Jacksonville Florida's Oldest Business and Civic Organization Founded in 1932

The Newsletter of the Southside Business Men's Club Volume 81, Issue 2, January 6, 2013
In This Issue
Guest Speaker/Upcoming Programs
President's Message
2012 Dyess Hartley Small Business Man of the Year Award
2012 Art Fields' Volunteer of the Year Award
Golf Outing
Holiday Gala Pictures
Sergeant at Arms

Spotlight Speakers   

January 9-  
Scott Schilbrack   
 January 16-
Joe Lemire
January 23-
Brynn Titone
January 30-  
Bob Ascher




Happy Birthday:   

Jack Williams, 1/8
Cathy Curtis, 1/11
Annie Houghton, 1/12 




 Prizes & Raffles   from December 19th       


The Hardage-Giddens 

Dignity Memorial

Attendance Award,

Sponsored by

John Hamel

   $130 won by   

Ron Mallett



Woody Cooper Award

Sponsored by: 

Tom Harris,


name drawn


Gene Bushor 




   Drawing won by:  

C. Lee Daniel
Axel von Loewenclau 

  Next Meeting 

January 9, 2013  


San Jose Country Club

7529 San Jose Blvd

Jacksonville, FL

Lunch Buffet 12:00 pm

$20 Members

$25 for Guest 



Invite a Guest  





1/9    Upcoming Legislative Session - 
         Representative Charles McBurney
         Board of Governors Meeting immediately following
         the general meeting 


Upcoming Programs:  
1/16   The Wine and Spirits Business-Dave Anderson

1/23   Supervisor of Elections-Jerry Holland
1/30   United Way Campaign Chair at Mayo Clinic
-Ron Stone


I am honored to be your 70th President of Southside Business Men's Club. At our meeting this past Wednesday I said a few things during my induction and I'd like to reiterate them here for those that were unable to attend.


 I thanked Ken Dean for being the model of a chairman I hope to become one day. I can only hope to retain a respectable amount of knowledge I've learned from him thus far. I thanked Galina for her leadership in 2012. It was financially as good a year as we could ever hope to have. She should be proud. I really want to thank my fellow officers from 2012, including Nancy Bennett. Officers are extremely important in our organization, and you will all learn more about them this year. I thanked the Board Members, who along with the officers, simply put, control a large part of our destiny. I thanked the nominating committee for their confidence in my abilities.I thanked the Past Presidents for all they do. For those that don't know, they do not just 'fade away'. They are a big part in the future of our club, and I appreciate all I can learn from them.

I have been a member almost a dozen years, and still truly have a hard time believing how many friends I have met in this organization. Yes, I have gotten a wonderful amount of business from being a member as well, and I say 'Thank You' to all of you that have been involved in that part of my life. I do appreciate it! Most of all, I have to say I thank YOU, the members of our fine club. Without all of you here, I am nothing. Many people have asked what my 'legacy' would be described as, once I complete my year as Presidency. I'll tell you that I hope for it to be "education of the membership". Anyone of you fairly new members would be surprised, maybe amazed, at the entire gamut of activities, initiatives, and programs we put together throughout the year. This year you will learn more about the team that you are a part of, and more about the pieces of this large puzzle that has grown to become an important part of our community, with a rich, 80-year history.  

Our club is also known to have fun, and this year will be no exception. We will get our necessary business taken care of, and have a great time doing it. To any guests that have joined us, please come back and see us often, and consider joining an organization that can reap rewards for you both in business and personally. To any new members who are just getting started, I would consider getting involved. You will hear committee chairs and vice presidents alike, talking of new opportunities for you to volunteer your time and/or talents, to some very worthwhile causes.


I want to thank my beautiful wife Mary, for all of her support, both in the past 23 years, and for what she is about to go thru in the next 12 months. I give my word to you, that I will show my greatest respect for all of you in this extended family of mine. I will work hard to make you proud of who you elected President for 2013.

My fellow officers and I thank you for your support, I truly wish for all of you to have a prosperous and enjoyable new year!

Thank you,

Jepp Walter

2013 President

2012 Dyess Hartley Small Business
Man of the Year Award

One of the goals of Southside Business Men's Club is to promote the image and quality of business. One of the ways this is done is by recognizing and rewarding excellence in business. With this in mind, in 1986 President C. Lee Daniel established an Annual Award for the Small Business Man of the Year and it was named after its first recipient Dyess Hartley, who passed away in May 1991.

Congratulations to the 2012 recipient of the Dyess Hartley Small Business Man of the Year Award Hank Duckworth, President of Duckworth Construction Co! Over the past 25 years, Hank has built a successful commercial remodeling business, maintaining a high level of quality and integrity and always being interested in giving back to the community. Community involvement, along with our Charitable work, is what attracted Hank to our Club that he joined in September 2011 and, with MarkJackson by his side, he has supported our club since day one.

In addition to growing his own business that ranks among Top 10 commercial remodeling companies in our area, Hank contributed to the success of our Club in 2012. He supported our club throughout the year by helping and personally contributing to our fund-raising activities and volunteering for many of our club-sponsored events. He showed his excitement about our organization by inviting guests to our meetings and ultimately sponsoring the most new members last year. Thank you, Hank for your support of the SBMC!

2012 Art Fields' Volunteer of the Year Award

In 2005, President Steve Johnston established an annual Award to recognize members giving their time in the volunteer role. The first recipient, Art Fields, gave many volunteer hours even before joining the Club in July 2005. Art felt that it was important to support the organization by participating in as many events as possible. He often took on tasks refused by others and his dedication and love for our Club was commendable. Art Fields passed away in August 2006. In his memory, the Board voted to rename the "Volunteer of the Year Award" to the "Art Fields' Volunteer of the Year Award".

Congratulations to the recipient of the 2012 Art Fields' Volunteer of the Year Award Harry Peltz with Aflac!  Harry is an SBMC Board member; he chaired our Trip to Tallahassee and volunteered for many SBMC-sponsored events in 2012. To name a few, he volunteered for The Players Championship, Youth Achievement Program events, BeerFest, Jazz Festival, Car Show, Veteran's Day Float, and Children's Shopping Spree. Thank you, Harry for your support of the SBMC!


Welcome to a New Year of SBMC golf. For 2013 we have at least 216 holes of golf ahead of us and likely the same number of adult beverages!  So, get ready to put your spikes on and hitting them long and straight! Our next golf outing is on Friday, January 18th at Deercreek Country Club.  Cost is $40.00 plus tax and includes range balls.  Tee time 11:30am and runs through 12:15pm. 

Please contact Nico Hogeveen at 904-403-6754 or [email protected] to reserve your spot.

Nico Hogeveen

2013 SBMC Golf Chair

Photos from the SBMC Holiday Gala and 80th Anniversary Celebration are now available online. Click here to view the photos. Everyone looked beautiful! If you'd like to purchase anything, just add the word "friend" to the coupon space to receive a 33% discount on your order of $15 or more.

Nancy Bennett,
Living Image Photography 
SERGEANT AT ARMS - Steve De Sorbo 

In order for us and San Jose Country Club to properly prepare for the SBMC meeting, we ask you to RSVP and let us know if you intend to have lunch.  This will ensure that SJCC has proper seating and enough food for our group.  RSVP to [email protected].


If you feel called to lead our meeting in the Invocation or the Pledge of Allegiance, please email [email protected]. 

For questions and comments about the newsletter please e-mail [email protected]