February 2013
Vol 6, Issue 2

The Dispatch
Monthly News
for Marin Council Leaders
and Friends



As a parent and leader, there are many resources available to you to help you stay informed in order to make sure your Scout has the best program possible. Some of these are:

  • Your unit leaders
  • Marin Council web site 
  • Monthly roundtable meetings
  • This Dispatch newsletter
  • Special email notices
  • Our office staff

Unit and council events will begin to increase as we move into February. Soon, winter will be ending, and Scouts will again be going outside to do many of the great programs offered here in Marin.


In this newsletter, you will find much information about those activities and events. Make sure to use the button on the right to forward to others in your unit. If you would like them added to our email list, forward their contact info to us or have them sign up using the link at the top of our web site.


If something is not listed here, be sure to check our web site and the calendar on that web site. The calendar on the web site is updated as soon as we receive the information.  

In This Issue
Pinewood Derby Workshop
Summer Camp Staff
Council Recognition Dinner
Cub Scout Camping
Leader Awards
Certified Instructor Rifle Course
Winter Lottery
New Improved Unit Tools
Slanes Flat
Cub Leader Training
Can You Help?
Tradin' Post
Join Our Mailing List!

Quick Links
Pinewood Derby Workshop

It's that Pinewood Derby time of year again. Packs are ordering car kits by the case. While some packs host workshops of their own, many cannot. For them, there's hope!

Every year, Chip Patten hosts the Pinewood Derby Workshop at Camp Tamarancho. This year, it is on Saturday, February 9, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This is an opportunity for Cub Scouts and their parents to come up to camp and get all the help they need with their cars.

In addition as an added fun bonus, the Shooting Sports committee is going to open up the BB gun range for any Cub Scout that is attending the workshop. While Cubs wait to work on their cars, they can have fun at the range! Cubs must have the fully-signed release form in order to shoot that day (no exceptions). Form can be downloaded by clicking this link.

No pre-registration needed; just come up to camp. What is the price of admission? A rock the size of a grapefruit that we can use to line trails. Also, make sure to thank Mr. Patten, his helpers, and the Shooting Sports Committee.
Be a Part of Camp Life

Summer camp is proven to be one of the greatest experiences and advancement opportunities in Scouting. Scouts who attend long-term camps are more likely to stay in and enjoy Scouting than those who do not.

Crucial to the difference camps make in the lives of young people is the quality of staff that work to provide program and support. There are opportunities to work at these excellent camps Marin Council offers. During the summer months, there are three Cub Scout day camps at Camp Tamarancho as well as Boy Scout resident camp for six weeks at Camp Marin Sierra. Working at summer camp is one of the most rewarding and fun experiences a youth can have.

However, don't wait; the time to apply is now. While there is no application deadline, the people who apply early have a better chance of being hired as well as securing the job they desire. Already, many applications have arrived in our office. If you or someone you know would like to apply, you can download the applications from our web site: Cub Scout Camp and Boy Scout Camp. Age requirements are listed on the forms.
Marin Council Annual Recognition Dinner

Please don't pass up the opportunity to say Thank You and Well Done to a representative volunteer and youth in your unit. Make sure you and your friends in your unit attend the Marin Council Recognition Dinner.

Every year, outstanding youth and adults in the Marin Council are recognized at this annual dinner. This year, the dinner will be on Monday, March 11. You can find details by clicking this link. Registration online will be open on February 1 or you can download the registration form, and send it in to the office. 
Cub Scout Camping Committee Off and Running

The Cub Scout Camping Committee has kicked off 2013 with planning and preparation for an outstanding year of programs. As with most Scouting programs, Cub Camping is volunteer run, and we'd love as many participants as possible helping craft these lifetime memories for our Scouts and parents. The committee meets regularly at 7 p.m. every second Tuesday of the month. Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 12. We hope to see YOU there!


