Wisdom and the Future
The Center for Future Consciousness &
The Wisdom Page

In This Issue
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This Month's Highlights
May, 2016

What's in a Name?  
The "newsletter" becomes a "journal"

Although I have referred to Wisdom and the Future as a "newsletter" since its beginning, it recently dawned on me that it is more than a newsletter and much more like an online journal with articles and essays, highlighted websites, online courses, book reviews, informative videos and interviews, and other educational items.  Hence, from now on I am going to refer to it as the online journal for The Center for Future Consciousness and The Wisdom Page
. As in the past, article, essay, and other submissions to the journal are welcome.
In synchronicity, as a commemorative marker for this evolution in self-conscious identity, this last month
Wisdom and the Future was given the "All Star Award" from Constant Contact for excellence, a honor only given to the top 10% of Constant Contact customers. 
*  *  *  *  *

Included in this month's issue of Wisdom and the Future
  • Editorial: Preparing for a World that Doesnʼt Exist - Yet: Framing a Second Enlightenment to Create Communities of the Future by Rick Smyre and Neil Richardson - Review by Tom Lombardo and Book Excerpt
  • "What Matters: Health, Fitness, and Wellness" - Leland Beaumont 
  • "The Psychology of Future Consciousness" New Article and Book Announcement - Tom Lombardo
  • "Capitalism and Democracy: Irreconcilable in Principle" by Don Sanborn with Autobiography of a Philosophical Activist
  • New Online Courses: Living Wisely and Envisioning Our Future - Leland Beaumont
  • Raise Your Energies - Edward Tropes - Book Excerpt
  • "Cosmism" Video on Federov, Tsiolkovski, Gagarin, and Others
  • Age of Reflection Interview with Tom Lombardo
  • "Wisdom as Quality of Choices" - Douglas McKee
  • "Toward Wisdom" A Sonnet - Alan Nordstrom
  • New Wisdom Videos: "Defining Wisdom," "Measuring Wisdom," and "Developing Wisdom" - Charles Cassidy
  • New Wisdom Website in Finland: Sophia & Phronesis - Eava Kallio
  • The Convolution of Knomo Choicius: Wisdom Stories in Sci-Fi Garb - Website and Blog
  • International Conference on Critical Thinking
  • Stephen Awoyemi Blog
  • Victor Vahidi Motti - New Article and Presentation 
  • Creating a Book Reading List on Wisdom - Leland Beaumont
  • Thoughts, Videos, and Books on Consciousness
  • Recommended Website: The Conversation "Why the Internet isn't Making Us Smarter and How to Fight Back" and "Is the American Dream Dead?"
  • World Future Society Conference
  • Nature Outlook on Cognitive Health 
  • Archive Pages for Center for Future Consciousness and The Wisdom Page 

Preparing for a World that Doesnʼt Exist - Yet: 
by Rick Smyre and Neil Richardson 
Review by Tom Lombardo and Book Excerpt


Rick Smyre is an ebullient soul, radiating a powerful and animated personal presence. We are futurist colleagues, having known each other for almost twenty years. Recently, he asked me if I would look at his new book and write something--an endorsement or review perhaps--on the book. As I wrote the review, it seemed to me an ideal piece for this month's editorial, bringing together such themes as enlightenment, practical and social wisdom, the future, and leadership within a world of change. Here's the review.  I've also included, with the permission of the publisher, some short excerpts from the book.  


"Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are." Bertolt Brecht

In thinking about change, whether about nature at large or change within the human condition, we can envision that change involves moving from one state to a new and different state, from A to B. And within such a step wise vision, if we focus on human change, we can ask at a practical level: How do we best move from where we are to where we want to be? That is, how do we effectively and purposefully facilitate moving from A to B? But within such a model of change, the place we are heading toward (B) is just some new stable state, even if, in some sense, it is seen as better.

But what if, instead of such a model of human change, we were to think that in moving away from A, what we wanted to realize were not some other, even if better, stable state; what if what we aspired to were the capacity for continuous change. That is, our goal would not be to just inhabit some new, albeit more comfortable place, but rather to move into a mode of unending "becoming" and perpetual progress forward: in short, transform ourselves into beings of efficacious change.

This is the challenge that now confronts us. How do we transform ourselves and our approach to life such that we become capable of living within and indeed facilitating ongoing progressive change as the new normal state of human reality? Given our assessment of contemporary times, it is arguably only within such a dynamic and transformative mode of existence (within our thinking and behavior) that we will be able to flourish in the future. Our future is flow; there will be no sitting still; as soon as we sit still, at any point in time (no matter how good our spot is), we will find ourselves floundering, maladaptive, and out of resonance with the reality around us.

