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News From the Village
March 11, 2016
In This Issue
CEA Presents
Influenza at School
Circus Juventas Field Trip
CVA Student Recognition at Regional History Day
Last Chance -provide your Prom Theme Ideas
Talent Show & Silent Auction
Talmud Torah's Annual Plant Sale
Song Writing Challenge
Blue Day
CVA Student Performance -Handbell Concert
Community & Service Fair
CVA Family Directory


14: Pi Celebration

18: Talent Show & Silent Auction

27: Easter

29: Board Meeting 4:30-6:00

1: Last Day of Qtr 3


12: First Day of Qtr 4

14-15 MCA Testing

15-16 Speech State Tournament

19: ACT - Grade 11

21-22 MCA Testing

26: Board Meeting 4:30-6:00

Our Mission
Cyber Village Academy prepares students to meet the challenge of a rapidly changing world with confidence by helping them to become

 inquiring, knowledgeable, caring and active citizens who value academic rigor, integrity, self reliance and compassion.
















































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Well, this week was one for the record books, and not just the record warmth. On Monday, we had nine staff members out sick. For the week, we missed over 20 staff-days. That's over half of the total number of sick days we've had this whole year! Pneumonia, bronchitis, and influenza topped the list of diagnoses. So if we've been less responsive than usual this week, it's probably because we were either out sick ourselves or helping to cover duties for someone who was.
There are just three weeks left in the quarter, so it's a great time to review PowerSchool and Moodle, catch up on any missing assignments, and otherwise all the learning done and work completed for the quarter. And while everyone is doing that, stay healthy!
Influenza at School
Hello CVA Families! This week, we have experienced many illnesses among both staff and students. Several people have been identified as having influenza A. Please review the attached CDC document for additional information about the flu. Also note that students who are home ill should stay home until they have been
fever free for 24 hours, or for stomach viruses, they have not vomited for 24 hours. This helps to prevent the spread of the illness to others. Thank you for your cooperation, and stay healthy!

Middle School Field Trip To Circus Juventas
 There is an exciting opportunity with Circus Juventas this winter!
Circus Juventas has been fortunate enough to receive a grant from the Bigelow Foundation, which will allow them to offer a limited number of two-hour workshops at their site to middle school students within the Saint Paul public school system.
 -->The goal of the workshops is to expose more young people to the art of circus, and to allow students the opportunity to enjoy circus performing arts instruction in a challenging, yet safe environment.
-->Each workshop is designed for a maximum of 40 middle school students.
While the workshop is free of cost to the school, we do ask that you provide your own transportation to and from the workshop.
(Prior to the workshop, waivers will be sent to the school and will need to be signed by each participant's parent and returned to Circus Juventas the day of the workshop.
Students must have a signed waiver to participate in the workshop
  • No Cost
  • 9:30am-11:30am
  • Online Day- students would need to be brought to either school or down the road to Circus Juventas
  • We need as MANY students as possible (40+ students preferred) to get the ball rolling (so we can attend)
  • Middle School Students ONLY
  • Questions or Concerns please contact 
Waivers Due To Office No Later Than:
Monday, March 21st @ 3:30PM
CVA Student Recognition at Regional History Day!
Congratulations to those students that competed at Regional History Day. This past Monday was the 
(Senior Division)  All performed very well: 
Mackenna Kaufer was selected to move onto the State History Day, while Zoe Lind, Andrew Tyberg, and 
Nathan Greeman all received honorable mentions.
Thursday night was the (Junior Division).  CVA had a strong representation last night, with all students performing wonderfully.  Special recognition for Solomon Walker, who received honorable mentions.  As well as Stevie Olk, Noelle Wang, Quinn Trimble, and Kendall Trimble who were all selected to move onto the State History Day Competition.
Last Chance to Provide your Prom Theme Idea
This weekend is your 
Students will receive an email with a link to vote from the top 5 theme ideas Monday afternoon.  Voting will continue all week and
Then, let the student planning begin!  Sign up HERE  to be on a Prom Planning Sub Committee!
Prom Info: 
Who:     CVA & Blue Sky Online Students Grades 9 - 12
SATURDAY MAY 14TH 2016 ------***SAVE THIS DATE!!!***
Time:     7pm-10pm
Where:  YMCA CAMP ST CROIX Hudson, WI   

More info to come, as plans unfold.  Watch your emails & Newsletter!
Talent Show & Silent Auction!

What: Talent Show & Silent Dessert Auction
Where: CVA Gym
Date:  Friday, March 18, 2016
Time: Talent Show beginning at 7:00 P.M.  (Dessert Auction during Intermission)
for a copy of the Talent Show permission slip for those students wishing to participate.

