect of their profession.


Successful salespeople are proactive and recognize the importance of prospecting for new business daily. They don't have to be reminded to ask for referrals or follow-up on a sales lead, they do it automatically. This article is packed full of helpful phone calling tips and techniques which, if put into practice, will fill your appointment calendar with new business opportunities!

MIIAB's Preferred MVR Provider
Sign Up Now!

MIIAB has teamed up with one of the nation's leading MVR providers, American Driving Records. As an MIIAB member using ADR's round-the-clock access to MVRs, you'll be ensured to have immediate access to driving records for all 50 states at any time.  

This program and pricing is exclusive to MIIAB Member Agencies Only!