2013 | January/February
VetViews January- February 2013
Welcome to VetViews
VetViews is the monthly eNewsletter designed to provide a central outlet for communicating to the members of the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine (RUSVM) community. VetViews strives to share information about the people, pets and perspectives of RUSVM.
Dean's Office@RossVet

What's on the Horizon in Veterinary Education?

Message from Sr. Associate Dean of Veterinary Education 

Dr. Gail Anderson
On Dec 1, 2012, I joined the RUSVM faculty in my new role as senior associate dean of Veterinary Education. My role is several-fold. AVMA accreditation brings with it the need for excellent documentation of each element within the educational process for our students. As such, I will be upgrading course profiles, then beginning the process of reviewing content with a view to potentially integrate certain subjects along systems lines.   |More|

Restructuring Leadership & New Department Names at RUSVM


Office of the Dean portal page
As RUSVM continues to move forward in implementation of its strategic plan, the structure of the leadership was redesigned and academic departments were reorganized. First, three new senior associate dean positions in the areas of veterinary education, programs assessment and veterinary clinical affairs were created. The creation of these positions emerges from the need for the leadership of RUSVM to better reflect best practice at our benchmark veterinary schools.   |More|
I TEACH, You TEACH...Where is Your Classroom?

RUSVM's TEACH Champion
Student satisfaction and helping students to achieve their goals is a responsibility that belongs to all RUSVM community members, and by striving to find new ways to reflect the TEACH values in our everyday work, employees go a long way to achieving higher levels of student satisfaction and service excellence. The year 2013 brings with it a renewed focus at RUSVM on serving our students and working together with colleagues in alignment with the TEACH values.     |More|
White Coat Ceremony
incoming white coat class


On January 7, 2013, the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine (RUSVM) Class of 2016 marked the beginning of their veterinary education during the White Coat Ceremony.



Students Commit to Integrity, Compassion, and Ethical Standards at Transition Ceremony
December Transition Class 2012
On Thursday, December 6, Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine (RUSVM) held its tenth Transition Ceremony in celebration of the seventh semester students as they advance to complete their clinical semesters.   |More|

DOWNLOAD: RUSVM December 2012 Transition Ceremony Photo 


Download a hi-resolution copy of the group photo in celebration  

of the 7th Semester's Transition Ceremony.  

Click on the text above to download your copy.   


Development @RossVet
Under new 25-year agreement, RUSVM commits to $25M expansion
RUSVm campus
On December 18, RUSVM announced that it has signed a 25-year renewal of its partnership agreement with the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. The renewal paves the way for RUSVM to move forward on a planned expansion of its campus and facilities. By way of the agreement, RUSVM commits to spending a minimum of USD $25 million over the next five years on RUSVM's expansion.  |More|


RUSVM Portal Launches to Faculty and Staff 

Portal homepage The RUSVM internal portal was officially launched to faculty and staff on November 29 with an email invitation to all RUSVM employees to visit the site and explore the many aspects of this new tool. The RUSVM Portal is the newest communication tool designed to improve the access and sharing of information on campus.   |More|


My Veterinary Behavior Externship at University of Pennsylvania

By Steven Edwards, 10th semester student 


Earlier in 2012 (during my 8th semester), I participated in a 3-week animal behavior externship at the Matthew J. Ryan Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania's Behavior Clinic. I chose this externship because I wanted to learn more about animal behavior than what is taught in the program. In addition, the typical private practitioner can expect his or her clients to ask behavior-related questions relatively frequently.  |More| 

Students @RossVet
Mr. RUSVM - Green Conquers Again!

On Saturday, January 12, RUSVM students gathered at The Royal St. Kitts Hotel and Casino for an evening of fun during the Mr. RUSVM pageant. There were eight contestants this semester (one from each of the seven semesters) and one VIP.     |More|
Guests @RossVet
Don't Miss a Treatable Disease: Bartonella
Dr. Lappin's Message about Public Health Implications of the Zoonotic Disease for Pets and People
Dr. Michael Lappin  

"It's a little bit about sick cats and dogs, and a lot about people," said Dr. Michael Lappin, professor of Infectious Disease in the Department of Clinical Sciences and director of Shelter Medicine at Colorado State University, in a presentation titled, Bartonellosis: Updated and Prevention Strategies. Dr. Lappin visited RUSVM in early November to provide a campus-wide talk and acted as a guest speaker for the Public Health Club's Roundtable discussion.   |More|

Announcements @RossVet
*Click each item for more information.  