This view of human reality, change, and our preferable future is the essence of Rick Smyreʼs and Neil Richardsonʼs new book Preparing for a World That Doesn't Exist - Yet. Rick Smyre is the President of the Center for Communities of the Future. (See the COTF website for an overview of members, history, and ongoing projects, as well as a glossary of key concepts and a selection of articles and presentations.) Neil Richardson, a long-term and active contributor to COTF, is Director of Advancement, Partnerships and Continuing Education at the University of the District of Columbia and founder of Walt Whitman Integral.

*  *  *  *  *

The purpose of this review and commentary involves three connected goals:

*    To describe the main themes and evaluate the content and arguments of Smyreʼs and Richardsonʼs new book;
*    To compare and connect the approach in their book with some of the main ideas in my forthcoming book The Psychology of the Future;
*    To compare and connect the approach in Preparing for a World that Doesnʼt Exist with some of the main themes and general philosophy of the website: The Wisdom Page.

Read the Entire Review

Preview the Book (Forward and Prologue)

"What Matters"
Health, Fitness, and Wellness 
Leland Beaumont


"What Matters" Series

"Wise people seek a life well lived. The recent series on the virtue of the month provides moral guidance, but we must also focus our efforts on what matters most. While the virtues guide us in doing things right, focusing on what matters guides us in doing the right things. Therefore, we have begun a monthly exploration of What Matters.

Each month explore one topic that suggests how you should spend your time to attain fulfillment and live a meaningful life. What is most significant to you, your family, your community, nation and the world? How does what matters most change as your needs are met, as you gain experience, and as you grow and mature? Series topics will address surviving, thriving, recreation, success, significance, transcendence, and avoiding distractions and dead ends."

*  *  *  *  * 

Health, Fitness, and Wellness  


This month we study health, fitness, and wellness.  These matter because they are essential to our physical, mental, and social well-being. Health and fitness enable us to live, work, and play at peak levels. Overcome illness, sustain good health, and maintain fitness throughout your life.
Leland Beaumont

"The Psychology of Future Consciousness" New Article and Book Announcement 
Tom Lombardo


"Lombardo has written a masterpiece, a must-read book, not only for futurists, psychologists, social scientists, scholars, and academics of every type showing them how to improve their thinking about future consciousness, but also for ordinary people to improve the quality of their future daily lives... It is a powerful and convincing statement. Lombardo's book is one of the most creative I have read."

Wendell Bell
Emeritus Professor of Sociology
and Fellow, Koerner Center, Yale University

"Tom Lombardo is probably the single most impressive thinker, philosopher and author I have met in recent times. His unique perspective about wisdom and future consciousness, his eye for what matters in life and his depth of knowledge and experience make this book a must-have for those concerned about the collective future evolution of human society".
Kiko Suarez, Vice President, Lumina Foundation

The journey toward publication of my new book is accelerating with increasing energy and momentum. The title has transformed into The Psychology of Future Consciousness, or perhaps, as another possibility,  
Future Consciousness: The Path toward Purposeful Evolution. The book is going out to readers, with a host of very positive endorsements already coming back. I've included some here. And I have found a very interested and enthusiastic publisher, Changemakers Books, the managing publisher Tim Ward stating that he is "thrilled at the prospect of publishing it" and describing it as "like eating a dense chocolate cake - delicious with every bite."

Although I published an earlier version of this article in
Wisdom and the Future, included below is the final polished version of my article The Psychology of Future Consciousness: Flourishing in the Flow of Evolution, which serves as a good introduction to the forthcoming book.

Read the article: The Psychology of Future Consciousness

If any readers are interested in doing an advanced endorsement or review of the book, email me.

Two other early endorsements of the book:

"Building on work he has developed over many years, Tom Lombardo has...created a guide to the pursuit of a good future that is applicable to the individual and to society alike. Lombardo bridges the academic and the applied, the theoretical and the practical, offering a tool for self-actualization that is logically developed and clearly expressed.

By understanding the principles Lombardo describes, including the synergistic roles of future consciousness, well-being, virtue, wisdom, and evolutionary flow, we can come to terms with evolution beyond ourselves and within the context of ongoing change."

