New Mechanical Engineering Research Complex Completed
The new 62,880-square-foot mechanical engineering research complex is now officially open. This $46 million project, a three-story addition to the existing GG Brown Memorial Laboratories building, will enable transformative and highly interdisciplinary research.

Click here to read more.

Greetings from Chair Kon-Well Wang

It is my great pleasure to present this e-newsletter from the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Michigan. These are pivotal times for our department and we wanted an outlet to share ME news with our friends and alums. We recently completed our new state-of-the-art research complex and have started a major renovation of the existing GG Brown Building. We continue to hold our rank as one of the nation's top mechanical engineering programs with world-renowned faculty members playing leadership roles and garnering recognition at both the national and international levels. Our students are receiving a world-class education while engaging in cutting-edge research and a wide range of extracurricular activities.

We're looking forward to another exciting year in 2014-2015!

Kon-Well Wang
Tim Manganello/BorgWarner Department Chair and
Stephen P. Timoshenko Collegiate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Michigan

Five ME Faculty Receive NSF CAREER Awards

Assistant professors Kira Barton, Eric Johnsen, Chinedum Okwudire, Gabor Orosz, and Don Siegel have been honored with the NSF (National Science Foundation) CAREER Awards in Academic year 2013-2014.

Read more about the honor here.

ME Faculty Playing Key Roles in National Manufacturing Institutes

UofM ME faculty are playing key roles in two new national manufacturing innovation institutes announced by President Obama in early 2014.

Read the full story here
U-M Creates Mobility Transformation Center (MTC)

A new collaborative, public-private research and development partnership among industry, government and the University of Michigan has made for the creation of the new U-M Mobility Transformation Center (MTC).

ME Professor Huei Peng serves as the Center's associate director.

To read the full story, click here.
$50 Million GG Brown Renovation Underway

Tremendous growth in the ME department has led to a major, $50 million interior renovation of the existing GG Brown Memorial Laboratories building.

To read more, click here.

ME Faculty Garner Media Attention

ME faculty are often featured in various media outlets for their expertise and research.

Sridhar Kota, Margaret Wooldridge, Anna Stefanopoulou, Noel Perkins and Gabor Orosz are a few who were most recently highlighted.

Check out their articles:

Kota (Scientific American), Wooldridge (NPR), Stefanopoulou (The New York Times), Perkins (Sports Illustrated) and Orosz (BBC).
ME Welcomes Two New Faculty

The ME department welcomes Jeff Sakamoto and Ramanarayan Vasudevan who will be joining the faculty as associate professor and assistant professor, respectively.

To read more, click here.
ME Launches New Research, Innovation, Service and Entrepreneurship (RISE) Program
Designed to elevate the overall educational experience for undergraduate students, RISE empowers students, early in their academic career, to work alongside internationally-renowned faculty in state-of-the-art facilities on real-world projects that impact our society and future.

To read more about the new RISE program, click here.
ME Faculty/Students Lead National Conferences

ME faculty and students played integral roles in organizing three separate conferences this past summer, MSEC/NAMRC/ICM&P 2014, the Society of Experimental Mechanics (SEM) Midwest Graduate Symposium on Experiment Mechanics and the American Control Conference.

Click the links below to read more:

U-M Solar Car Defends National Title

After a series of setbacks including a motor problem that sidelined their vehicle in the first 10 minutes of an eight-day race, the U-M's national champion Solar Car Team won the American Solar Challenge in July.

Read the full story here.

Connect With Us On LinkedIn
ME now has an "official" LinkedIn group and we'd love for you to join! With over 1,600 members already, we're hoping this will be a great outlet for communication amongst our alumni community. Reconnect with old classmates, engage in interesting conversations and find out about job opportunities!

Take a moment to join by clicking here and logging into your LinkedIn account.