New @RossVet

Dr. Gail Anderson 
Dr. Gail Anderson joins RUSVM as senior associate dean for Veterinary Education. In her new role, Anderson will be responsible for mentorship of teaching skills for new faculty. Before joining RUSVM, Anderson served as inaugural dean at the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences at the University of Adelaide in South Australia.
  Dr. Jerry Roberson 
Dr. Jerry Roberson joins RUSVM as associate professor of Theriogenology. In his new role, Roberson will primarily be responsible for teaching semester seven food animal Introduction to Clinics II and Theriogenology.
Rebecca Hall  
Dr. Rebecca Hall joins RUSVM as assistant professor of Small Animal Medicine and clinician in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital. In her new role, Hall will primarily be responsible for teaching semester seven Introduction to Clinics II with focus on emergency medicine and rotation.
Locksley Edwards  
Mr. Locksley Edwards joins the RUSVM Safety & Security Department as a mobile patrol officer.  Before joining RUSVM, Edwards worked with Blue Water Safaris as well as Bobsy's Restaurant, Bar & Grill. He also has experience in data entry as well as mechanics.                                                     
Lesroy Swanston  
Mr. Lesroy Swanston joins RUSVM as a campus patrol officer in the Safety and Security Department.  Before joining RUSVM, Swanston worked with the St. Christopher Air and Sea Ports Authority as a civil aviation security officer and is also a member of the Reserves for the St. Kitts-Nevis Defense Force.   
In This Issue
Message from Dr. Gail Anderson
Restructuring Leadership
TEACH Values Revitalized
RUSVM Renews Partnership with St. Kitts Nevis
Quick Links
Be In The Know

 Have you checked out the Be In The Know web site?

Key information about safety and security, updating your contact information in SIREN, Embassy Registration and so much more...info for faculty, staff and students!

Keep Your Info Current

Visit the  


Incident Report System

The Incident Report System provides individuals with direct access to current incidents as reported to campus security.  The system is available via the Internet (on- and off-campus) with a RUSVM email account and password.   Make it a habit to stay up-to-date.
Pride/TEACH Recipients 2012:   

PRIDE winners 2012  

Congratulations to all of RUSVM's awardees!


Mr. Julio Davis, painter/tiler 


Mr. Jermaine Huggins, systems administrator


Ms. Judith Smithen-Berry, customer service representative


Dr. Belle Nibblett, assistant professor, small animal internal medicine


Dr. John Weale, director, clinical affairs 



PRIDE - Professional Recognition of Integrity, Dedication, and Excellence-is awarded to top achievers from all divisions of DeVry. 


The honorees are recognized for their dedication to serving our students, operating with the highest integrity, and achieving excellence in their work. PRIDE members embody the TEACH Values and are prized teammates known for helping their colleagues reach their full potential.


Please take a moment to congratulate the 2012 PRIDE members on their accomplishments. 
It's a privilege to have them on our team!


Ron Taylor Award winners:   

Congratulations to all of the awardees!


Ron Taylor Awardees  


Ms. Jermaine Alexander - IT helpdesk administrator


Ms. Kizzy Dedier - HR generalist


Mr. Glenville Henry - 

facilities construction


Ms. Lisa Jefferson-housekeeping


Ms. Alicia Liddie - campus patrol


Ms. Gracie Lindsay - purchasing


Mr. Jonathan Peeler - facilities director


Mr. Charles Pemberton - laboratory technician


Mr. Craig Samuel - grounds


Mr. Devon Warner -  mobile patrol


Ms. Eartha Williams - mobile patrol


Mr. Keegan Williams - facilities mason  


Dr. Robin Fio Rito -  clinical skills professor


Dr.  Shari Lanning - anatomy professor


Dr. Esteban Soto -  bacteriology professor



The Ron Taylor Award recognizes employees who are nominated by their supervisors for going above and beyond their normal job functions while still completing all required duties of their position during a fiscal year. Recipients receive a cash bonus and certificate of achievement. Each recipient is

 recognized for displaying the DeVry Inc. TEACH values throughout their work. 



