Jacksonville Florida's Oldest Business and Civic Organization Founded in 1932

The Newsletter of the Southside Business Men's Club Volume 81, Issue 38, September 15, 2013
In This Issue
Guest Speaker/Upcoming Programs
President's Message
Military Appreciation Day
Golf Outing
Jaguars Tailgating Social
Fall YAP
Meet A Member
3rd Annual Car Show
Membershp Corner
Sergeant At Arms
Photo Gallery

Spotlight Speakers

September 18-
Ken Dean

September 25-
Axel von Loewenclau

October 2-
Pam Wiltgen

October 9-
Amy Huffman

October 16-
Howard Caplan

October 23-
Mike White

October 30-
Tim Howe


Happy Birthday

Mary Walter, 9/15
Jordan Ansbacher, 9/17
Penny Kievet, 9/19
Mary Jury, 9/19
Summer Melton, 9/19
Mark Griffis, 9/19



   Prizes & Raffles        


The Hardage-Giddens 

Dignity Memorial

Attendance Award,

Sponsored by

John Hamel


No winner last week  


Woody Cooper Award

Sponsored by: 

Tom Harris,


Name drawn last week 

Rod Borum 





Joe Lemier
A.J. Pionessa
  Next Meeting 

September 18, 2013 


San Jose Country Club

7529 San Jose Blvd

Jacksonville, FL

Lunch Buffet 12:00 pm

$20 Members

$25 for Guest 



Invite a Guest  


  Find us on Facebook  

Linked In   


9/18  Don Fox, Firehouse CEO

Upcoming Programs: 
9/25    President of JTA, Nat Ford
10/2    Senator Aaron Bean, State Senator
10/9    Mallory Cooper, Jax Federal Judge
10/16  Mayor Alvin Brown
10/23  Dr. Vitti, Superintendant of Duval County Schools
10/30  Dan Naes, Budwieser Brewmaster


Jepp Walter, SBMC 2013 President Jepp Walter, President 
Southside Business Men's Club 

(904) 838-8400


Last week was an awesome meeting, our annual Military Appreciation Day.  I'd like to thank 2nd Vice President Tim Howe, along with his Chairman John Hamel, and Co-Chair Barbara Buzby, for putting on a great event.  We had a full house, and also got to give out 3 scholarships to candidates in the Wounded Warrior Project.  We had a great display of the Prisoners of War who are still Missing in Action, and gifts for all of the Member Veterans.  John brought a WWII Veteran, Paul Gullbrandt, who is active in retired military community.   If you missed this event, I encourage you to attend next year.

The SBMC Cruise is in full swing at the time of this newsletter, and I'm sure there will be a good time had by all attendees.


This week we will have the CEO of Firehouse Subs as our speaker.  It should be very informative to hear how a small startup company grew to the large size it is today.  Have a good week everyone, and I hope to see you Wednesday!




A very big thanks to John Hamel and Barbara Buzby for presenting an outstanding Military Appreciation Day program last Wednesday!


Highlighting the festivities was the presentation of three $500 checks to recent combat veterans Daniel Rice, Ricky Hicks and Pablo Rosario.  These checks came from our SBMC charity: Veterans Independence Project (VIP), to help combat vets get re-established as civilians in our community.  It was great to see some of the money this charity raises being issued to these men! 


Again Thanks John and Barbara.  And thanks to all our SBMC members who help us raise funds for our causes!!
Our next monthly golf outing is on Friday, September 20th at
Deerwood Country Club. We still have spots left. Cost is $50.00 plus sales tax, and this includes range balls. The shotgun start is at 12:00 noon. Please contact Nico Hogeveen at 904-403-6754 or to reserve your golf ASAP.


Nico Hogeveen

2013 SBMC Golf Chair


Alright SPORTS FANS......let's get ready to RUMBLE!

Time for our much celebrated and never imitated,


This year the event will be held Sunday, September 29th to watch the Jaguars 'break in' the Indianapolis Colts. The mere $40 per person covers: ticket to the game in a great block seating area, beer, Bloody Mary's, soda and water, BBQ catered by Players Grille, tented comfort along with the soon to be famous, John "The Hammer" Hamel Traveling Salvation Show and Music- DJ Extravaganza! Also, our very own Scott Schilbrack is going to be our bartender with some very special concoctions!!! Folks, you simply CANNOT get a better deal for the price. We will be partying under the SBMC Dome (tent) in starts at 1:00 so the party starts @ 11:00 am! Bring your friends, clients, family, co workers, etc., but BRING THEM YOU MUST! Only 100 tickets available and they will be sold out fast! Purchase on line or stop by the friendly 'we will take your money as you come into the room' desk and pay the Accounting Team. Questions....hope the only one you have is 'how many can I buy'? If you have season tickets you can purchase a wristband for the party for $10.00 from Dee Kirby at the weekly meeting.


Your Tailgating Committee....Mike Gullion, Tom Kennedy and Angie Tekin. See you there!