All meetings are to be held at the Marin Council headquarters unless otherwise noted. For those that cannot attend in person, the conference bridge call-in details are provided below.

  • Conference Dial-in Number: (213) 493-0800
  • Participant Access Code: 319930#

We are also looking for volunteers to fill Camp and Program Director roles for most of our camps. The committee has developed new sets of tools for the 2013 year, so please do not hesitate to volunteer today!


For additional information on ways to get involved, please send an email or call Committee Chair David Pearce at 415-203-6052.


Cub Scout Day Camp Patch Design Contest


Cub Scout Camping Committee is holding a patch design contest for 2013. The Day Camp theme this year is "Into the West." Contest deadline is April 5, 2013. Click here to download entry form.

Adult Unit Leader Awards

Most of you have seen Scouters wearing one, two, or more square knot patches on their uniforms above the left pocket. These reflect Scout awards earned as youth (Eagle, Arrow of Light, Religious Award) or as an adult (Award of Merit, Silver Beaver). Others reflect tenure, training, or performance at various levels in Scouting. It's that last category that this article will strive to demystify. These are awards that most active Scouters should readily qualify for during their time in Scouting! The training awards and keys are designed to recognize unit Scouters for tenure, training, and performance in their leadership roles. Progress record forms with the 2012 requirements for these awards can be found on the national site at www.scouting.org. The various forms can be found on the national BSA site, and a link will be provided to a directory of awards on the succeeding paragraphs.


Click here to read more about the awards.
NRA Certified Instructor Rifle Course

Oh Look, this Course has Changed!!

Marin Council will now offer an NRA Certified Instructor Rifle Course


Due to popular demand, the Basic Rifle Course originally advertised last month has been elevated to Certified Instructor-Rifle. The Marin Council Shooting Sports Committee is extremely excited to offer this course as a Certified Instructor. This is your chance to become a most valuable shooting sports asset to your unit and Marin Council Shooting Sports. The price is extremely reasonable and you will not find a better price.


Read more . . .   

Winter Lottery

Every year, the Marin Council runs a lottery at the June roundtable for the coveted winter camping reservations at our beautiful Camp Marin Sierra. If your unit wishes to participate in this lottery for a chance to get a winter date at Marin Sierra you must have a representative at the June roundtable meeting.


During last year's June roundtable, the attendees established the rules which the council will follow to rank which units get an earlier draw and therefore an earlier choice of available dates.


This is how it works; All units will first be ranked by their 2012 Journey to Excellence (JTE) scores within each of the award levels: gold, silver, and bronze. If there are any equal scores among the group, these will then be ranked by their roundtable attendance. In other words the unit with the higher roundtable attendance will have the first pick within these tied JTE scores. This method of sorting will determine the order of selection for determining winter camp reservation options.


Once you have selected your camping date, your unit needs to confirm and pay for this reservation by the end of the day on June 30, 2013, or the reservation will lapse and be offered to the first unit on the waiting list.

To gain the highest advantage to get a Winter Camping reservation your unit will need to achieve the highest JTE score possible, report the JTE score to the council, and attend as many roundtable meetings as possible. If you are unsure if you have reported your unit's JTE score to the council, you can send your JTE worksheet to the Marin Council Commissioner.

New -- Improved -- Unit Tools

We have been telling you about the new unit tools at myscouting.org for a couple of months now. They have now been improved in this Release 1.1 with the addition of the ability to see your Youth Protection Training status. Of course, you can still update your personal information, such as email, phone, and address. Be sure to log on and verify that all your information is correct.

The Key 3 of each unit (charter rep., committee chair, and unit leader) can update the Youth Protection training record dates, assuming they have the verification from the adults that took YP training. Records still have to be submitted to council as well.

