March 11, 2016
Tredyffrin/Easttown School District's E-Newsletter
In This Issue
3/10 Statement on High School Investigation
School Board Reviews Budget at Finance Committee Meeting/Budget Workshop
Update on Volunteer Clearances
T/E's Got Talent
Upcoming Meeting Dates
Word of the Week
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March 10, 2016 Statement on High School Investigation

We understand the recent news reports about the Conestoga High School football team continue to be on everyone's minds. Please know the District is taking the matter very seriously. There is no place in any school for assault or hazing of any student, or any action of intolerance toward gay people or other groups, and a school investigation has been underway. 

As previously communicated, the school administration has made this its top priority. The District seeks a timely resolution, but a matter of such gravity must be approached in a thorough manner, and decisions must be based on all available facts.  There are no public hearings or meetings scheduled related to this active investigation.  The District thanks the community for its continued patience and assures that more information will be shared when appropriate.  

Anyone with specific information related to the investigation is encouraged to call (610) 240-1000 to contact a high school administrator. Thank you for your cooperation.
School Board Reviews 2016-2017 Budget at Finance Committee Meeting and Budget Workshop

The Tredyffrin/Easttown School Board held a Finance Committee Meeting followed by a Budget Workshop on March 8, 2016 at Conestoga High School. The meeting and workshop provided the Board and community with a detailed analysis of enrollment, staffing and revenue in the development of the 2016-2017 budget. The Board approved a 2016-2017 preliminary budget with an operational imbalance of approximately $4.75 million. To close the projected operational deficit, revenues from property tax increases of 2.4% from the Act 1 index and 1.9% for state-mandated retirement payments and special education needs were also included in the 2016-2017 preliminary budget. The District is still facing almost a half million dollar operational deficit after including these proposed tax revenues that must be filled by existing reserves. The final budget adoption, which will include the property tax rate for the 2016-2017 school year is scheduled for the June 13, 2016 regular Board meeting. 

During the Finance Committee meeting, the financing of the proposed One:One Computer Initiative was discussed. The Finance Committee agreed on the lease option, with virtually no impact to the 2016-17 budget, as the best approach to moving forward with acquisition of laptops for high school students next school year. The implementation of the One:One Computer Initiative will continue to be discussed at the upcoming regular Board meeting on March 28, 2016 at 7:30 pm at Conestoga High School. 

The development of the 2016-17 budget will continue to be discussed at the upcoming April 12, 2016 Finance Committee meeting at 7:00 p.m. at Conestoga High School which will be followed immediately by the second Budget Workshop at 7:30 pm. The T/E School Board and administration will continue to work towards closing the budget gap and setting the final tax rate between now and final budget approval in June 2016. The preliminary budget is available for public review at the T/E School District Administration Offices and on the District web site. The T/E School Board encourages public participation during the budget development process so that the budget reflects the input of joint stakeholders. All School Board committee meetings are open to the public and have public comment periods. Meeting dates and agendas are available on the T/E School District web site. In addition, public comments may be submitted to Arthur J. McDonnell, Business Manager or to the T/E School Board.

The Budget Workshop is currently airing on TETV, Comcast Channel 14 and Verizon Channel 20 at 9:00 pm daily. A video of the Budget Workshop is also available on the T/E School District web site.
Update on Volunteer Clearance Requirements

As the result of new amendments to the Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) enacted on July 1, 2015, implementation of the requirement for volunteer clearances will not take effect until July 1, 2016. This means that our school volunteers do not need background clearances for the current school year (2015-2016). For the 2016-2017 school year, only volunteers with regular and repeated contact with students who are responsible for the care, supervision, guidance or control of children will need clearances.

Additionally, renewal of clearances will be required every five (5) years.

Click here for an outline of volunteer positions that require clearances.

Click here for revised Frequently Asked Questions about the latest changes to the volunteer clearance requirements

Thank you to all of our school volunteers who have already obtained background clearances based on the previous version of the law. We appreciate your patience and continued support.
T/E's Got Talent!
Thursday, March 31st
7:00 PM
Conestoga High School

The teachers are taking the stage! Elementary, middle and high school teachers and staff from the T/E schools will perform for their biggest fans - the students and their parents.  Music, dance, comedy...this variety show will be entertaining for the whole family. Proceeds benefit ARCH and support future community programs. Tickets are available online and at the door (until we sell out) at
Upcoming Meeting Dates

Meetings will be held at the T/E School District Administration Offices (TEAO): West Valley Business Center, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1700, Wayne, unless otherwise noted. Meeting agendas are linked once they are available on the TESD web site.

Facilities Committee Meeting, 3/17, 5:00 pm, TEAO
Policy Committee Meeting, 3/17, 7:00 pm, TEAO
Regular School Board Meeting, 3/28, 7:30 pm, CHS
WOW - Word of the Week for 3/14/16

Elementary level: compromise - two people agree to do something or give up something to solve a problem together

Example: Mrs. Jones said the students had to compromise about what game to play at recess.

Middle level: d�j� vu - the feeling that something has happened before, even though it has not (n.)

Example: As Jack pulled up to the beach house, he thought he had been there before, but it was just d�j� vu.

Information contained in this e-newsletter is intended for parents of students and community members of the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District and is not intended to be copied or posted onto third-party web sites. The official web site address for the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District is


Tredyffrin/Easttown School District, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1700, Wayne, PA 19087


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