January 29, 2016
Tredyffrin/Easttown School District's E-Newsletter
In This Issue
School Board Adopts Preliminary Budget
Revised Kindergarten and New Student Registration Dates
VFMS Fencing Report
Recap of 1/25 Board Meeting
Remembering Brian Kennedy, Class of 2003
Upcoming Meeting Dates
Word of the Week
Quick Links
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School Board Adopts 2016-2017 Preliminary Budget

At its regular meeting on January 25, 2016, the Tredyffrin/Easttown Board of School Directors voted 9-0 to adopt the 2016-2017 preliminary budget. State law requires all public school districts to adopt a preliminary budget if the school district wishes to explore the option of a tax increase that could include revenue from referendum exceptions to the Act 1 Index. At this time, the District has a preliminary budgeted imbalance of approximately $4.75 million. To close the budget gap, the preliminary budget includes estimated property tax revenues from the Act 1 index of 2.4% and referendum exceptions of 1.9% for total possible tax rate of approximately 4.3%. The preliminary budget adoption does not commit a local school district to any amount of property tax increase. The final property actual tax rate for the 2016-17 will be determined by the Board no later than June 30, 2016 after a series of public meetings and budget workshops. Click for the full article.
Revised Dates - Kindergarten and New Student Registration for the 2016-2017 School Year

Due to the emergency closing days earlier this week, kindergarten and new student registration for students who will be entering T/E elementary schools in September 2016 has been rescheduled for February 1 and 2 at Beaumont and Hillside Elementary Schools.

Hours for registration will be from 9:15 am to 11:45 am and from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Questions regarding elementary school attendance boundaries may be directed to the Transportation Department (610) 240-1680.

Click here for additional information on kindergarten registration including age requirements and items needed for registration.

Click here for student registration forms and related policies

Please share these dates with a friend or neighbor who may not have access to this information.
Valley Forge Middle School Fencing Report Update - January 26, 2016

In the spring of 2015, the School Board recommended selecting a school safety and security consultant to evaluate safety and security of any fencing plan at the VFMS school site. The recruitment and selection of the consultant was reviewed at a Facilities Committee meeting and approved by the full Board in September 2015. 

The District has received the final written VFMS Fencing Report from our school safety and security consultant. The consideration of a VFMS Fencing Project will return to the Facilities Committee and the full Board in February. Please contact Art McDonnell at 610-240-1801 or mcdonnella@tesd.net if you have any questions or concerns.

Safety/Security Consultation Proposal - posted October 14, 2015

Safety/Security Consultation Agreement - posted October 14, 2015
Recap and Video of January 25, 2016 School Board Meeting

The School Board met in regular session on Monday, January 25, 2016 and adopted the 2016-2017 preliminary budget. A recap and video of the meeting are available on the TESD web site. The meeting is currently airing on TETV, Comcast Channel 14 and Verizon Channel 20, at 9:00 pm daily.
Remembering Brian Kennedy, CHS Class of 2003

The Tredyffrin/Easttown school community is deeply saddened by the tragic military aircraft accident in Hawaii involving Brian Kennedy, a member of the Conestoga High School Class of 2003. While at Conestoga, Brian was an AP scholar and a member of the National Honor Society. During his senior year he received an Academic Achievement Award, a Service and Leadership Award, and the DAR Good Citizenship Award. Brian was also a member of the varsity football team and was co-captain his senior year. He was a well-respected member of the T/E school community and his teachers remember him fondly. We have immense gratitude for the men and women, like Brian, who put their lives on the line every day to protect our country. Our condolences go out to all of the families affected by this tragedy.
Upcoming Meeting Dates

Meetings will be held at the T/E School District Administration Offices (TEAO): West Valley Business Center, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1700, Wayne, unless otherwise noted. Meeting agendas are linked once they are available on the TESD web site.

Education Committee Meeting, 2/10, 1:00 pm, TEAO
InterSchool Council Meeting, 2/10, 7:00 pm, TEAO
Finance Committee Meeting, 2/16, 7:00 pm, TEAO
Diversity Committee Meeting, 2/17, 7:00 pm, TEAO
Facilities Committee Meeting, 2/18, 5:00 pm, TEAO
Policy Committee Meeting, 2/18, 7:00 pm, TEAO
WOW - Word of the Week for 2/1/16

Elementary level: furious - very angry
Example: Ryan was furious when his little sister broke his favorite toy.

Middle level: fabricate - To invent or concoct (something), typically with deceitful intent (v.)
Example: When asked about the broken vase, Robert fabricated the most incredible tale.

Information contained in this e-newsletter is intended for parents of students and community members of the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District and is not intended to be copied or posted onto third-party web sites. The official web site address for the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District is www.tesd.net.


Tredyffrin/Easttown School District, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1700, Wayne, PA 19087


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