2012 AS header title
November 19, 2015


Mahalo & Get Ready!
KIA Thanksgiving Luncheon
Click image for full-size version
The annual Kapa'a Interfaith Association's (KIA) Thanksgiving Luncheon is right around the corner and organizers are grateful to everyone who donated and/or purchased items at last Saturday's Market & Swap Meet. Over $700 was raised which will go a long way to cover the food costs for the luncheon.

Volunteer sign-up sheets along with flyers and home delivery forms for the elderly and shut-ins, are located on the table in the back of the church. 

Donations of boxed juice or Capri Sun for the home delivered meals are being requested.

Come be a part of this wonderful community event! For more information, visit the webpage HERE. If you have any questions, please see All Saints' representatives and organizers, Mary Margaret Smith or Diane Sato.
Tuesday, December 1
Laundry Love Volunteer Meeting

There will be an important Laundry Love meeting for all volunteers on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. We will be discussing the formation of volunteer teams and fine-tune procedures to implement any changes and update our Operations Manual. We will also discuss our hope and vision for 2016. 
Saturday, December 12
Usher Orientation and Training Workshop

All Saints' will be holding an Usher Orientation and Training Workshop on Saturday, December 12, from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM, for all current ushers and those interested in serving in this vital ministry. All ushers are urged to attend the workshop.

The ministry of welcome and connection is the lifeblood of growing our Church. Ushering is far more than handing out service programs and leis. When visitors arrive at All Saints' an usher is typically the first person to greet them. Ushers play an essential role in orienting visitors to All Saints', our worship services, our rich history and our beautiful island.

Ushers also support the worship experience and serve as an ambassador and liaison for the Vestry and Clergy on Sunday morning. Please consider this ministry. Anyone can be an usher and all are encouraged to attend the workshop. If you have any questions, please see Fr. Ryan or Mary Margaret Smith.
Sunday, December 13
Annual Christmas Caroling at Mahelona 

All are invited to come and sing in the halls of Mahelona's Long-term Care Unit for our annual Christmas Caroling. We will be gathering on Sunday, December 13, in the main parking lot at 5:45 PM, and begin our stroll at 6:00 PM. Singing usually lasts about a half-hour. Be sure to dress in some bright holiday colors like red or green... Santa hats and reindeer antlers are always welcome, and so are any musical instruments to enhance our singing! If you have any questions, e-mail Sybil or call 651-7773.
Introducing "Between Sundays"
As the Spirit inspires, Fr. Ryan and others will continue the conversation of the past Sunday's sermon with a brief reflection/response that will appear in the E-News entitled "Between Sundays". The following is the first of this new feature.

Week of November 15, 2015 - By Rev. Ryan D. Newman

Did you provoke anyone this week as Jesus provokes us? Did you provoke others to love as Christ loves us? Did you provoke others to good deeds as our Lord continues to inspire us?
This past Sunday, on the steps of the Temple, we heard Jesus "provoke" his followers. Mark's account occurs near the conclusion of Jesus' public ministry. The story serves as a bookend to the ongoing tension between Jesus and some of the "religious leaders" who spent a lifetime exploiting the poor, the weak, the defenseless, and the forgotten.
There is no better time than now for us to stand up to fear and evil--those things that outrage us and paralyze our lives, our community, and our world. It begins by us "provoking one another to love and good deeds." (Hebrews 10:24)
Did you provoke any this week as Jesus provokes us? If not, don't worry-tomorrow is a new day and a new opportunity awaits us every sunrise. Go provoke others to love and goodness!

Did you miss the Sermon? Visit the archived Sermons webpage HERE.
Christmas Flowering Offering

Would you like to make an offering for Christmas poinsettias? This is a wonderful way to make the church look festive for Christmas and to make a dedication in thanksgiving or in memory of someone. Download the offering form HERE or pick one up at the entrance of the Church. Please make checks payable to All Saints' Church with "Christmas flowers" on the memo line. To be included in the Christmas program listing, please submit your donation by Tuesday, December 15. If you have any questions, contact Chris Wataya at 822-4267.
Holiday KISS Concert - December 6

Kauai Island Singers Showcase (KISS) celebrates their third year with another concert at All Saints' on Sunday, December 6, at 5:00 PM.  KISS presents an entertaining and eclectic mix of rock and blues music with some holiday songs, featuring 11 gifted singers, Hank Curtis on piano, Edd Cook on bass and Jim Fiore on drums. Concert is free!
Stewardship: Have you turned in your pledge card?