Cynthia Wagner
Former Editor of The Futurist, Consulting Editor, AAI Foresight, and Editor of Foresight Signals

"Tom LOMBARDO's worldview is like a multiverse: vast, in depth, multidimensional. Each new book from this world renowned futurist is a new stellar light enlightening the understanding of what it means to be human: be conscious, imagine new worlds, build our collective future. Thanks Tom for this vital breathing!"

Fabienne Goux-Baudiment
Former President of the World Futures Studies Federation
CEO of proGective, Research Centre for Futures Studies
Associate Professor at ISTIA, University of Angers
Founding member of the French Society for Foresight 

"Capitalism and Democracy: Irreconcilable in Principle"
by Don Sanborn with Autobiography of a Philosophical Activist


"At the most basic level of institutional principle, democracy and capitalism are fundamentally opposed. The irreconcilable opposition is between systems run on freedom and systems run on power.  Restoration of our sabotaged democratic process therefore requires radical political and economic change, far beyond the scope of any Constitutional amendment, helpful as it may be."

I would describe Don Sanborn as a philosophical activist, as someone who has informed, guided, and inspired his life through his love and understanding of philosophy. As I mentioned in an earlier edition of Wisdom and the Future, he is also a lover of science fiction. In an email dialogue with Stephen Awoyemi, a Wisdom Page
advisory board member, Don wove together an autobiography as a way of introducing himself to Stephen. With some editing and further expansion, here is Don's autobiography, which serves as an illuminating accompaniment to his article. I believe that we could describe Don as having attempted to live a "wisdom narrative" in the journey of his life.

New Online Courses: Living Wisely and Envisioning Our Future 
Leland Beaumont

Lee Beaumont, who does the "What Matters" series for the journal, and regularly contributes new book reviews as well, is a philosophical-educational dynamo, creating a steady stream of new Wikiversity courses. (See our last issue for a couple of other recently developed courses.) In this month's issue, included below, are two new courses in evolution, emerging out of Lee's creative and productive mind.


Living Wisely
Building upon the Wisdom reading list, I began developing a new course on Living Wisely. The course establishes context for each book in the reading list, supplements each with related on-line course materials, and includes assignments to help students integrate the learning into their daily lives.
Two key concepts form the overall structure of the course. First is the understanding that wisdom is a journey that begins with personal responsibility. This is the first stage of growth and forms the base of the pyramid. An intriguing definition of wisdom "seeing beyond illusion" inspires the second key concept. If we can think clearly enough to recognize nonsense and dismiss it, if we can explore our world and know what is real, if we can imagine the possibilities of what can be, and if we attain the guidance to choose what ought to be we have begun to lift the veil than has occluded our view of the world. This newly found clarity prepares us to do good and be good.

The recent video Defining Wisdom explores several definitions of wisdom we can use to assess the course structure. The course addresses many of the identified wisdom components and can be strengthened to cover these more completely.

Completing development of this course will require substantial additional work. I welcome participation of the Wisdom community in several ways. Students who begin studying the course can provide valuable feedback.

Comments on the overall structure of the course-identifying what is missing, what is superfluous, what can be made clearer, and what can be better structured-are valuable. Help in identifying better books for each topic, suggesting source materials for courses to be developed, and perhaps assisting in developing or improving the many individual courses that comprise this overall course is greatly appreciated.

I hope as this course develops it helps many people live wisely.

Leland Beaumont

View the Course


Envisioning Our Future

"How would you like to world to be 50, 100, or even 1,000 years from now? Where would you like to see humanity headed? What could be possible if we harness our best aspirations, intentions, and capabilities? In what direction are you heading? What is your vision of the future? How can you help make that future a reality?

Lewis Carroll told us that "If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there." Don't wander aimlessly, know where you are headed.

This course can help you write a description of our world as you would like to see it become at some specific future date."

Leland Beaumont

View the Course

Read the Essay: Envisioning Our Future/The World We Want in 2075
Raise Your Energies
Edward Tropes
 Book Excerpt

A reader and supporter of The Wisdom Page, Edward Tropes, wrote to me recently commenting on "the  wonderful collection of resources on wisdom" on the website. He also offered to contribute some sections of his new book Raising Your Energies, Book 2, to the readership of The Wisdom Page. Included below is his submission, excerpted from his book, describing "wisdom as spiritual growth and maturity." I should also note, as Edward states that "if  you have any comments about the work, I'd be very glad to receive them, especially the critical ones, as in, what you don't like about the reading."

