Jacksonville Florida's Oldest Business and Civic Organization Founded in 1932

The Newsletter of the Southside Business Men's Club Volume 82, Issue 5, February 2, 2014
In This Issue
Guest Speaker/Upcoming Programs
President's Message
Membership Directory
The Players Championship
Sergeant At Arms
Photo Gallery

Spotlight Speakers


February 5-
Rose Jackson


February 12-
Crump Kirby
February 19-
Angie Tekin





Happy Birthday

Hank Duckworth, 2/4
Michael Russo, 2/5
Jim Mainwaring, 2/6



   Prizes & Raffles        


The Hardage-Giddens 

Dignity Memorial

Attendance Award,

Sponsored by

Patrick Heatherington and Steve DeSorbo


no winner this week


Woody Cooper Award

Sponsored by:  

Jepp Walter,


Name drawn last week 

Tom Whicher





 Barry Griffin
Sandy Myers
  Next Meeting 

February 5, 2014 


San Jose Country Club

7529 San Jose Blvd

Jacksonville, FL

Lunch Buffet 12:00 pm

$20 Members

$25 for Guest 



Invite a Guest  


  Find us on Facebook  

Linked In   


2/5    Cole Cosgrove, VP Marine Operations, Crowley Maritime 

Upcoming Programs:  
2/12   Jason Altmire, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida
2/19   Evie Pankok, Duval County Extension Services
2/26   Jerry Holland, Supervisor of Elections


Annie Howe, President 
Southside Business Men's Club 

(904) 654-6095



By the time you read this, I will be sipping umbrella laden beverages on a beach in Puerto Rico! 1st VP Tim Howe and I are taking a much needed vacation this week, so please come to the Wednesday Luncheon and support 2nd VP Patrick Heatherington, as he will be leading our meeting. I must say I am disappointed that I will be missing Cole Cosgrove from Crowley Maritime speak this Wednesday. Jax Port is such a vital part of our local economy, so I am always interested to hear from leaders in the shipping and logistics industry.


Last week our speaker was Brent Bolick from Clear Channel Outdoor, and the topic was billboards in Jacksonville. Our speaker mentioned several times after the meeting that he was impressed by the engagement of our members during his presentation, and by the quality of the questions you asked. That speaks volumes about our organization, because we most certainly are not the first group he has presented to. Pat yourselves on your backs, Southside Business Men's Club Members.


Please don't miss me too much this week, and I can't wait to see you all when Tim and I get back.


Annie Howe 
SBMC President

It's again time to begin preparing our annual directory for print!  As with last year, any ads purchased will also be featured on our website for no additional cost.  First right of refusal is granted to returning members having advertised there in 2013 (same rates apply).  If you're interested in purchasing ad space, please contact 2014 Directory Committee Chairman Rod Borum at 904-994-4946 or [email protected].  Please begin reviewing your information on our website for accuracy as we will close the site on February 14th for edits. 

Also, Steve Bennett with Living Image Photography will be present for the meetings on Feb 5th and 12th for anyone without a headshot already on the website.  Should you not be able to attend either of these meetings, Steve will host a "make up" session on Thursday the 13th at his studio from noon-4pm by appointment.  Contact his office manager Millie Terry [email protected] for a time slot.  Please arrive early and dressed accordingly if this pertains to you.  It is ESSENTIAL that you update your information PRIOR to the cutoff date as we will be sending to our printer at that time.

PRINTERS- Please email [email protected]

if you would be interested in bidding on the printing for our Directory this year by Close of Business WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 5th.  Our intention is to send the file following the website closure on the 14th of February for the initial proof run.  Following our reviews the expectation is for the final print to be complete and ready for distribution at the 4/2 meeting.


Thank you,


2014 Directory Committee


The first Meet-a-Member of 2014 is Thursday, February 27th from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at Kimberly Clarke Salon. Come one come all for a great time and visit one of our dynamic member's locations. Tickets are on sale now for $5.


There is one more Meet-a-Member spot open in November. If you are interested in hosting, see George Biastre Jr. or Bill O'Leary at a meeting or drop them an email today.

George Biastre: g[email protected] 

or Bill O'Leary: [email protected] 


The Players Championship Week!!


It's that time of the year again: we are taking reservations for those who want to Day Captain during the tournament. 

We will be manning a concession tent for The Players at the Stadium Course from May 5th-May 11th


Day Captains positions are filling up fast, so pick your slot and recruit your friends to work that shift with you. 

This is a huge money raiser for our Club, and a great event for our members as we get to know each other better, AND watch the best golfers in the world!!


For more information contact:

Hal Smith at [email protected] 904 252-9786, or

Tom Gill [email protected] 904 384-4242, or

Nico Hogeveen [email protected] 904 998-4650


Let the Games Begin!!


2014 - 1st Qtr. Membership Campaign


Starting NOW!  Every new member you bring in, adds to your total.  The quarterly winner gets to choose one item from the "Shopping Cart": 


SBMC Shopping Cart

--Golf for 4 at Palencia,

--28 Speed Diamondback Bike,

--Maui Jim Sun Glasses

--or a Spa Day at Kimberly Clarke Salon. 


Special bonus prizes and a huge year end Shopping Cart Prizes could be yours!!


Questions?  Contact Jackie at [email protected]


The Youth Achiever Program helps the boys and girls who serve as Southside Elementary school safety patrols, specifically those of Beaclerc with the cost of the trip to Washington DC. Then later upon applying to college, these same students are eligible to apply for our annual YAP college scholarships to the schools of their choice (usually $1,000-$1,500 depending on demand). This program is funded in part by our semi-annual Youth Achiever Program cook-outs.  The date for the Spring YAP is March 26th for the luncheon and March 27th for the BBQ at Beauclerc Elementary.


This is your opportunity to make an investment in this worthy program. As SBMC members you can make a difference by getting involved. There are 3 ways to get involved you can help on the YAP committeevolunteer the day of the cookout  or Invest by 
being a Sponsor in this program. Investment Sponsorships for just the spring is $125 or you can lock in a Sponsorship for both 
spring and fall for just $200.


Wendy Helms
The 2014 Spotlight Speaker Book is now available at the sign-in table.   

This is your opportunity to talk about your business, family, or sell your wares for 5 minutes.  
Just as a reminder, introduction of guests and thanking other members for doing business is NOT the time to sell your business or upcoming event, that's reserved for the spotlight speaker.

We also need volunteers to lead us in the Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Pick your date before they fill up!
Barry Griffin
SBMC Sergeant At Arms
Did you know we have a photo gallery on our website?  We do.  There is a link at the top of the home page for "Gallery".
Click HERE.
For questions and comments about the newsletter please e-mail [email protected]