May 23, 2014 
Tredyffrin/Easttown School District's E-Newsletter
In This Issue
Stakeholder Survey - Superintendent Succession Planning
May 28, 2014 Special School Board Meeting
Recap of May 19, 2014 School Board Meeting
April Committee Meeting Minutes
No School Reminder
Upcoming Meeting Dates
Quick Links

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Stakeholder Survey - Superintendent Succession Planning 
The Tredyffrin/Easttown Board of School Directors invites members of the T/E school community to provide input on the succession planning for the Superintendent of Schools position to be filled July 1, 2015. Please assist the School Board in this process by completing a brief, confidential survey, which is available as follows: 
  • Online at         
  • In the main office of each T/E school building
  • At the receptionist's desk of the T/E Administration Offices, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1700 in Wayne
  • At the receptionist's desk of the Easttown, Paoli and Tredyffrin public libraries
  • At Surrey Services for Seniors, 28 Bridge Avenue in Berwyn
The survey will be available through noon on Tuesday, June 10, 2014. The survey results will be presented to the community.
The School Board continues to be committed to seeking input from all T/E stakeholders. Thank you for your participation in this important process.
May 28, 2014 Special School Board Meeting 

The School Board will meet in special session on Wednesday, May 28, 2014 at 5:30 pm at the TEAO to approve the 2014 graduates and other matters that come before the Board. Click here for the meeting agenda.

Recap of May 19, 2014 School Board Meeting 

The School Board met in regular session on Monday, May 19, 2014 at 7:30 pm at Conestoga High School. Click here for a recap of the meeting.


The meeting is also airing at 9:00 pm daily on T/E TV, Comcast Channel 14 and Verizon Channel 20. A video of the meeting is also available on the T/E School District web site.

April School Board Committee Meeting Minutes 
New Items on the T/e-Bulletin Board
For a complete listing of all fliers currently available, visit the T/e-Bulletin Board on the TESD web site.  


While the T/E School District reviews fliers for content, the District is not responsible for the actual activities or events. Visit the T/e-Bulletin Board for additional information.
Upcoming Meeting Dates 
Meetings will be held at the T/E School District Administration Offices (TEAO): West Valley Business Center, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1700, Wayne, unless otherwise noted. Meeting agendas are linked once they are available on the TESD web site.


Finance Committee Meeting, 6/9, 7:00 pm, TEAO
Policy Committee Meeting, 6/13, 12:45 pm, TEAO
Facilities Committee Meeting, 6/13, 2:00 pm, TEAO
Regular School Board Meeting, 6/16, 7:30 pm, CHS

Information contained in this e-newsletter is intended for parents of students and community members of the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District and is not intended to be copied or posted onto third-party web sites. The official web site address for the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District is


Tredyffrin/Easttown School District, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1700, Wayne, PA 19087