So be sure to check it out today. If you aren't already registered, go to myscouting.org and create a profile. You will need your membership ID number. Units should soon be receiving their new rosters with membership cards. Distribute these to your adults so that they have their numbers.
Marin Council Wilderness

Slanes Flat

Looking for an adventurous camping experience? Look no further than Marin Council's very own private wilderness campsite called Slanes Flat. It is located in the Mendocino National Forest west of Corning, CA and just outside the Yolla Bolly Wilderness. This is a magnificent opportunity to have some fun and to practice, learn, and review a whole range of wilderness camping, hiking and backpacking skills. For information, directions, and access permission, please contact Tim Wells at the Marin Council.

Cub Scout Leader Training Opportunity

Redwood Empire Council is holding Outdoor Webelos Leader (OWL) training and Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) the weekend of March 1-2 in Sonoma. The form is on the Redwood web site, and Peggy Bimbi is the contact (707) 321-7705. 

Can You Help?

Event Needs 


There are many ways you can be involved with the activities of the Marin Council. Having volunteers for these events is critical to their success and even to their existence. Whether it's the Klondike Derby, First Aid Meet, Annual Recognition Dinner, trainings, or other activities, they are all run by dedicated volunteers. 


The Council Pinewood Derby Race at the Marin County Fair is an event loved by Cub Scouts. However, in order to conduct the race, we need several volunteers, a track, and race software. Individuals as well as units can run events. In order to insure that this event will happen, please contact the council office if you would like to help. 


Other Council Needs 


Camp Marin Sierra summer camp started a mountain biking program in 2010. Although it is ideal for Scouts to bring their own bikes to camp, often this is impractical because of the distance and space available for them to transport them. Therefore, we are seeking donations of good used bikes for this program. Our preference is hardtails that are 26" rims, sizes from 13-17 (small to medium-large). Please, no kids bikes. If you have or know of a bike, email Tim Wells or call 415-454-2983. Thank you ahead of time for your help!

If you have a vehicle that you want to dispose of that is in good condition, our council could use some updated cars and trucks. If it's running and in decent condition, call or email our council office to find out if we can use it.

If the vehicle is older, not running, or needs quite a bit of work, consider donating it by clicking this link. We will receive part of the money gained from the sale of the vehicle. 
What's Tradin' at the Tradin' Post

It's Pinewood Derby Time!

Click here to check out the

resources offered in the Tradin' Post

along with all the other cool stuff

and supplies there. Also, here's an

awesome Pinewood Derby site!

Message from the Scout Executive


As you are aware, the Boy Scouts of America is discussing potentially removing the national membership restriction regarding sexual orientation. This would mean there would no longer be any national policy regarding sexual orientation, and the chartered organizations that oversee and deliver Scouting locally would accept membership and select leaders consistent with each organization's mission, principles, or religious beliefs. BSA members and parents would be able to choose a local unit that best meets the needs of their families. The policy change under discussion would allow the religious, civic, or educational organizations that oversee and deliver Scouting to determine how to address this issue. The Boy Scouts would not, under any circumstances, dictate a position to units, members, or parents. Under this proposed policy, the BSA would not require any chartered organization to act in ways inconsistent with that organization's mission, principles, or religious beliefs.


This issue will be voted on next week (February 4-6) by the Boy Scouts of America National Executive Board. Since this issue has generated a great deal of discussion nationwide, the Boy Scouts of America has made available an avenue for individuals to communicate their feelings on this matter: Click here. While any change in policy will be decided by the National Executive Board volunteers, I do encourage you to share your opinion.


Following the outcome of the decision by the National Executive Board, Marin Council volunteers and staff will provide additional information for volunteers, parents, and chartering organizations. Do feel free to contact me directly with any questions or concerns you might have by sending an email.


I would like to add that while this is a very emotional debate which has generated much passion across the country, Marin Scouters have continually demonstrated civility and respect in their approach. You are an example to the youth we serve of the values of courteous, kind, and friendly which are so important in the Scout Law.


Yours in Scouting,


Michael Dybeck
Scout Executive and CEO
Marin Council, Boy Scouts of America