Norwescon 37 (2014)
Guests of Honor
Michael Moorcock (Writer) * Robert Gould (Artist) * Seanan McGuire (Special) * Animal X (Costuming)
Norwescon 37 Elections
Elections were held for the officers of Norwescon 37 on Saturday May 20th with Sally Woehrle and Ali Grieve on this year's election committee.
Peggy Stewart was elected for a second year as Chair.
William Sadorus was elected as Vice Chiar. Scott Douwes and Michael Hanscom were elected to the Guest of Honor Selection Committee.
Congratulations to our new officers Peggy, William, Michael and Scott. Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's election.
Doug Booze
Norwescon Elections
Norwescon 100 Andover Park W
Suite 150-165 Tukwila, Washington 98168
Norwescon searches for its roots.
From the Norwescon Archives-
We would like to thank you for donations given to us at the booth at Norwescon. (Westwinds & Norwescon 34 T-shirt)
We are still looking for Norwescon t-shirts for the following conventions:NWC 1, 2, 3, 6, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36.(Though we don't remember if we did have t-shirts at any of the first three conventions).
If you have any of the above to donate, or have other items to add to our collection, please contact the Norwescon Historian / Archives via: info@norwescon.org
Norwescon Historian / Archives Department
Single Pattern Contest Awards
Best Workmanship - Tracey Plunkett Best Use of Recycled/Repurposed Materials - Janice Mears Judges' Choice - Tracey Plunkett Fan Favorite - M J Parker
Thank you so much to everyone who entered! Look for the post-con report in September, it will feature photos of the winning entries.
June 28-30th 2013 Seattle Washington
Norwescon is a proud sponsor of the LOCUS Awards which will be held at the Best Western Executive Inn, a few blocks from the Seattle Center. The Locus Awards is considered one of the premier science fiction awards and events in the science fiction community and Seattle is fortunate to be its host city.
For more information on this event schedule and registration information please go to
Thank you to all our members who attended the Special Events at Norwescon 36, from the dances to the games, to the Masquerade!
The Masquerade had 19 fabulous entries this year. Our special thanks goes out to all of our participants and staff.
If you enjoyed the photo opportunity at half time or have suggestions for next year, please let us know! There is now a Facebook page for interested parties to follow the NWC Masquerade throughout the year, and to maintain contact and offer encouragement. This is an "unofficial" Norwescon page, as it will be maintained by persons interested in the Masquerade but not necessarily Norwescon staff members. Please follow it here: Facebook Masquerade
The Fannish Fetish Fashion Show proved to be amazing this year, and provided a huge dose of "fashion" along with the other Fs in the name. We give special kudos to our wonderful Director, Modular Diva, for going over and above the call of duty to coordinate this event. His organizational skills are brilliant and his ability to keep his many duties in order were much appreciated. The entire staff and all of the associated volunteers did a great job making this event memorable.
Dance the night away
We had many dances this year - three in Grand 3, two in Maxi's Bar, and one in the Evergreens. Our DJs all did a great job spinning a multitude of tunes, from classic to modern to fannish, and all of the dances were well-attended with great reviews. We hope to make some changes to the Under 21 dance based on feedback received, so look for that
to become even better in the future!