First United Methodist Church of Midlothian
Youth Newsletter
March 23, 2015
Hey there!

     It's good to be back at it after a great week of serving  and making new friends in Jamaica. I can't wait until CTCYM when we get to do the same thing! Everything is regular schedule this week, but next week we will not be having any Youth activities because of Holy Week and preparing for Easter! Have a  blessed week in what Jesus is calling you to do!

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,  who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Senior High Bible Study!
Senior High Bible Study, Tuesdays at the Church from 4-5pm. We're going through Deuteronomy 29-34 this week!
After School Program this week!
After school program from 3:45- 5:30
Dinner 5:45- 6:30
Worship 6:30- 8:00
Come as you are!
Saturday 28th
1:00- 5;00
Bring your own gun and ammo.
Snacks and popcorn will be provided.
Lunches this week!
I'll be having lunch at Waxahachie Global High this week on Wednesday, March 25th
Easter Schedule
Egg Hunt and Spirit and Truth

Our youth are helping out the children's ministry Easter egg hunt this Sunday.
Afterwards Spirit and Truth will be held at the park.
Lunches next week!
Youth Council meeting on April 12th.
Lunch will be provided.
Jr High Summer Camp!
This summer we're taking our Jr High to camp at Glen Lake! This will be for Youth entering grades 6th-9th. Dates for this week are Mid High Camp #4 July 19-24th. Cost is $375 for the week. Go online to register or talk to Jason for more details!

Confirmation this week!
  Confirmation class this week! We'll have regular class from 12:30-1:45 and then head to the Egg Hunt!  
Our confirmation classes are up and rolling on Sunday mornings from 12:30-2:30pm. Confirmation is a 4 month class that is open to anyone 6th grade and above who wants to know more about the history of our faith and what it means to be a follower of Christ Jesus! Contact Pastor Randy or myself for more details.
CTCYM Registration is open!
The current price is $245 and goes up on April 4th to $260! So register NOW!
CTCYM registration is open to all Youth 8th grade and up. Our summer mission trip will be in Louisiana this year and I'm so ready to go. Adult Volunteers are needed as well! Check out the link in the side bar to register or click right here for more info! What is CTCYM?
A Couple of Things
  • Sr High Bible Study, Deuteronomy 29-34 (3/24)
  • Lunch at Waxahachie Global (3/25)
  • After School Program and Youth Worship (depending on weather) (3/26)
  • NERF WAR! (3/28)
  • CTCYM Registration is open (NOW)
  • Glen Lake Jr High Summer camp registration is open (NOW)
  • Lift up our prayers and needs 

Check us out on Facebook!

 If you'd like to join our Facebook group for more
 info, send me your name,

or check out our
Youth Group Facebook Page
Church Website

Contact Information

First United Methodist Church of MidlothianYouth Ministries

Jason Westbrook
800 S 9th St
Midlothian, Texas


Office: 972-723-3993
In Office Schedule:
M: 9am-2pm            T:12-4pm
T: 12-4pm                F: Out
W: 12-8pm               S: Out
 Sunday: ALL DAY BABY!

If you need to reach me
Cell: 979-571-7031 

Youth Weekly Schedule

  Traditional Service
  Sunday School
       Sr High-Youth Hall
       Jr High-Room 200
  By The Well

  Evening Activities
Guitar Lessons
FLC 5-5:30pm
Spirit and Truth
FLC - 5:30-8pm    

Senior High Bible
Church 4:00-5:00


After School Program
     FLC - 3:45-5:30pm

Youth Worship
     FLC - 6:30-8pm 

Forms and Info


Saturday March 28th NERF WAR!

    If I'm missing something,       please let me know!

  • Pray for Larry Candler
  • Continue prayer for the Claus family. Rick is getting better!
  • Pray for freedom from the sins that hold us back from God! 
  • For opportunities to serve each other and our community 
  • Pray for our church to stand strong for Christ! 

If there are any prayer requests, please let me know and I'll get them in here. 

Need Volunteers To Help Serve!

Check out our new Sign Up Genius page for online volunteer sign ups!
I love and thank you all for the support and care you've given this program. If you have any suggestions or question, as always, please email or call me.