December 23, 2014
Tredyffrin/Easttown School District's E-Newsletter
In This Issue
January 5, 2015 Special School Board Meeting
2015 Kindergarten Registration Information
Live Programming on TETV
2014-2015 School Year Calendar
Upcoming Meeting Dates
Quick Links

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January 5, 2015 Special School Board Meeting: 2015-2016 Budget 
The School Board will hold a special meeting on Monday, January 5, 2015 at 7:30 pm at Conestoga High School to consider making a 2015-2016 preliminary budget available for public inspection that uses property tax revenue from the Act 1 Index and allowable exceptions to the Pennsylvania Taxpayer Relief Act, in addition to fund balance, to close the projected budget imbalance of approximately $5.3 million. 
The T/E School Board and administration will continue to work towards balancing the budget and determining a final tax rate between now and final budget approval in June 2015. The T/E School Board encourages public participation during the budget development process so that the budget reflects the input of joint stakeholders. All School Board committee meetings are open to the public and have public comment periods. Meeting dates and agendas are available on the T/E School District web site In addition, public comments may be submitted to Arthur J. McDonnell, Business Manager, at or to the T/E School Board at


Click here for the January 5, 2015 special School Board meeting agenda.

2015 Kindergarten Registration Information
For children entering T/E schools for the first time in September 2015


Registration for kindergarten and first grade students new to the T/E School District will begin on January 30, 2015. Children who plan to enter the T/E School District in grades two through four in September are also encouraged to register at this time.

Live Winter Sports Broadcasts on TETV 
The following events will air live on TETV, Comcast Channel 14 and Verizon Channel 20 at 7:00 pm unless otherwise noted. 

1/6/15 - Boys Basketball 

1/13/15 - Girls Basketball 

1/21/15 - Boys Basketball  - 5:30 pm

1/28/15 - Wrestling  

2/4/15 - Wrestling  

School Year Calendar Reminders
  • December 24, 2014-January 2, 2015: No school
  • January 19, 2015: No school
  • February 16, 2015: No school

Upcoming Meeting Dates

Meetings will be held at the T/E School District Administration Offices (TEAO): West Valley Business Center, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1700, Wayne, unless otherwise noted. Meeting agendas are linked once they are available on the TESD web site.


Special School Board Meeting, 1/5, 7:30 pm, CHS
Education Committee Meeting, 1/6, 1:30 pm, TEAO
InterSchool Council, 1/7, 7:00 pm, TEAO
District Safety Committee Meeting, 1/14, 1:30 pm, TEAO
Policy Committee Meeting, 1/15, 6:30 pm, TEAO
Regular School Board Meeting, 1/26, 7:30 pm, CHS

Information contained in this e-newsletter is intended for parents of students and community members of the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District and is not intended to be copied or posted onto third-party web sites. The official web site address for the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District is


Tredyffrin/Easttown School District, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1700, Wayne, PA 19087