If you have not had an opportunity to fill out your pledge card and/or youneed a little more time to discern your 2016 pledge, there is still time to turn it in. To help with finalizing the 2016 budget, we are asking our 'ohana to turn in pledge cards by Wednesday, November 25. Here are financial stewardship highlights as of November 19:
  • We have received 54 pledges. Our goal is 80 pledges for 2016.
  • Currently, there are 26 families/individuals who pledged last year who have not returned a pledge for 2016.
  • We are happy to report that we have 8 new pledging families/individuals.
  • The total amount pledged (YTD) for 2016 is $137, 402. (Our 2016 pledge amount goal is $250,000.)
If you did not receive a pledge card, need another, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Church office by phone (808) 822-4267 or by e-mailAlso, if you were unable to attend the All Saints' Day service, we encourage you to listen to the All Saints' Day sermon, "We are Made to Thrive", which is available on the Stewardship webpage under "Campaign Resources"  and on the Sermon Archive webpage.
God of abundance, your love flows like living water filling our hearts and flooding our souls with one desire to know you and make you known. We lift your name on high. We know we are made for so much more than ordinary lives. Empower us to more than just survive because we are made to Thrive! Amen.
The annual All Saints' Holiday Craft Fair & Silent Auction will be taking place on Saturday, December 5, from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM. The fair, which is run by the Ke Akua Youth Group, has grown to one of the largest craft fairs in Kapa'a, with over 70 booth spaces featuring a variety of incredible crafts, art, clothes, toys, jewelry, quilts, gourmet items and much more, perfect for Christmas gift giving!  

This is the youth group's biggest fundraiser of the year. Booth fees go towards their mission and outreach activities, and proceeds from the Silent Auction go towards charities they select each year, and this year they will be donating all money to Laundry Love Kauai. Money raised from the food booth is directed towards the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life event that takes place in the Spring in Hanapepe.

A few more lawn spots are available. Register online HERE
ECW November Special Collections for for Hale Ho'omalu
For the month of November, the ECW is requesting saimin and juice as part of their monthly special collection for Hale Ho'omalu, a family services center located a half-block away from the church.  Of course canned and other packaged foods are always welcome. Monetary donations can also be made. All donations can be left in the red wagon at the church entrance. 
Seeking Service Volunteers!
Ushers, Altar Guild, Lay Readers

If you would like to assist in our Sunday services, we are currently seeking ushers and Altar Guild volunteers for the 7:00 service, and lay readers for the 9:30 service. Please call the church office at 822-4267, or e-mail Chris Wataya. For more information on the different worship ministry roles, visit our website HERE.
Christmas Service Hours are as follows:

December 24
3:30 PM Keiki Service
5:30 PM Festive Eucharist
10:30 PM Carol Prelude & Festive Eucharist

December 25
9:30 AM Holy Eucharist

There will be a Christmas Eve Open House and potluck in the rectory from 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM. All are invited to bring a favorite family dish to share and drop by anytime during the Open House.
Worship Enhancements Available!
Dont' forget to ask for a headset or large-print service bulletin! Both items are available through our ushers who will be more than happy to set you up!

The nursery has also been hooked up so that the service can be heard through a speaker in that room. Parents with very young children can now sit and relax with them while they play, and are also able to hear the service.
Say Cheeeeese!

Grandpa Glenn Sato had his hands full with granddaughter Kenzie while displaying his handmade wooden banks and reindeer planters at the Saturday Market and Swap Meet. Be sure to visit his booth at the Holiday Craft Fair on December 5, but come early--- he usually sells out quickly!
Janet cross hanalei  
Proper 29
Almighty and everlasting God, whose will it is to restore all
things in your well-beloved Son, the King of kings and Lord of lords: Mercifully grant that the peoples of the earth, divided
and enslaved by sin, may be freed and brought together
under his most gracious rule; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Book of Common Prayer, 
p 326
 7:00 AM
Holy Eucharist  
9:30 AM
Holy Eucharist
with Music
Healing Prayers
Sunday School
Nursery Available

8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist
First Wednesdays of the month will be at 7:30 AM
Thursday evenings at 6:00pm

 All are invited to join in, including visitors who are vacationing on Kaua'i!