Send your comments to Edward at: [email protected]


"Cosmism" Video ("Knocking on Heaven's Door") on  Fyodorov,  Tsiolkovsky, Yuri Gagarin, and Others

"Earth is the cradle of humanity, but one cannot live in a cradle forever."  
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

 Nikolai Fyodorov (1829-1903)
"As early twentieth century physics and astronomy was illuminating the nature and evolution of the physical universe, another line of thought was gaining force that would provide both a general futurist narrative, as well as a scientific and technological framework, for the exploration of the cosmos. This line of thinking and technological development was Russian "Cosmism." A vision of the evolutionary possibilities and cosmic destiny of humanity, as well as a scientifically and technologically plausible theory of rocketry grew out of this movement.

The starting point for Russian Cosmism was the futurist and evolutionist Nikolai Fyodorov (1828-1903). For Fyodorov, the direction of natural biological evolution was toward increasing intelligence. Humans, as a product of evolution, needed to take control of the evolutionary process and guide it toward specific ends.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935), who was inspired and influenced by both Fyodorov and Jules Verne, believed that the colonization of outer space would lead to the perfection of humanity and human immortality...As both a scientist and visionary writer...Tsiolkovsky can rightly be seen as "the first real prophet of the myth of the conquest of space." The conquest of space is, indeed, a grand mythic narrative within science fiction. As strongly expressed within the writings of Tsiolkovsky, we find the vision of humanity initiating a great journey of cosmic enlightenment, empowerment, and transcendence through the exploration and colonization of the vast reaches of the universe."

From Science Fiction: The Evolutionary Mythology of the Future by Tom Lombardo

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935)

Recently I became aware of a superb video/BBC documentary on Russian Cosmism. The video is inspiring, informative, and dare I say "cosmic" in its philosophical vision. It synthesizes social commentary with personal narrative and the scientific quest to understand the universe. Highly recommended.

Watch the Video

I watched the video a couple of weeks ago. When I went back to the YouTube site the video screen was blank; perhaps a problem with my browser, not sure. But I would recommend taking a look to see if the video has re-appeared; maybe waiting a week or two, and trying again; or tracking it down through the BBC. Worth the effort.

Age of Reflection Interview
with Tom Lombardo



The Age of Reflection is an Iranian magazine which covers issues related to the social sciences, culture and politics. The following interview, covering wisdom, future society, character virtues, the humanities, and social change, was conducted online between Mojtaba Mousavi, International Editor of the magazine, and Tom Lombardo.
"Wisdom as Quality of Choices" 
Douglas McKee


"Copthorne MacDonald, on The Wisdom Page, has a list of 48 characteristics associated with Wisdom.

In correspondence shortly before his passing I proposed the words on the list were not just characteristics; that the words, instead of being nouns, should be considered adjectives and adverbs.

Wisdom is a cognitive framework for making the best choices. Copthorne's characteristics describe the attributes and the manner in which the wise choice is made.

The wise have always thought about things the same way. What they have had to think about has varied tremendously, but their cognitive processes have always been the same.

How many of us can say the words on Copthorne's List describe our personal thought processes or how we govern our interactions with each other?

Here's Copthorne's List:

Accepting, Accountable, Alert, Appreciative, Balanced, Calm, Caring, Cautious, Compassionate, Cooperative, Courageous, Courteous, Creative, Curious, Defiant, Determined, Devoted, Discrete, Flexible, Focused, Forgiving, Generous, Gentle, Grateful, Honest, Humble, Humorous, Impartial, Industrious, Innocent, Just, Kind, Magnanimous, Merciful, Moderate, Modest, Nurturing, Obedient, Open, Optimistic, Patient, Peaceful, Prudent, Purposeful, Receptive, Reliable, Respectable, Responsible, Respectful, Sensitive, Simple, Sincere, Sober, Spontaneous, Steadfast, Strong, Striving, Thoughtful, Tolerant, Tough, Tranquil, Trustworthy, Truthful, Understanding

There is something wrong with how we all have been taught to make choices.

Try applying these as you go through your day and see what happens to the quality of your choices. See the reflection of your choices as they ripple through those with whom you interact.

When these words describe the kind of choices we make and the kind of people we are, almost all our problems will disappear."

See The Wisdom Home Page

Douglas McKee
"Toward Wisdom" A Sonnet 
Alan Nordstrom

Alan Nordstrom, our resident poet and literary visionary for the Wisdom Page, a "licensed verse practitioner" as he refers to himself, sent in the following "sonnet" this last month. Access and read Alan's website/blog.

