Chamber Backs Regulatory Openness
U.S. Chamber of Commerce (Kovacs 2/5) "U.S. Chamber of Commerce Senior Vice President of Environment, Technology, & Regulatory Affairs Bill Kovacs today issued the following statement regarding the introduction of the "Sunshine for Regulatory Decrees and Settlements Act:
"Passage of this important legislation would be a welcome step in achieving the kind of meaningful regulatory reform we need in the U.S. And it would do so in several significant ways, the first of which would be by requiring federal agencies to provide sixty days of notice to the public and requiring agencies to take public comments on the secret agreements they enter into with private parties for the issuance of new regulations. This process, known as 'Sue and Settle,' allows agencies and other groups to set regulatory and budget priorities for federal agencies without congressional or public involvement, which is detrimental to achieving open and effective rulemaking.
"The bill also allows for those parties most impacted by a regulation to petition the court to allow intervention in the court proceeding. This may sound like a simple due process right, but unfortunately, it is a right denied by the courts to the regulated community and a right federal agencies oppose in almost every proceeding.
"The bill that Senator Grassley and Representative Collins have introduced today would help end such closed-door decision-making, and the Chamber urges Congress to swiftly pass this legislation and enact reforms to give the public a meaningful voice in the rulemaking process. Without transparency and participation, the rules and regulations we produce are not the kinds of rules and regulations that will encourage investment, facilitate projects that help grow the economy, and create U.S. jobs.
"Regulatory reform is a key component of the Chamber's 2015 American Jobs, Growth, and Opportunity Agenda, a series of policy priorities that will help revitalize the American economy, create jobs, spur growth, and lift incomes."