Saxon Alumni News!
September 19, 2014
Vol. 1

Welcome to the Loara Saxons Alumni Association e-newsletter! 
Message from the President

Dear Fellow Saxons,


The Loara Saxons Alumni Association, Inc. is now 2 years old! It has been a learning process for us all.


Looking forward we have much we would like to accomplish. Our mission is to save and preserve Loara's rich history and traditions, and to support scholarships, arts and athletics thereby advancing the spirit, pride and tradition of Loara's student body.


To do this we need your help. We need more members. We have had 49 graduating classes which translates into about 24,000 alumni. As you might expect the early class years have the most representation in our membership. We need more participation from ALL class years. Please contact your fellow classmates and have them join us. It is only $20.00 per year.


I am sometimes asked, "What do I get by joining the Alumni Association." Personally you get nothing other than knowing you are helping your Alma Mater. We are a charitable organization; we give back to Loara and her students. But we can't do that without your help.


We are revamping our web site,, and we now have a page for our Saxons Traditions Store! On this page you can purchase alumni T-Shirts, Fleece Jackets, a Stadium Blanket and yearbooks from 2003 through 2012. There is also two donation "buttons" on this page. One is to donate to the time capsule burial fund. The other is just for a donation to the Association. Sometime soon we also hope to start a scholarship fund. There will be a "button" for that when we are ready.


I want to thank the previous board of directors for giving me a foundation to work with and I look forward to working with my fellow alumni board members, the principal and staff at Loara and the Anaheim Union High School District to move our fledgling Association forward.



John D. Marshall

Class of 1969



Back to School Activities
It is hard to believe that the school year has already started.  Parents will soon be attending Back to School Night on Wednesday, September 17, 2014.  Parents learn all about their students classes, meet teachers and admin staff, and enjoy our alma mater. 

Thursday, September 18th is a football game against Katella High School at Glover Stadium.  Game begins at 7pm!

On Friday, September 19th, from 7pm - 10pm students are welcomed back with the Back to School dance in the gym.  Students with ASB cards are fee. Those without the ASB card are $5.  That ASB card is a great way to save money.  Students are encouraged to get into the spirit and wear red and gold.

A Message from Principal Briquelet

Greetings Saxons!


I hope this letter finds you happy and in excellent health. It is hard to believe that I have been back at Loara for nearly two years already-the time is definitely flying! Before we know it, graduation will be upon us and we will be at Glover Stadium saying farewell to nearly 600 seniors.

There has been a great deal going on at Loara High over the past few years, so I thought you might like to know what we are working on as a staff:  

  • We are collaborating within Professional Learning Communities to refine instructional practices and find ways to infuse our classrooms with appropriate rigor, greater relevance, and positive relationships. This is most evident in our implementation of the Common Core Standards and our renewed efforts to help students become college and career ready.
  • We are studying and implementing research-based instructional strategies.
  • We are using relevant data to drive instruction, develop interventions, and allocate vital resources.
  • We are implementing Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) as a framework for providing students with a safe, orderly and welcoming school.
  • We are improving communication between all stakeholders and working to encourage parent involvement in the education process.
  • We are striving to both teach and model our PBIS motto "R.I.S.E." in every endeavor, whether academic, co-curricular, or extra-curricular. R.I.S.E. is an acronym for respect, integrity, scholarship, and excellence.

I must also mention that our school is incredibly fortunate to be working with the Loara High School Alumni Association. These Saxons from years past have come together with a vision for supporting our school community, and they already have a variety of projects in mind. In fact, they are presently helping us take a very deserving group of students on a fieldtrip to the Long Beach Aquarium in May. We are truly appreciative of our alumni's efforts, and I have no doubt we will achieve great things together on behalf of Loara High School in years to come.


In closing, I want you to know that it is both an honor and a privilege to work in these hallowed halls with such incredible students and staff. Although I did not have the good fortune to attend Loara High School as a student, I am tremendously proud to be the Saxon's principal, and I hope you are equally proud to be part of Loara's tradition of excellence. Remember, once a Saxon, always a Saxon!


Warmest regards,


John Briquelet
Loara High School



Giving Back to Faculty and Staff!
On Thursday, August 21st, John Turanitza (Class of 1965) and Anna Kunkle (Class of 1992) served Root Beer floats to the faculty and staff at Loara High School.  They ended their pre-week with a BBQ by the pool and the sweet treat was a perfect compliment to event. 

Thank you faculty and staff for all you do!  Go Saxons!
Dates to Know
September 27
Reunion - Class of 1979

October 11
Monthly Alumni  Breakfast @ Marie Calendar's @ 9am
Click here for directions to Marie Calendar's from Loara High School

October 17
Homecoming Football Game @ Glover Stadium @ 7pm
Click here for directions to Glover Stadium from Loara High School
In This Issue

Active Military                     $5

Member                             $20

Member and Spouse         $30

Name Plaque on Locker  $100

Lifetime Membership       $500


Click here for the online application!   


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