Jacksonville Florida's Oldest Business and Civic Organization Founded in 1932

The Newsletter of the Southside Business Men's Club Volume 83, Issue 32,  August 9,  2015
In This Issue

Spotlight Speakers

August 12-
Daniel Moses

August 19-
Bob Cox

August 26-
Julie Clements


Happy Birthday

Walter Smith, 8/9
Larry Kates, 8/10
Arleigh Merrill, 8/11
Bill Kley, 8/12
Rick Schmitz, 8/13
Rance Kincade, 8/15






   Prizes & Raffles        


Attendance Award,

Sponsor Needed

No Winner This Week



Woody Cooper Award

Sponsored by:  Marlin Technology


Name Drawn Last Week: 

Cathy Curtis




 Nancy Abercrombie

Eric Ramshaw

  Next Meeting 

August 12, 2015 


San Jose Country Club

7529 San Jose Blvd

Jacksonville, FL

Lunch Buffet 12:00 pm

$20 Members

$25 for Guests 



Invite a Guest  


  Find us on Facebook  

Linked In   


8/12 Dr. Nikolai P. Vitti, DCPS, 2015-16 School Year

8/19   Boots Farley, First Tee North Florida
8/26   TBD

Tim Howe, President
Southside Business Men's Club 
(904) 813-8950

While growing up in Kentucky, my family spent many Christmas breaks travelling down the brand-new I-75 and the Florida's Turnpike to Broward County to visit my grandparents.  I remember seeing signs for Jacksonville, but I never could get dad to make that detour.


True Story: Since the age of 10 years old, I've always wanted to move to Jacksonville.  I'd never been here and knew very little about the city (like that it had paper mills).  But I always wanted to live here.  So, why Jacksonville?  


1973 was the release of Lynyrd Skynyrd's first album and also my first LP record purchase.  I bought it with money I earned from mowing the neighbor's lawns.  (Coincidentally, that's the same mower I later destroyed running over a manhole in tall grass: see the 6/21 President's message.)


Anyway, I scoured the lyrics and the photos inside of the band members on stage.  I could relate to the message of each song.  I studied the album cover photo and decided: these were my people!!  I later learned that the 1st album's cover photo was actually shot in Jonesboro GA...I felt a little deceived.  Regardless, I still had Annie take a photo of me holding the album at the exact spot, earlier this year.


Fast forward through high school, the Army, and college.  As a young professional, I had the CHOICE as to where I made my abode.  Jacksonville kept gnawing at me to move here.  So, Jacksonville it was!!


In retrospect, I believe that when you want something enough, you will always find a way to make it work.  And that's what I've found in this city.  I am lucky that my lovely bride (and your SBMC Chairman), is from the River City and sees no reason to live elsewhere.  This is our home, but it's not perfect...


I hear people state that we can't support an NFL team, but they'll watch the Jags on TV.  I see commenters (on local news websites), who say nothing ever happens downtown (they should have been at Art Walk last Wednesday evening).  It irritates me to hear people complain about Duval schools or road conditions and their hour-long commute, when their tax dollars go to another county.  It annoys me when someone complains about something...anything...and offers no suggestion as to how to improve it. 


As the saying goes: if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.


Each one of us has a responsibility to become involved in our community.  We have a vested interest as to what goes on in city hall, the quality of education in our schools, and the happenings our own neighborhoods.


I thank every one of you who've played your part in making Jacksonville a better place to live.




Attendance Award Sponsor Needed


We are in need an Attendance Award sponsor for the remainder of the year.  The Attendance Award is an ongoing incentive for our members to attend the weekly meetings.  If the member's name (who's drawn for that week) is not in attendance, then the pot rolls over and gains another $10.  When a member is in attendance, he/she gets the sum of the pot.


For the modest sum of $10/wk, during the auctions segment of the meeting, I will give an enhanced advertisement of your business, as the sponsor.


Check with your CPA, but this commitment is also tax-deductible.  See Club Treasurer Mark Wilkinson  for more details.


Tim Howe, SBMC President 2015



Our next raffle drawing is scheduled for August 19th.  This is for a $500.00 Costco gift card and a one year membership to Costco.  You can buy the raffle tickets at our Wednesday meetings.                            

Julie Clements, 2nd Vice President





REEL in a Boat load of memories at the Freedom Boat Club Meet-a-Member.

You are invited to meet and greet your fellow SBMC members at Julington Creek Marina and Freedom Boat Club for our August Meet-A-Member.   Freedom Boat Club wants to be your Director of Fun, so now is your opportunity to experience their fleet of boats and all the enjoyment that they provide to their members.

Host:  Lisa Almeida, Freedom Boat Club.

When:  Thursday, August 20, 2015  5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Where:   Julington Creek Marina
            12807 San Jose Blvd.
             Jacksonville, FL  32223

It is a BYOB and there will be refreshments, an opportunity to meet Lisa and the staff and experience all the memories you  could make with family and friends by becoming a Freedom Boat Club member.   Looking forward to seeing you there. 





Our next SBMC golf outing will be on Friday, August 21st at Queen's Harbour Yacht & Country Club. Cost to participate is $40.00 (+tax) and we have 32 spots to fill. The price includes green/cart fees and range balls prior to your round. We'll have sequential tee times starting at 11:00AM.


For most of you Queen's Harbour is a familiar venue with a very convenient location just off Atlantic Blvd. This Mark McCumber designed golf course is bordered by the Inter-Coastal Waterway and features a unique blend of scenery with tidal marshlands and century-old Spanish oak trees. It's held various prestigious events such as the PGA Tour Qualifier and Mercedes Collegiate Championships. Plus the 19th hole overlooks the freshwater marina!



Come join your fellow SBMC members and friends for a great round of golf! To reserve your spot(s) contact Nico Hogeveen at (904) 403-6754 or send an email to


Nico Hogeveen

2015 SMBC Golf Chair 




The race is on for the 2nd half of the year prize for the member who sponsors the most new members! We've had a great turnout of guests the past few weeks, let's keep the stride going and continue to invite our friends and colleagues to introduce them to the best club in town.
Megan Turner
2015 Membership Chair 



There are 2015 spotlight speaker dates available!  The book is at the sign-in table at each meeting. 

This is free to all members in good standing and gives you the opportunity to talk about your business, family, interests, or anything else you would like to talk about for five minutes.  You are also able to put out business cards, flyers, or informational materials on the tables to showcase your business.

Pick your date before they fill up!

We also ask for volunteers to help us start our meetings to get us thinking about what is really important and what is behind whatever success we have achieved - God and Country.

If you have a calling to lead us in prayer/invocation or the pledge of allegiance, please either call or sign up in the spotlight speaker book.
Keith Litterick 
SBMC Sergeant At Arms


Did you know we have a photo gallery on our website?  We do.  There is a link at the top of the home page for "Gallery".
Click HERE.
For questions and comments about the newsletter please e-mail