Accolades @RossVet
Recently won an award, placed in a residency, or just simply have great news to share? Send us your information at news@rossvet.edu.kn


    Brandon Prince

    RUSVM now has its second national Simmons Educations Fund (SEF) winner! Congratulations to Brandon Prince, eighth semester student, who has won the Grand National Award in the 2012 SEF Business Aptitude program in recognition of his pursuit of business excellence in veterinary medicine. Prince received a $15,000 check as his grand prize at the North American Veterinary College Administrators (NAVCA) held in January. 






    Dr. Gyimah as Flava Flav Dr. Joseph Gyimah, professor of Immunology and Virology recently participated in the Josh Project fundraising activities by dressing up as Flava Flav for the day as part of the coin fundraiser. Third semester emerged as winners this semester. The event raised a total of $4,516.93 EC to benefit the pediatric ward at the Joseph N. France Hospital. Thanks for your participation!






    7th semester paints preschool  

    It has become a tradition for the departing class of RUSVM to donate money and improve the St. Kitts community in some way. December's departing seventh semester class decided to give up one of their Saturdays and repaint the McKnight Preschool. Students purchased paint, brushes and other supplies. The more artistically inclined in the group painted a beautiful mural on the outside wall of the school. A few parents assisted with the student project. The preschoolers of McKnight returned to school in January with refurbished new classrooms. Great job everyone!





    Dr. Michael Lappin

    Congratulations to Patefield James, (pictured right) RUSVM facilities manager, and one of the university's longest standing  members of staff, who celebrated 25 years of dedicated service to RUSVM in November. 








    Movember Moustaches Movember (the month formerly known as November) is a moustache growing charity event held during November each year that raises funds and awareness for men's health. A group of RUSVM students came together recently and agreed to grow their moustaches in support of the charity geared towards prostate and testicular cancer research. Way to go guys!





    Thanksgiving Toast Congratulations to SCAVMA who hosted the first RUSVM Family Thanksgiving Dinner in November for the entire campus community. A home-cooked meal was provided and a large crowd participated in the event. 
    The Thanksgiving dinner provided students, in particular, the chance to pause amidst their many academic obligations to recognize those things in their lives that they are thankful for.  



    Staff Awardees Employees celebrating 5,10,15 and 25 years of service to RUSVM were presented with gifts at a staff meeting in January. Twenty persons celebrated 5 years, three persons celebrated 10 years, and two persons celebrated 15 years. View the complete list here.




    Dr. Fernanda Castillo Alcala  

    Congratulations to Dr. Fernanda Castillo Alcala, professor of Pathology whose article entitled Prevalence and genotype of Mycoplasma bovis in beef cattle after arrival at a feedlot, was published in the December issue of the American Journal of Veterinary Research. 



    RUSVM's Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) passed the AAHA accreditation inspection at the end of last semester, effectively maintaining its status for another two years. Dr. Larry Betance, VTH chief of staff, wanted to share his appreciation to the entire team and share a special thank you to Ms. Heather Hotchins, VTH administrator, for the tremendous effort that she and her team contributed during the inspection process.

    The RUSVM Pfizer Award for Veterinary Research Excellence is presented to a faculty member who is a principal investigator in research at RUSVM.  The award recognizes innovative research, on which the scientific advancement of the veterinary profession. Congratulations to 
    Dr. Esteban Soto, assistant professor of Bacteriology.


    Dr. Thrall and Dean Watson
    Congratulations to Dr. Mary Anna Thrall, head of the Department of Biomedical Sciences and professor of Clinical Pathology. Dr. Thrall was awarded the RUSVM Pfizer Distinguished Veterinary Teacher Award in a recent faculty meeting. This award is presented to a faculty member who has demonstrated a sustained record of excellence in teaching.  The award recognizes outstanding faculty who, through their ability, dedication, character and leadership contribute significantly to the advancement of the profession.  The recipient of this award becomes a nominee for the national teaching award. 

Appreciation @RossVet
RUSVM would like to thank the following individuals for their service to RUSVM and wish them well in their future endeavors. 


