2012 AS header title
November 6, 2015


Stewardship Update:
Aloha All Saints' 'Ohana,
With last Sunday's amazing and spirit-filled All Saints' Day celebration, we have officially launched our year-long stewardship campaign "We are made to Thrive!"
We want to take a moment to share with the congregation an update on the "financial stewardship" portion of the campaign as we gather our 2016 pledges. Mahalo to everyone who has already made a 2016 pledge to support the mission and ministries of the Church! As of All Saints' Sunday:
  • We have received 27 pledges. Our goal is 80 pledges for 2016.
  • We are happy to report that four of those pledges came from families new to the All Saints' 'Ohana.
  • The total amount pledged (YTD) for 2016 is $66,284. Our 2016 pledge amount goal is $250,000.
  • We are excited to share that 12 individuals/families of the 23 returning pledges have pledged to increase their offering in 2016.
If you have not had an opportunity to fill out your pledge card and/or you need a little more time to discern your 2016 pledge, you have plenty of time to return your 2016 pledge card. Ideally, we are asking our 'Ohana to return their pledge cards by November 25, to help facilitate the finalization of the 2016 budget process. If you did not receive a pledge card, need another, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Church office by phone (808) 822-4267 or by e-mailAlso, if you were unable to attend the All Saints' Day service, we encourage you to listen to the All Saints' Day sermon, "We are Made to Thrive", which is available on the Stewardship webpage under "Campaign Resources"  and on the Sermon Archive webpage.
In closing, we share with you the Stewardship Prayer for this year's campaign:

God of abundance, your love flows like living water filling our hearts and flooding our souls with one desire to know you and make you known. We lift your name on high. We know we are made for so much more than ordinary lives. Empower us to more than just survive because we are made to Thrive! Amen.
Mahalo nui loa,
The Reverend Ryan D. Newman
Bill Caldwell
Stewardship Chair
Heavenly Hikes this Sunday, November 8

October's Heavenly Hikes has been rescheduled for this Sunday, November 8! We will be journeying back to the Wai Koa Loop Trail in Kilauea. Remember to bring your shoes, water bottle, sunscreen, hat, and lunch for this 2.5-hour hike on the Wai Koa Loop trail, located behind the Kauai Miniature Golf. The hike includes a visit to the historic and beautiful "Stone Dam." The hiking terrain is classified as "easy" on a well maintained path, but there may be some mud. The total distance round trip is about 5 miles. Hikers can plan to meet at the church at 11:30 AM to carpool.
KISS Concert this Sunday, November 8

The Kauai Island Singers Showcase (KISS) will be holding a concert this Sunday, November 8, at All Saints' Church, beginning at 5:00 PM. Along with a number of talented local musicians and singers, our own choir member, Stanley Wolshin, will be performing, accompanied by Hank Curtis, our Music Director, on the piano. All are invited to attend this free concert. For more information, you can view the full-size version of the promotional flyer below.
ECW November Special Collections for for Hale Ho'omalu
For the month of November, the ECW is requesting saimin and juice as part of their monthly special collection for Hale Ho'omalu, a family services center located a half-block away from the church.  Of course canned and other packaged foods are always welcome. Monetary donations can also be made. All donations can be left in the red wagon at the church entrance. 
Seeking Your Support!
KIA Thanksgiving Luncheon
Click image for full-size version
The annual Kapa'a Interfaith Association's (KIA) Thanksgiving Luncheon is coming up, and organizers are asking for your help once again.

Volunteer sign-up sheets along with flyers and home delivery forms for the elderly and shut-ins, will be located on the table in the back of the church. 

Donations of boxed juice or Capri Sun for the home delivered meals are being requested.

There will also be a bake/food sale fundraiser at this month's Saturday Market and Swap Meet on November 14, to help cover the cost of the food. Last year, over 900 turkey meals were delivered and served up, and they are expecting to exceed this number.  

Come be a part of this wonderful community event! For more information, visit the webpage HERE. If you have any questions, please see All Saints' representatives and organizers, Mary Margaret Smith or Diane Sato.
Christmas Service Hours Announced

Christmas Service Hours are as follows:

December 24
3:30 PM Keiki Service
5:30 PM Festive Eucharist
10:30 PM Carol Prelude & Festive Eucharist

December 25
9:30 AM Holy Eucharist
Seeking Service Volunteers!
Ushers, Altar Guild, Lay Readers

If you would like to assist in our Sunday services, we are currently seeking ushers and Altar Guild volunteers for the 7:00 service, and lay readers for the 9:30 service. Please call the church office at 822-4267, or e-mail Chris Wataya. For more information on the different worship ministry roles, visit our website HERE.
All Saints' Holiday Craft Fair Registration Open!
Space is filling up fast! Only a few more gym spots!

