Call for IPPS
Award Nominations

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 Awards will be presented during the 63rd Annual Meeting of the IPPS Eastern Region:

October 8-11, 2013
Chicago, Illinois

Nominations may be submitted at any time. 
In order to be considered for the 2013 balloting, nominations must be received by June 30, 2013.




Contact Recognition Committee Chair  

David Sanford:



The IPPS Eastern Region honors it's own once a year at the annual conference.  Your nominations of worthy candidates are needed.  It's quick & easy: submit your nomination today!
Award of Merit

The Award of Merit, the region's highest award, is made to an individual who has made a significant contribution to the field of plant propagation or production. This can be through the development of new practices or techniques or through extraordinary service to IPPS or to the green industry.

Fellow Award

The Fellow Award acknowledges outstanding members who have contributed to the advancement of the Society and to the field of plant propagation and production through participation, service, leadership, research, teaching or extension work. Active members with at least 10 years of membership are eligible.

 Click here to make a nomination.