 *  *  *  *  *  *


for Copthorne Macdonald

April 1, 2016

If I were seeking truly to be wise, 
I'd need at first to clearly recognize 
Just what the opposite of wisdom is, 
Misleading us from true sagacious bliss.

Some say it's folly, some stupidity, 
A waywardness that's our proclivity 
That only growing wise can rectify, 
A moral compass on which to rely.

And now, since seeking wisdom is my aim, 
It properly behooves me to proclaim 
That even on this day named after fools, 
It's rightly true sagacity that rules,

     And if we can commit to growing sage, 
     Humanity at last may come of age.

New Wisdom Videos: "Defining Wisdom," "Measuring Wisdom," and "Developing Wisdom"  Charles Cassidy

Thanks to Charles Cassidy for these three new videos on his Evidence Based Wisdom site.

Evidence Based Wisdom Animations Series:


Before wisdom can be studied, it has to be defined. This animation looks at the three dominant models of wisdom to emerge from the first 30 years of research: The Berlin Wisdom Paradigm, Sternberg's Balance Theory of Wisdom and The Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale. And can a 2013 analysis of 24 definitions reveal just 6 essential sub-components of wisdom?


Can wisdom really be measured? This animation looks at how scientists wrangle with wisdom in the laboratory, as well as some of the challenges inherent in 'scoring' for wisdom. Which wisdom scales have been shown to be the most robust and what potential benefits follow from being able to successfully identify wise individuals?


The most intriguing question of all in the field of wisdom research surely has to be: 'Can we intentionally develop wisdom?' This animation outlines 3 surprising short-term wisdom-enhancing strategies developed in the research laboratory. And the long-term? Research is suggesting there are a number of potential paths to developing wisdom over the life course...

Watch the Videos

New Wisdom Website in Finland:
Sophia & Phronesis
Eava Kallio


This network is meeting point and area of dialogue for those who are interested in finding the idea of wisdom.

Eeva K. Kallio, PsyD, Senior researcher and Adjunct professor in adult cognitive development, University of Jyv�skyl�, Finland (See university website), and member of The Friends of Wisdom, recently announced the creation of a new Wisdom website and network in Europe. 


The new network, Sophia and Phronesis, states its mission as:

-   has considerable focus  especially on qualitative scientific research with its many methods. So far, wisdom has been mostly studied from quantitative perspective. We  need in-depth  study on the field.

-  has  theoretical, philosophical and metatheoretical approaches. Research of wisdom is wide-spread, but comprehensive analyses of the  major concepts are missing.

-  has also higher educational intentions. How wisdom can be taught in practice?  How it is developed?

- acts inter-disciplinary on various scientific disciplines, as e.g.  developmental psychology, adult education, higher education, comparative religion, information technology, gerontology and philosophy.

In the future,  the network will also focus on praxis, like arranging educational workshops, symposiums and like.

The Convolution of Knomo Choicius: Wisdom Stories in Sci-Fi Garb  Website and Blog


Science fiction writer and follower of both the
Center for Future Consciousness and Wisdom Page websites, Debbie Aliya, has a unique website. She has recently published a new book: The Convolution of Knomo Choicius.  She states that "The closest match for a 'genre' for 'The Convolution of Knomo Choicius' that I could define is 'Wisdom Stories in Sci Fi Garb!' "

View the website.

See the website's The Why Declarations

36th International Conference on Critical Thinking

In my view a significant and essential dimension of both wisdom and heightened future consciousness includes the capacities, standards, and character traits associated with critical thinkingThere is a very active "critical thinking community" which every year hosts an annual conference. The critical thinking community and initiative is especially concerned with the transformation and evolution of education. The community is hosting their annual conference at Sonoma State University in northern California, July 25 to 29.

View Conference Webpage

Stephen Awoyemi Blog


Stephen Awoyemi, Wisdom Page advisory board member, has a new blog: Explorations of Consciousness.

As he states on the blog:

"All my life as far as I can remember I have sought for meaning. It is true that this is a universal hunger common to all humanity. But it seems the sacrifices I made on this quest were beyond the ordinary. After journeying through fundamentalist Christianity from the beginning and then breaking down with repeated relapses of religious Schizophrenia, I began to emerge in consciousness as I put all the pieces together in unraveling the mystery of life. This blog is a platform of the rendering of my explorations of consciousness which has tied all the loose ends of meaning in my journey."

