Have you ever looked at your site from a mobile device or a tablet? In this issue we look at web site compatibility across devices, and also about the importance of tracking search engine performance through an SEO audit. Let us know what you think by emailing us at [email protected] or visit the full BQu Services blog to learn more. Ruckshani Randeniya, BQu Services
Web site Compatibility
How to make your web site compatible for multiple devices
Today "responsive websites" automatically changes to fit the device you're reading it on.This has now become widely popular among designers as well as it cuts time in having to redesign for each new platform.
Search Engine Optimization 
How to perform a SEO audit on your site
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) audit helps you to keep your site ranking well in search engines. The main goal of the SEO audit is to identify the challenges and opportunities in a site in terms of ranking high on search engines .
Business Research
Restaurants : Is there a market in Sri Lanka?
Have you noticed lately that everywhere you turn there is a new "Coffee Shop" or franchised network of restaurants? So does Sri Lanka really have a market potential for restaurants?
Business Start-up
Starting a new venture - have you done your research?

researchSri Lanka witnesses hundreds of new business ventures every day, in both product and service industries. While some of them bloom and blossom, others do not succeed and close shop.  


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Business Planning proposals and financial planning support

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surveyLearn more about your market with Online Surveys 
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About BQu Services 

BQu Services is a company specialising in providing customised research, analysis and stakeholder communication and marketing, to assist clients in transmitting their message with more emphasis as well as assisting clients in creating innovative web based services and capabilities to enhance their client or membership services.Learn more about us at www.bquservices.com