Daughters of the King
2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month; 
Next: November 26, 7:00 PM, Memorial Hall
Laundry Love Volunteers
Tuesday, December 1, 6:30 - 7:30 PM, Location TBA
Ke Akua Youth Group
Sunday, December 13, 7:00 PM, Yatsko's home
ECW Meeting
Thursday, December 17, 7:00 PM, Memorial Hall
Vestry Meeting
Tuesday, January 19, 6:30 PM, Rectory (6:00 PM Eucharist)
(No meeting in December)
FREE KIA Thanksgiving Luncheon 
Thursday, November 26, 11:00 AM, Gym
(Interfaith Service at 10:00 AM)
Heavenly Hikes 
Ongoing last Sunday of the month.  
Next: November 29
Trail: TBD
Laundry Love Kauai
Ongoing first and third Wednesday of the month, 5:30 PM, Kapaa Laundromat
NEXT:  December 2
All Saints' Holiday Craft Fair & Silent Auction
Saturday, December 5, 9:00 AM-2:00 PM
In the Gym/Lawn
KISS Concert
Sunday, December 6, 5:00 PM, Church
More details to come...
Usher Orientation & Training
Saturday, December 12, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Church
Saturday Market & Swap Meet
Ongoing Second Saturdays of the month, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Lawn
NEXT: December 12
Ke Akua Youth Group Christmas Party
Sunday, December 13, 7:00 PM, Yatsko's Home
Christmas Eve Open House & Potluck
Thursday, December 24, 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM, Rectory
Next monthly electronic waste disposal date:
December 12
(Reminder, early drop off is no longer allowed. Please bring items to the Saturday market or call the Caldwell's for pick-up.)
Come help keep our buildings and property sparkling and ship shape!
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Next date:
December 19
Quick Links:
Are you scheduled? Be sure to check the: 
Bake Sale Success at Saturday Market & Swap Meet

There were lots of delicious goodies for sale flying off the tables at last weekend's Saturday Market and Swap Meet. All Saints' hosted a booth to raise funds for the Kapa'a Interfaith Thanksgiving Luncheon taking place next week. Diane Sato reported that they raised $720 which will go a long way to cover the cost for the food. Many thanks to everyone who brought items to sell and to those that supported the booth and made donations.

The market continues to attract a wide variety of vendors, many now on long-term arrangements. We are still looking for a regular food vendor to take part in the monthly event, so spread the word and have them get in touch with David Murray or Sybil Nishioka.
Ke Akua Youth Group's Busy Holiday Schedule

The Ke Akua Youth Group went over their busy schedule through the end of the year at their monthly meeting this past Sunday. Coming up on Thanksgiving, they will be helping serve up lunches in the Gym at the KIA Thanksgiving Luncheon. Saturday, December 5, is the Holiday Craft Fair and their largest fundraiser of the year. Booth rentals go towards their mission and outreach activities, while proceeds from the food booth are marked for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life next April. Each year, they select charities to receive money raised from the Silent Auction, and this year they picked our very own Laundry Love Kauai! Please be sure to come by for great shopping and ono food, and support some worthy causes!

Sunday, December 13, will be Christmas Caroling at Mahelona, followed by their annual Christmas party. We are blessed that the Yatsko's have offered up their home for the party this year. All former Ke Akua youth group members on island at the time are also invited!  Please let Sybil know if you plan to attend to get details.

Pastoral Service Reminder: The youth want to remind everyone that they are available on most Sunday afternoons to provide help to those who are unable to do certain chores like washing your car, cleaning windows, lawn work, etc. Please e-mail Sybil Nishioka if you would like to set up a date beginning in January.


Ses logo

Be sure to stay abreast of all the happenings and offerings in our Diocese and world-wide Episcopal Church. Check out the Diocesan newspaper, the E-Chronicle for coverage of events with special feature articles, or learn about upcoming events and announcements in the Diocesan E-News HERE, Recent highlights include:

  • Pacific Islander Ministry Retreats
  • Presiding Bishop Urges Prayers
  • Annual Meeting Quick Recap
  • ECW Holiday Luncheon
  • YASC Opportunities
  • Presiding Bishop on Refugees
  • Summary of Action of the 78th General Convention


Are you receiving the latest news and information from around the Diocese?  Be sure to sign up for a copy of the diocesan E-News (announcements) and the  E-Chronicle (newspaper of the diocese) directly to your inbox.  Go to the diocesan website  HERE and sign-up at the bottom of the home page.

Happy Thanksgiving! Everyone is invited!!!

Laundry Love Kauai's Next Date:  December 2 - Spread the Word!

All Saints' Holiday Craft Fair & Silent Auction
Saturday, December 5
Foster care
AS painted logoContact Information
Sybil Nishioka, Editor
All Saints' Communications

All Saints' Episcopal Church
P. O. Box 248, 4-1065 Kuhio Highway
Kapa'a, Kaua'i, HI  96746
Church Office:  808-822-4267