Norwescon 37 (2014)
Guests of Honor
Author: Michael Moorcock
Artist: Robert Gould
Science: Catherine S. Plesko
Costuming: Animal X
Spotlight Publisher: 47North
Guest of Honor Bios
Purchase Your Membership
Guest of Honor Banquet
This year, Norwescon is thrilled once again to hold the Thursday GoH banquet. Join us in Grand Ballroom 2 for a delicious dinner as you get to wine and dine with the Guests of Honor.
Tickets are $50.00 per person and can be purchased through PayPal on the Banquet Page.
Purchase your tickets early and you will be entered into a drawing to sit with one of our Guests of Honor - so act quickly and reserve your place now!
Ali Grieve
Guest of Honor Banquet Coordinator
New Social Media
Norwescon has added accounts on Tumblr and Pinterest to our family of social media sites! Friend us, follow us, share, reblog, repin, and do whatever else you do to help us continue making Norwescon the best it can be every year!
Volunteer Positions Available
Norwescon is a convention run entirely by volunteers, and we need YOU! Current open positions are listed here.
We look forward to seeing you!
Shawna Batty
Personnel Director
100 Andover Park West
Suite 150-165
Tukwila, Washington 98168
Outreach News
Norwescon is proud to be in partnership with the EMP Museum, and we would like to announce some of their upcoming events.
EMP's fourth annual Write Out of This World: Sci-Fi and Fantasy Short Story Contest is open to students in the 3rd to 12th grade. For more information please visit EMP's webpage.
Norwescon is sponsoring and directly participating in the Science Fiction + Fantasy Short Film Festival. This festival features science fiction and fantasy shorts from around the world. It will be held January 11, 2014 at the Cinerama: 2100-4th Avenue, Seattle, WA.
For more information please visit their website.
If you would like to check out all of our community outreach programs please go to our Outreach Page.
Anne McCaffrey Videos
It's 1993, Norwescon 16, and the Special Guest of Honor will not be able to attend the convention due to health reasons. What to do? Before the days of ubiquitous Internet and video conferencing, the only choice typically available was to establish a phone connection, a deeply unsatisfying experience. This was the situation we faced with Anne McCaffrey.
Ms. McCaffrey had been the Guest of Honor at Norwescon 9, just seven years prior. She was so delightful that we were bringing her back as a Special GoH. Unfortunately, health concerns made it impossible for her to make the long journey from her home in Ireland to Seattle.
What we did instead was accept Ms. McCaffrey's gracious invitation to send some committee members to Ireland to visit her and make videos to bring back and show at the convention.
Pat Booze (Oros at the time), Chris McDonnell, and David Valentine made the trek and (with the magic of portable VHS cameras) recorded greetings, interviews, and readings to bring back to Norwescon.
Single Pattern Contest
New Look 6166
Entropy? Elegance? Either (or both) will work with this men's or women's vest. The Single Pattern Contest in a nutshell: we choose a pattern (New Look 6166 this year).
All entrants create their own version of the item, using the pattern as their starting point. Entries may be constructed of any reasonable material, using any technique or embellishments the artist chooses. Bonus for making your vest embrace this year's theme: Entropy and Elegance! Entrants are judged, winners announced, and geeky artistic fun is had by all.
Please see the official rules on the Norwescon website for more information.
Single Pattern Contest Director
Art Show News
We are very excited to bring you the Norwescon 37 Art Show; this is shaping up to be another great year. To see the list of our attending artists and to get all the news, please visit the Art Show Page.
 Don't forget to come back, as we will periodically be updating the page in the months ahead. If you want to participate in the art show, either as an artist or as a volunteer, please contact us; we would love to hear from you. You can find more information at the Art Show registration page, or contact us at artshow@norwescon.org. Doug and Pat Booze Art Show Co-Managers
Lazer Tag
Lazer Tag is gearing up for another fun convention. The Lazer Tag team has read and listened to the feedback from last year, and will be making the following changes:
- This year, we will have games specifically geared for younger players!
- In group games, experienced players and younger players will be teamed up.
- In years past, the lighting in the Lazer Tag Arena has been on full (all lights on) for safety. This year, the lights will be dimmed after the first familiarization game. Other lighting will be used to enhance the game environment. The new lighting will be used as long as the players are playing safely. If the players become unsafe, the full lights will come back on.
We hope to see YOU at a Lazer Tag event!