The annual All Saints' Holiday Craft Fair & Silent Auction will be taking place on Saturday, December 5, from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM. The fair, which is run by the Ke Akua Youth Group, has grown to one of the largest craft fairs in Kapa'a, with over 70 booth spaces featuring a variety of incredible crafts, art, clothes, toys, jewelry, quilts, gourmet items and much more, perfect for Christmas gift giving!  

This is the youth group's biggest fundraiser of the year. Booth fees go towards their mission and outreach activities, and proceeds from the Silent Auction go towards charities they select each year. Money raised from the food booth is directed towards the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life event that takes place in the Spring in Hanapepe.

Registration for a spot in the fair is now open to the general public... early bird pricing is closed. Register online HERE. Hurry! Lawn spaces are available, but there are only a few more spots left in the gym.  For more information, view the flyer below, or visit the webpage HERE.
On-line Volunteer Sign-Ups Available Now!

Laundry Love Kauai (LLK) takes place every first and third Wednesday of the month and is in constant need of volunteers. If you'd like to volunteer, you can now sign-up on-line through the LLK webpage HERE.  Under Volunteer Service Schedules, select a service date and complete the login information that requires an e-mail address.  Not sure what role to sign up for? You can view the different responsibilities in the Operating Manual HERE. Better yet, come on down and take part as a Love Ambassador to help in different areas and see what suits you best!  
Worship Enhancements Available!
Dont' forget to ask for a headset or large-print service bulletin! Both items are available through our ushers who will be more than happy to set you up!

The nursery has also been hooked up so that the service can be heard through a speaker in that room. Parents with very young children can now sit and relax with them while they play, and are also able to hear the service.
Janet cross hanalei  
Proper 27
O God, whose blessed Son came into the world that he might destroy the works of the devil and make us children of God
and heirs of eternal life: Grant that, having this hope, we may purify ourselves as he is pure; that, when he comes again with power and great glory, we may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where he lives and reigns with
you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.
Book of Common Prayer, 
p 326
 7:00 AM
Holy Eucharist  
9:30 AM
Holy Eucharist
with Music
Healing Prayers
Sunday School
Nursery Available

8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist
First Wednesdays of the month will be at 7:30 AM
Thursday evenings at 6:00pm

 All are invited to join in, including visitors who are vacationing on Kaua'i!

Daughters of the King
2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month; 
Next: November 12, 7:00 PM, Memorial Hall
Ke Akua Youth Group
Sunday, November 15, 11:00 AM, Memorial Hall
Vestry Meeting
Tuesday, November 17, 6:30 PM, Rectory (6:00 PM Eucharist)
ECW Meeting
Thursday, November 19, 7:00 PM, Memorial Hall
Heavenly Hikes 
Ongoing last Sunday of the month.  
Next: November 8
(Special date)
Trail: Wai Koa Loop, Kilauea
KISS Concert
Sunday, November 8, 5:00 PM, Church
See flyer in this email
DOK: Words of the Women of the Bible
Final Date:
November 12, 7:00 - 8:30 PM, Memorial Hall
Saturday Market & Swap Meet
Ongoing Second Saturdays of the month, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Lawn
NEXT: November 14
Laundry Love Kauai
Ongoing first and third Wednesday of the month, 5:30 PM, Kapaa Laundromat
NEXT:  November 18
FREE KIA Thanksgiving Luncheon 
Thursday, November 26, 11:00 AM, Gym
(Interfaith Service at 10:00 AM)
All Saints' Holiday Craft Fair & Silent Auction
Saturday, December 5, 9:00 AM-2:00 PM
In the Gym/Lawn
Next monthly electronic waste disposal date:
November 14
(Reminder, early drop off is no longer allowed. Please bring items to the Saturday market or call the Caldwell's for pick-up.)
Come help keep our buildings and property sparkling and ship shape!
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Next date:
Quick Links:
Are you scheduled? Be sure to check the: 
Historic Moments at Annual Meeting of Convention Events

On October 23 and 24, 2015, members of The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi gathered at 'Iolani School for an Education Day, Convention Eucharist and the annual meeting of the Diocesan Convention. Pictured below is Fr. Ryan with All Saints' delegates, David Murray, David Crocker, Mary Margaret Smith and Jean Nakamoto, checking in for Friday's Education Day.

The Rev. Cn. Stephanie Spellers (below left) was a dynamic guest speaker at Education Day, whose message was on "remixing"--- taking the familiar and mixing or changing it up!  She also served as Chaplain for the Convention, leading the group in prayer, song and worship. The Rev. Malcolm Naea Chun (below right with Fane Lino) led an afternoon session dealing with conflict and encouraging reconciliation in a congregation. Participants broke up into groups to discuss actual scenarios of conflict that have come up in Hawai'i congregations. Each group was led and facilitated by participants in the Waiolaihui'ia, the local priest formation program.