Dr. Jane Sandquist, assistant dean for Academic Administration, will leave RUSVM in August. Jane and her husband, Don, will be running a small bed and breakfast business on the Oregon Coast. Under Dr. Sandquist's guidance, the establishment of the RUSVM Preparatory School became a reality in 2000 in response to the need for faculty and students of RUSVM to have an option for their children to attend.  She was a part of its expansion from a small group of students participating in distance education to what the prep school is today.  Sandquist has worked closely with other leadership team members on faculty and academic issues as well as special projects and serves as coordinator of the Vet Prep program. RUSVM wishes you well as you move forward into the next phase of your life.


Dr. Roger Warren, professor of Anesthesiology, will retire from RUSVM in July after 26 years of service. Thank you, Dr. Warren, for your commitment to RUSVM.  
Dr. Warren had this to say of his time at RUSVM. "I started at RUSVM in 1987 with a class of approximately 15 students. We had only two Deans at the time; Dr. Tim Brasmer, and his assistant, Dr. Norman Ronald - both of whom were also responsible for teaching. Denise Fyfield was in charge of copying, Mova Simmonds was responsible for book-keeping, and Lynette Isaac was attending to the clinical needs of our small animal patients. The Community Practice, as we know it today, was practically nonexistent and Dr. Larry Betance was still a 6th semester student.  After I retire in July of this year , I am avoiding any definitive plan-making until I have experienced at least 6 months of full-time retirement. It is my ultimate desire to spend the Summer and Fall months in New England, while returning to St. Kitts for the months of December through April."


"A few of the things I expect to tackle right away are to spend more time visiting with friends and family; to fix-up my little lakeside cabin in Halifax, MA; and to travel coast-to-coast through the Canadian provinces via railway. Who knows, I may even attempt to write a book of a historical and anecdotal nature." 


Dr. Simon Kenyon, professor of Food Animal Medicine and director of Post Graduate Programs, will retire from RUSVM in September after four years of service. Thank you, Dr. Kenyon, for your service to RUSVM. Kenyon had this to say of his time at RUSVM. "On September 1, we will say goodbye to the herd at RUSVM! Although Sue and I are looking forward to our joint retirement, our time at RUSVM will remain very precious to us.  We will especially miss our faculty and staff colleagues, RUSVM students, and the people of St. Kitts, all of whom have made the last four years such a rewarding experience. Our immediate plans are to travel to New Zealand to visit grandkids, and then return to the US to start a new life on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay." 

Dr. Amanda Loftis, assistant professor of Infectious Disease will leave RUSVM in July after more than three years of service. Loftis plans to take a few months of personal time, before starting the next adventure in her life. "I hope to rest, travel, and finally catch up on medical care! I will miss my RUSVM students and my fellow faculty quite a bit, but it is time to move on." RUSVM wishes you well as you move forward into the next phase of your life.
Dr. David Marshall, associate professor and clinician of large animals, will leave RUSVM in May. 

Marshall will returning to the U.S. to be closer to family. "As a veterinarian, I have had wonderful and exciting positions including several university appointments and quality time spent in private practice.  My teaching and clinical tenure here at RUSVM tops them all.  I have sustained and cherished affections for the RUSVM student body, faculty colleagues, and the supporting staff.  I will greatly miss you all." Thank you for your service, Dr. Marshall.

Dr. John Berezowski, assistant professor of Epidemiology, will leave RUSVM at the end of August

and will be heading to Switzerland, where he will be leading a surveillance research group in the Veterinary Public Health Institute at the University of Bern. Berezowski, along with his wife Linda, who has been acting as the Interim Library Director at RUVSM, would like to thank the faculty, staff and students for making their stay at RUSVM a very enjoyable and rewarding experience. Dr. and Mrs. Berezowski, will treasure the  friendships they have established during their six- semester stay on this island. They will be leaving with fond memories of both RUVSM and the island of St.Kitts. RUSVM wishes you well as you move forward into the next phase of your life. 

Dr. Lindsay Moffatt, assistant professor of Anatomy, is leaving RUSVM in May after more than four
 years of service. Moffat will be returning to Ohio and will be working as a small relief veterinarian until October, when she will head to Mongolia for the winter to work with Christian Veterinary Mission. Moffatt said of her time at RUSVM, "I will very much miss being at RUSVM and those who have made the university and St. Kitts a special place." Thank you, Dr. Moffatt, for your service to RUSVM.  

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