Your Part

  1. Bring in a dessert for the auction (tables will be set up for the dessert auction near the entrance of the gym).
  2. Support CVA by bidding on the desserts.
  3. Cheer on our students as they display visual and creative talents.
Silent Auction Guidelines - printable copy HERE
  1. Desserts will be placed on tables near the entry.  Please have them set out prior to the beginning of the talent show.
  2. You are to wander around (socialize), feasting your eyes on the scrumptious desserts that are up for bid, signing your name and dollar amount to any and all that make your mouth water.
  3. Make sure to go back to double (and triple) check your favorites to be sure that no one out-bids you!
  4. At the end of the allotted auction time (intermission), all bids will cease.
  5.  Immediately following the intermission, winners of the delicious desserts will be announced.  Payment is needed at this time
A message from Talmud Torah
Spring is just around the corner and our annual 
Plant Sale is here! 
 THINK SPRING!  Our neighbors at The Talmud Torah of St. Paul are holding their annual plant sale.  This is an all-school fundraiser with money raised helping students needing scholarships.  This is a WIN-WIN opportunity.   The plants we sell are provided by Gerten's - they are very high quality and are sold to us at a deep discount.  Almost 50% of the price of every plant is profit for the school with the retail price being very similar to what a customer would pay if they purchased them at Gerten's.  Sales begin immediately.  
Stop by the office to pick up order forms or print your own from their website 
Final orders are due to the TTSP office by Monday, April 4.
Monday, May 16 - Plants are available for pickup at the school between 12:30 - 5:30.
Thank you, in advance, for your support! 
-Your friends at the Talmud Torah of St. Paul

Twin Cities Song Writing Challenge
Have you created a song complete with lyrics and written music? Can you imagine it performed onstage within 
musical theater?
Then take note!  A wonderful fun opportunity is coming up soon;  the deadline is March 28.  Open this link to learn more about the Song Writing Challenge.  Please note that the goal is to develop songs that could be used in Music Theater.
" We are one of only three locations in the United States to lead this pilot effort of a program supported this year by both Disney Theatrical Group and Playbill, Inc. The other locations are Seattle and Dallas. The contest is for all high school (grades 9-12) students in the seven-county metro area and will focus on musical theater composition that includes both music and lyrics. The deadline for the contest is March 28. The top three winners or winning teams (up to six students) will travel to New York City in July for a national competition among the winners from each pilot metro area." (from the Perpich Center announcement).  More info is available here

 I would be happy to help anyone prepare their work for this; just make an appointment on a Thursday with 

Student Council presents: Blue Day  
March 30
Everyone should wear blue or CVA apparel to show CVA pride!
CVA Student Performance in 
Handbell Concert

You are invited to hear one of our PSEO students, Seamus F. performing in the Concordia College Handbell Ensemble concert on Sunday, April 24th at 7:00.  The performance will last 1 hour and is located in the Graebner Memorial Chapel, 1259 Carroll Avenue, St Paul.  For a map to the location,  click here.  
This is a great family activity.

Annual Community & Service Fair
Dear CVA Families,

As a part of the "village" focus at Cyber Village Academy, we are asking that each child participate in community and service activities throughout the school year - it is quite possible that they are involved in one of these activities already. 

Students should volunteer regularly throughout the year. Students are not assigned a certain amount of volunteer hours or activities, but hope that everyone will find something they enjoy doing to help others...and do it often (weekly, monthly, etc. depending on the activity).

In advisory, students will receive a handout with possible volunteer activities. This is not an extensive list by any means, just something to help you get started.

Students will also be completing a journal based on their volunteer activities. This journal is not only to keep students accountable, but it is a way for them to really reflect on what they are doing. The journal will help students see the growth in themselves, how much they are contributing to the community, and understand their importance to others. We are also asking that parents read the journal entries and sign off on each one.  Advisors will address how students can keep track of their journals, as they will need them for the Community and Service Fair. 

At the end of the year, we will be having a Community and Service Fair to celebrate the efforts of the students. This fair will be on Wednesday, June 8 (more information on that will come later).

Students should collect brochures and pamphlets from the
organizations where they volunteer to help make their Community and Service display.

If you have any questions or concerns about Community and
Service, please don't hesitate to contact your child's advisor.
Thank you for all of your support,
The CVA Staff


CVA Family Directory
The Cyber Village Academy family directory is available on the CVA website! Any family who indicated in their enrollment paperwork that they would like to be included in the directory will be listed. From the CVA website homepage, scroll all the way to the bottom "Quick Links" section and select the website login option. To log in, use your complete student e-mail address as your username (for examplejdoe@cva.k12.mn.us). Then use your usual student password.
Yours for the kids,
The Team at                      
Cyber Village Academy 


Cyber Village Academy is authorized by Innovative Quality Schools which is responsible for providing oversight of our school.  For information about IQS go to www.iqsmn.org  The website will also provide you with names, phone numbers and email addresses.

Cyber Village Academy | 768 Hamline Ave S | St Paul | MN | 55116