The Needle Emporium
Camp 2014

Happy New Year. I hope that everyone had a great holiday season. 

I've been promising the brochure for Camp for some time and it's finally done. You can download it here... We're excited about the classes that are being offered for 2014. And guess what. I'm going to teach a few classes this year.

I hope to have it on the website in the next few weeks.

You can mail in the registration form or email me your class choices and call with your credit card. 1-800-667-9167.
Sally Melville

We are excited that Sally will be with us again in 2014. 

Sally has been part of the knitting scene in Southern Ontario for many years. She is one of the founding members of the Kitchener-Waterloo Knitters Guild. Sally teaches all over North America (including at Camp) as well as being a pattern designer. Her series of books The Knitting Experience (the knit stitch, the purl stitch, colour) are some of the best knitting books on the market. It's hard to write just a few things about Sally-I could go on and on. Take a look at her website to see more about her and the books that she writes...

Kate Atherley

Kate has been teaching in the store for the past year and I'm happy that she will be joining us at Camp.

Kate is a bit newer to the knitting scene. She came from the tech industry which has come in handy for her knitting life. Kate has taught in the store many times. Every time a class is finished the students are raving about how great she was and when is she coming back. You can read more about Kate on her website...

Please contact me if you have any questions.
The Needle Emporium  