The event coincided with the 60th Anniversary of the Consecration of St. Alban's Chapel on the 'Iolani campus, where the Convention Eucharist and historic ordination of four into the transitional diaconate took place. Historic in that all four candidates, Malcolm Keleawe Hee, John Hau'oli Tomoso, Phyllis Mahi Beimes and Paul Nahoa Lucas (pictured below left), were the first to complete the 3-year Waiolahui'ia program, and all four are of native Hawaiian ancestry. Beimes, is also the first female of Hawaiian ancestry to be ordained into The Episcopal Church! 

Following the Convention Eucharist, a Pupu Reception was held where four persons received the Bishop's Cross (Koa Box), recognized for their outstanding service to the Diocese. (And yes, believe it or not, it's just water in those cups that our members are holding above right!) 

On Saturday morning, the 47th Annual Meeting of Convention convened. Pictured above, the delegates sporting Laundry Love shirts. Below, the "guys" and Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick's address. With wife Bea's "love song" by Barry White playing in the background, the Bishop shared a message centered on love; and how we are all called to share our love with others. 

The meeting went smoothly with four resolutions passed. Special orders of business included presentations on Camp Mokule'ia, General Convention, Homelessness in Hawai'i and the Episcopal Asiamerica Ministries. 

A special edition Convention E-Chronicle will be coming out shortly with complete coverage of the weekend's events.
Movie Nights Brings Community and Families Together

Now in its seventh year, All Saints' has provided the community with a free family event that brings hundreds of children and adults together for an evening of fun under the stars. This year's movie nights on the lawn got a late start since the movie equipment vendor was on vacation in September, but that didn't deter families from turning out in force, even with the threat of inclement weather. Pictured above, the kitchen crew who made sure hot dogs, hot chocolate and all the other goodies were flowing! (From left, Janece Yatsko, Scott Sato, Nadine Nakamura, April Womack, Dianne Tabura, Robin Putman, Diane Sato and Tracy Bauman.)

Families turn up early, some an hour before show time, to find a good spot and enjoy the dollar hot dogs and onlicious chili!  Many thanks to the youth, their friends and families, and the ECW ladies for pitching in and working so hard to make sure the three movie events went smoothly, there was lots of ono food, and that everyone had a great time. Special thanks to Janece Yatsko and her daughter Grace (the Ke Akua Youth Group's President) who took the helm while Family Ministries Director, Sybil Nishioka, was off island. It was a fantastic group effort that brought about lots of compliments and thanks from grateful patrons. Mahalo again to everyone who helped make it so successful!!!
Laundry Love Sets New Record!

This week's Laundry Love session held on Wednesday, November 4, set a new record with 120 loads of laundry washed, dried and folded! Pictured above, dedicated volunteers are busy loading washers and dryers. 
All Saints' Sunday Celebration!

November 1 was All Saints' Sunday, and our 'ohana celebrated with a potluck feast after the second service. Victor Punua went all out with his wok and ingredients (sans shirt!!!) behind the gym, stirring up batches of yummy goodness! Thank you to everyone for sharing a dish and taking part in a wonderful All Saints' celebration!


Ses logo

Be sure to stay abreast of all the happenings and offerings in our Diocese and world-wide Episcopal Church. Check out the Diocesan newspaper, the E-Chronicle for coverage of events with special feature articles, or learn about upcoming events and announcements in the Diocesan E-News HERE, Recent highlights include:

  • Annual Meeting Quick Recap
  • Installation of 27th Presiding Bishop
  • ECW Holiday Luncheon
  • YASC Opportunities
  • Presiding Bishop on Refugees
  • Summary of Action of the 78th General Convention
  • Installation of 27th Presiding Bishop set for November 1


Are you receiving the latest news and information from around the Diocese?  Be sure to sign up for a copy of the diocesan E-News (announcements) and the  E-Chronicle (newspaper of the diocese) directly to your inbox.  Go to the diocesan website  HERE and sign-up at the bottom of the home page.

KISS Concert this Sunday, November 8!
Happy Thanksgiving! Everyone is invited!!!

All Saints' Holiday Craft Fair & Silent Auction
Saturday, December 5
Laundry Love Kauai's Next Date:  November 18 - Spread the Word!

Foster care
AS painted logoContact Information
Sybil Nishioka, Editor
All Saints' Communications

All Saints' Episcopal Church
P. O. Box 248, 4-1065 Kuhio Highway
Kapa'a, Kaua'i, HI  96746
Church Office:  808-822-4267