Jacksonville Florida's Oldest Business and Civic Organization Founded in 1932

The Newsletter of the Southside Business Men's Club Volume 82, Issue 51,  December 21, 2014
In This Issue
Guest Speaker/Upcoming Programs
President's Message
Sergeant At Arms
Dues & Meeting Changes
Photo Gallery

Spotlight Speakers


December 24 -
Christmas Eve - 
 No Meeting

December 31 -
New Year's Eve - 
 No Meeting

January 7 -
Installation of 
 New Officers



Happy Birthday

Ron Mallett, 12/21
Jackie Wilson, 12/23







   Prizes & Raffles        


Attendance Award,

Sponsored by

Coordinated Benefits and Synovus Bank

No winner this Week



Woody Cooper Award

Sponsored by:  

Jepp Walter,


Name Drawn Last Week: Scott Hanigan




Steve DeSorbo
Walter Smith
  Next Meeting 

January 7, 2015 


San Jose Country Club

7529 San Jose Blvd

Jacksonville, FL

Lunch Buffet 12:00 pm

$20 Members

$25 for Guest 



Invite a Guest  


  Find us on Facebook  

Linked In   


12/24 Christmas Eve - No Meeting
12/31 New Year's Eve - No Meeting
1/7     Installation of New Officers
1/14   Paul Mason, PhD, Local Economic Indicators for 2015
1/21   Steve Grossman, Jax Airport Authority
1/28   Lake Ray, III, First Coast Manufacturing Association
Annie Howe, President
Southside Business Men's Club 
(904) 654-6095


Last week was our last regular meeting of the year, which meant for a bitter sweet occasion for yours truly. 2014 was such a huge year for me both personally and professionally, so letting go of the title Madame President will be both a little sad and a little bit of a relief. Thanks to all of the members who offered such sweet expressions of kindness at the end of the meeting. I will hang on to the title for a few more weeks, until I get to pass it along to the First Gentleman on January 7th. I always joked that my goal was to be a Past President of the SBMC, and that mission is almost accomplished.


The Holiday Season is officially upon us, although the mall would have us believe it has been Christmas since Halloween. So Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. Be reminded of all of the blessings we have in our lives. Celebrate the hardships endured in the past that helped shape possibilities in the future. Take stock and enjoy this time with your friends and family. No matter how you give thanks, just make sure you do.

'Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.' - Hamilton Wright Mabie


Winner Announced!!!

At Wednesday's meeting, the winner of the year-long membership contest was announced.  Past-President/Chairman Jepp Walter is our winner!!  He brought in the most new members to our Club in 2014 and won a plethora of gifts.

However, you too can be a winner, just like Jepp.  For 2015, let's make it our goal that every member brings at least 5 guests to our meetings (but, you'll have to do a lot better than that to beat this year's champ).

Congratulations Jepp!!

Frank Wallmeyer,
Membership Chair and 4th V.P. (elect)
There are 2015 spotlight speaker dates available!  The book is at the sign-in table at each meeting. 

This is free to all members in good standing and gives you the opportunity to talk about your business, family, interests, or anything else you would like to talk about for five minutes.  You are also able to put out business cards, flyers, or informational materials on the tables to showcase your business.

Pick your date before they fill up!

We also ask for volunteers to help us start our meetings to get us thinking about what is really important and what is behind whatever success we have achieved - God and Country.

If you have a calling to lead us in prayer/invocation or the pledge of allegiance, please either call or sign up in the spotlight speaker book.

Barry Griffin
SBMC Sergeant At Arms

2015 Dues and Meeting attendance changes


From time-to-time the Board of Governors reviews activity levels of all our functions and the needs of our organization.  We do a great deal of work in the community as well as try to provide an environment which fosters networking and friendship for our members and their businesses.  In order to fund these endeavors we hold many volunteer functions for which the club is paid as well as request sponsorships for various events outside our charitable giving.  As the club continues to grow, the needs do as well and the board examined the smoothest way to ease the current burden in order to focus on the civic, social, and business aspects of our club.  Therefore the following changes take effect January 1 and for any memberships due to renew on or after January 1. 

  • $20 increase in annual dues for both corporate and individual members
  • $5 increase to weekly non-eat costs for members and non-members (Currently $5 and $10)

We are still the most reasonable membership in town with the greatest flexibility.  The cost of attending and dining will remain at the current rates as long as our agreement with San Jose Country Club remains at the current rate.  Additionally we're the only organization that allows members and guests to attend at a discounted rate in lieu of participating in meals at the luncheon.  This will allow the club to continue to meet its obligations, minimize financial requests for non-charities functions, as well as reduce the number of requests for volunteers throughout the year to raise operating funds outside civic involvement. 

Did you know we have a photo gallery on our website?  We do.  There is a link at the top of the home page for "Gallery".
Click HERE.
For questions and comments about the newsletter please e-mail [email protected]