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A Newsletter Committed to Independent Insurance Agents Success & Engagement 

January 7, 2015
Quote of the Day
"Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.

-  Mark Twain 
Upcoming Classes
Jan 14-16, 2015
Personal Lines
Mar 3-6, 2015
Commercial Casualty
Jan 21, 2015
Commercial Property
Feb 17, 2015Personal Auto
Feb 19, 2015Commercial Casualty II
Jun 23-26, 2015
Practice of Risk Management
Dec 8-11, 2015
Principles of Risk Management
Jan 22, 2015
E&O Seminar
Mar 12, 205
E&O Seminar
Jan 14, 2015
Contractors: Insuring the Property Exposures
Jan 20, 2015
Life Insurance Concepts for the P/C Agents
Jan 21, 2015
 Social Networking: OMG or E&O
Jan 26, 2015
Ethics for Insurance Professionals
Feb 9, 2015National Health Care Reform
Feb 18, 2015BIP(idy) BOP(idy) BOO(ze);Turning 3 Mundane Coverages Into Magic
Feb 19, 2015Contractors; Insuring the Liability Exposures
Feb 19, 2015Seven Ways to Get Sued and How to Avoid Them
Feb 24, 2015Ethics for Insurance Professionals

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Last Poll Results


What agency management software does your office use?


46%  AMS360

25%  Other

17%  TAM

8%  EXLynx

4%  Hawkisoft


Want to Change Your Life?
First, Change Your Day
by Andy Core

As hard as I work every day, shouldn't I have "arrived" by now? It's a question that nags at you as you slog through each day, bound to the tyranny of your to-do list, one eye constantly on the clock. It seems all you do is work, but you have only mediocre results to show for it. Once, you had big goals and the confidence to achieve them, but now all you feel is tired, stressed, and overburdened. It seems the dreams you once had-of leading your department, being the top salesperson, joining the C-suite-have disappeared into the quicksand that has become your daily life. 


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E&O Risk Management Considerations of TRIA's Expiration

The Big 'I' Government Affairs staff recently provided a white paper titled "Implications of the Expiration of TRIA" to provide members with a better understanding of what to expect in the commercial property-casualty market as January 1, 2015 quickly approaches. Dovetailing with the white paper, the Big 'I' Professional Liability Program and Swiss Re Corporate Solutions are providing members with E&O risk management considerations relating to handling TRIA's expiration. The below E&O risk management considerations may assist agencies in reducing E&O exposure while adding value to their customers.


Life is a Gift Old Friend

The way we live our lives is our gift to those who come after us.
Make it a fantastic one.


What's Your Innovation

To succeed at business, you just need to have huge resources and personnel to leverage, right? Wrong. You can never rely on what you've already built; your business is only as strong as its next innovation.

Some companies are organizing themselves to have breakthroughs in innovation while others are failing to do so because of fear, inertia, and an overabundance of caution. There's a fine line between sloth and prudence: understanding that can make the difference between success and failure.

How Insurance Producers are Produced:
10 Facts About Agent/Broker Recruiting & Development

Independent agencies struggle to recruit and develop new producers and identify hiring and developing as the biggest challenge they face.

Reagan Consulting's Producer Recruiting & Development (PR&D) research, released in October 2014, reported numerous insights. The study's baseline survey included hiring activity for 2008-2013 for 562 firms covering 4,641 producers. A supplemental survey gathered responses from 112 firms that hired 1,505 producers.