First United Methodist Church of Midlothian
Youth Newsletter
April 21, 2014



What a fantastic week! Easter time is always my favorite celebration because there is so much focus on the resurrection of Christ: the sealing of our faith. If He had never risen, He would've been just another man. But, as Pastor Allyson put it yesterday, when He was raised from the dead He defeated it. He made it possible for us to be raised as well, and to be with Him for all eternity. Everything before Him looked forward to Him and now we look at His life, death and resurrection for our hope. He's coming back one day to establish His kingdom and take what is rightfully His. Until then, we will continue to race toward Him and remind others that His Holy Spirit is with us!  


Philippians 1:6


"being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

Wednesday worship night!
Youth After School Program and Worship this Wednesday night:
3:40-5:30 - After School Program
5:45-6:30 - Dinner
6:30-8 Youth Worship
CTCYM Registration is now OPEN!
CTCYM individual registration is open and accepting applications. Please go to the CTCYM Website
and register under our church for the June, Sr High only trip (June 15-21). All students currently 8th grade - 12th are able to come. Scholarships are available upon request! The price is now up to $260, make sure you get signed up ASAP!!!! 
Sunday Night Activities!

5:30-8pm Spirit and Truth meal and worship 
4:15-5pm Sr High Bible Study: Genesis 43-49 this week
5-5:30pm Guitar lessons
A Couple of Things

  • Wednesday Night Activities (4/23)
  • Sunday Night Activities (4/27)
  • CTCYM Registration is open (NOW)
  • Need host houses for Synago, this summer
  • Lift up our prayers and needs 

Check us out on Facebook!

 If you'd like to join our Facebook group for more
 info, send me your name,

or check out our
Youth Group Facebook Page
Church Website

Contact Information

First United Methodist Church of MidlothianYouth Ministries

Jason Westbrook
800 S 9th St
Midlothian, Texas


Office: 972-723-3993
In Office Schedule:
M: 10am-2pm         T:12-4pm
T: Out                        F: 12-4pm
W:12-8pm                S: Out
 Sunday: ALL DAY BABY!

If you need to reach me
Cell: 979-571-7031 

Youth Weekly Schedule

  Traditional Service
  Sunday School
       Sr High-Youth Hall
       Jr High-Room 200
  By The Well

  Evening Activities
Sr High Bible Study
FLC 4:15-5pm
Guitar Club
FLC 5-5:30pm
Spirit and Truth
FLC - 5:30-8pm    
After School Program
     FLC - 3:45-5:30pm

Youth Worship
     FLC - 6:30-8pm 

Forms and Info


CTCYM Registration is open NOW! 

If I'm missing something, please let me know!

  • Pray for our STAAR testing this week!
  • My older brother is getting married this Saturday, the 26th! Pray for us all!
  • The Youth Group needs a Boys and Girls house for Synago this Summer. Please pray about hosting for us.
  • Let's start praying for CTCYM right now!
  • Pray for our folks in Confirmation class
  • Pray for freedom from the sins that hold us back from God! 
  • For opportunities to serve each other and our community 
  • Pray for our church to stand strong for Christ! 

If there are any prayer requests, please let me know and I'll get them in here. 

Need Volunteers To Help Serve!

Host houses for Synago this summer!

I love an thank you all for the support and care you've given this program. If you have any suggestions or question, as always, please email or call me.