YAP Cookout - October 3rd
YAP Program - November 2th 

The Youth Achiever Program helps the boys and girls who serve as Southside Elementary school safety patrols, specifically those of Pine Forest with the cost of the trip to Washington DC. Then later upon applying to college, these same students are eligible to apply for our annual YAP college scholarships to the schools of their choice (usually $1,000-$1,500 depending on demand).  This program is funded in part by our semi-annual Youth Achiever Program cook-outs, and the Fall one is just around the corner on October 3, 2013.


This is your opportunity to make an investment in this worthy program. As SBMC members you can make a difference by getting involved.  There are 3 ways to get involved you can help on the YAP committee, volunteer the day of the cookout 10/3/2013 or Invest by being a Sponsor in this program.  Investment Sponsorships for this Fall only are $125.


We'd like to thank the following members for
already committing to sponsor this year:


Spring & Fall Sponsors (Beauclerc & Pine Forest)

SGS Technologies-Arun Venkatesan

Guardian Commercial R/E-Bob Ascher

Deluxe Cleaners-Carter Funk

GolfTec-Nico Hogeveen

Commercial Vehicle Solutions Network-Angelo Volpe

Bushor's Tree Surgeons-Gene Bushor

Luten Insurance-Scott Schilbrack

Cramer Law Center-Jeffrey Cramer

Health Pointe Jacksonville-Julee Miller

InVestra Financial Services-Erin Eiras

Holistic Massage Therapies-Julie Wesling

Griswold Home Care-Barry Griffin

Duckworth Construction-Hank Duckworth

Marlin Technology-Jepp Walter

Synovus Bank-Patrick Heatherington

Nextran Truck Center-Mike Graber

Florida Backyard-Sabrina Ebel

Wilkinson, Gerrard, & Clements-Mark Wilkinson

Certified Steak & Seafood/Sea Best-Steve Frisch

Don Flynn Pictures-Don Flynn

RS&H Comm. Realty-Scott Hanigan

ShimpSign & Design-Roy Shimp

Costco-Mary Pat Stocks & Ken Spinella


Please contact: Harry Peltz or

Patrick Heatherington
Guten Tag,
Join the Brew Masters from Southside Business Men's Club on October 11th for an evening of German fun! Come enjoy the company of your other Southside Business Men's Club members and guests as we travel across the seas to Germany. Enjoy Authentic German music, games and loads of fun on the Downtown River. Great German beer and appetizers will be available. There will be beer at this Oktoberfest event. Tickets are $8.00 per person and you will receive 2 free drink tickets!

Please note this is a special price for SBMC members. The location is The Shipyards on the St. Johns River downtown.  You can go to  to pay online or pay at the weekly meeting.  This will be a blast!!!

Brew Master Host: Mike White 
Assistant Brew Master Hosts: Angie Tekin, Frank Wallmeyer, Patrick Heatherington, Steve Desorbo
Saturday, October 26th
Hooters at Tinseltown!!
Sponsored by NIMNICHT Fleet/Commercial Sales 


Come out and review all the fantastic bodies!!  Chevy's, Mopars, Fords, as well as the Lotus!  This is going to be a fun day with good friends, food and a great wait-staff!  AND, it's a bye-week for the Gators and Dawgs.


To help us raise money, we are asking members to donate items for goodie-bags, silent auction, and Raffles!   For $75 you can be a Silver Sponsor and have a 10x10 tent to display your company's wares (only a couple of spots remain)!


 Click Here to download and print the official flier. 


We need a few members to sign up as a volunteer for various responsibilities on the day of the event.  The sign-up sheet will be at the Wednesday meetings, or  contact Desi Desiderio, or 904 673-6482, or Dee Kirby, 904 537-4112, for all the details. 


Save The Date! 
Wednesday, November 13th
Annual JSO and JFRD
Officer and Firefighter of the
Year Awards Ceremony


Contact Scott Schillbrack for further details.


Through October, we will be awarding you for bringing both NEW MEMBERS and FIRST-TIME VISITORS to the club!


The individual who sponsors the most
new members by October 9th will win TWO tickets to the SBMC Christmas Party and a 1-night stay at the Hyatt Downtown!


But wait! That's not all!  


In addition:

The member who brings the most first time visitors to the club will ALSO win two tickets to the SBMC Christmas Party and a 1-night stay at the Hyatt!

Start recruiting now and help us grow our club!

Weekly we place volunteers on the agenda to perform the Pledge and Invocation at each meeting.  If you are willing to do one of these at an upcoming meeting please contact me so we can be prepared in advance.


I am also looking for members that want to be on the stand by list to be a Spotlight Speaker.  There is always a chance that someone can't keep their commitment and we always want to have fill in's. If you are interested call or email:

Steve DeSorbo
SBMC Sergeant At Arms
904-281-2511, x3314

Did you know we have a photo gallery on our website?  We do.  There is a link at the top of the home page for "Gallery".
SBMC's River Cruise aboard The Foxy Lady!  Please click on the link below to view the pictures of this AWESOME event!  Can't wait until next year to do this again!!
Click HERE.
For questions and comments about the newsletter please e-mail