View Stephen's blog: Explorations of Consciousness

Victor Vahidi Motti -
New Article and Presentation

Victor Vahidi Motti, advisory board member of the Center for Future Consciousness and Executive Board Member of the World Futures Studies Federation, recently published in the Journal of Futures Studies a new article:
"Until 2100 there is a Plenty of Hope at the Bottom of Society and Out There in the Cosmos" 

Victor will also be speaking on "Strategic Foresight: From Theory to Practice in the MENA (Middle East North Africa) - Focus on Iran" at the University of Trento, in Italy, May 18th.  

Creating a Book Reading List on Wisdom
Leland Beaumont


In the last issue of Wisdom and the Future, there was a call for nominations for important books on wisdom. I am reprinting the item below; we are still soliciting for recommended books. For Lee Beaumont, who initiated this search, developing a book list is important for his new course Living Wisely.

*  *  *  *  *

Recently Lee Beaumont emailed me the following question,

"I just had a thought, and question I want to pass by you.
Can you (we) suggest a short reading list (primarily of books) that could lead an interested student (perhaps high school or college age) toward wisdom?"

I told him that I thought it was a good idea to create such a list, and a couple of days later, I received a follow-up email, Lee informing me that he had created the beginnings of such a reading list.

We decided to open up the question to readers. Have a look at Lee's list

He has divided his list into a set of basic categories:
  • Personal integrity
  • Rules of logic, evidence, and knowing how you know
  • Emotional Growth
  • Human Nature
  • Moral Virtue
  • Moral Guidance
  • Ultimate Objective
Also, to stimulate your thinking, have a look at the listings of "Reviews of Wisdom Books" and "Contemporary Books on Wisdom" on the Wisdom Page.

Email me your additional recommendations; I will pass them on to Lee, and I will publish the expanded list of recommended books in a later issue of Wisdom and the Future.

Thoughts, Videos, and Books on Consciousness

New Essay:

From Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence

The Problem of AI Consciousness by Susan Schneider

"Some things in life cannot be offset by a mere net gain in intelligence."

New Book:

The Tides of Mind: Uncovering the Spectrum of Consciousness by David Gelernter

"A "rock star" (New York Times) of the computing world provides a radical new work on the meaning of human consciousness...In the great introspective tradition of Wilhelm Wundt and Ren� Descartes, David Gelernter promises to not only revolutionize our understanding of what it means to be human but also to help answer many of our most fundamental questions about the origins of creativity, thought, and consciousness."

New Movie/Video:

From the Singularity Hub
The Coming War is Our Fault

A short film on the "inhumanity of man," resonant with such science fiction classics as I, Robot and Rossum's Universal Robots, regarding who is more ethical and who has more to fear, us or the robots.
The Conversation
"Why the Internet isn't Making Us Smarter and How to Fight Back" and "Is the American Dream Dead?"

The Conversation is an interesting online journal, combining current events, integrative and holistic issues pertaining to the human condition, and philosophical discussion, that I have highlighted in earlier issues of Wisdom and the Future. Below are two new articles, relevant to wisdom, the future, the quest for human well being, the effect of information technology on the human mind, and quality of life in the United States.

Read: "Why the Internet isn't Making Us Smarter and How to Fight Back"

Read: "Is the American Dream Dead?"

World Future Society Conference

The World Future Society is holding its annual conference in Washington, D.C., July 22nd to the 24th, 2016. 

Nature Outlook on Cognitive Health


As the final item in this issue, Nature: International Weekly Journal of Science has published online a free access issue on cognitive health. The articles are informative and multi-disciplinary, covering aging, drugs, brain research, technology, "brain training," "brain food," and the value of social networks in the enhancement of cognitive capacities. An enlightening and practical collection of articles.

Read the Issue

Archive Pages for Center for Future Consciousness and Wisdom Page

From the fall of 2012 to the spring of 2014, I published two newsletters: the revitalized and redesigned Wisdom Page Updates and Futurodyssey (the monthly publication of the
Center for Future Consciousness).  Readers
can view  issues of both
newsletters; each  newsletter has an Archive Page. View the View the Futurodyssey Archive Page.

Beginning in June, 2014, the newsletters were combined into one electronic journal that serves both
The Wisdom Page and The Center for Future Consciousness. The Archive Page for this one publication can be accessed at Wisdom and the Future Archive Page.

The reader can subscribe to Wisdom and the Future either on The Wisdom Page or the Center for Future Consciousness Page. See
The Wisdom Page Contact Page
or the Home Page of the Center for Future Consciousness.