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Inspiring, Challenging and Preparing Students
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News From the Village
August 21st, 2015
In This Issue
Our Mission
Lunch Order Forms Available
Before School Care
Celebrate with Seamus
New Student Orientations

Globe in Hands












25: School Board Meeting 4:30 pm

25: K-4th grade open house 6:15-7:30 pm

26: High School Orientation 9:00 am, 3:00 pm

27: Middle School Fusion orientation 9:00 am, 1:00 pm

27: Elementary Fusion Orientation 11:00 am


: PASCAL orientation 4:30 pm

1: Back to School Night 6:30- 8:00 pm

3: PASCAL Orientation 1:00 pm

3: Middle & High School Fusion orientation 6:00 pm

8: First Day of School!   
Our Mission
Cyber Village Academy prepares students to meet the challenge of a rapidly changing world with confidence by helping them to become

 inquiring, knowledgeable, caring and active citizens who value academic rigor, integrity, self reliance and compassion.



Day 1 is getting so close! It has been a busy summer of remodeling, hiring, and other exciting changes. With our growth and three teachers who decided to move on to other challenges, there will be lots of new faces around the school this year. We're very pleased with the new and additional staff people we've found! The high school staff, led again by the energetic and smiley Mr. Wewers, is the same as last year with the addition of a new science & technology teacher, Frank Leo. The elementary staff will include Ms. Christy and Ms. Amanda, moving from their previous positions here at CVA to our K-1 and 2-3 classrooms, and a new teacher for Grade 4, Ms. Claire Patnaude. Last year's PE/Health teacher, Ms. Jillian, is a welcome new addition to our special education team (her area of licensure in progress), and a new teacher, Rebecca Main, will be in charge of making the kids sweat.

At the middle school level, we have a greater-than-usual number of new faces! Mrs. Naglak, Ms. Koenen, and Ms. Mann have chosen to move on to other schools and experiences. Nick Tews, a former CVA para and now a licensed art teacher, will be taking on the visual arts and Margy Petersen, an experienced teacher new to CVA, will be doing music. Dan Bowler is our new science teacher and Josh Steigauf will teach social studies. Robyn will be out for the first semester (her baby is due any day now!), so we'll have Mr. Chris Page, former TTSP math teacher as her long-term sub.
We also have five new paraprofessionals and an additional administrative assistant in the office. Melissa Martin, Melissa Number Two as we might have to call her, will be the receptionist and often the first voice you hear when you call the school. She'll also be managing attendance, so if your child is sick, she's the one to talk to.

Be sure to stop by on Back to School Night on September 1 to meet all the new people! See you then!


Lunch Order Forms Available 

It is back-to-school time, and our hot lunch program is ready to start up again as well! We will be partnering with Shalom Home to provide our hot lunch catering on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Lunches will cost $4.25.
We will also continue our milk program. Milk is available to all students at a cost of $0.15. Families who submitted their "Application for Educational Benefits" form and meet the income requirements can receive milk at no cost. Families will be contacted individually with qualifying information later this week.
This year, we will not be offering pizza on Wednesdays anymore to provide more balanced lunches.
Please see the attached menu to sign up for hot lunches and order milk. Just pick the meals that you would like to order, calculate your total, and submit the form to the front office along with your payment. We accept checks, cash, and payments made using the PayPal link on the homepage of our website. Please include the name of the student and "lunch order" in the PayPal description.
Lunch orders are due by September 8th, but please send in your orders as soon as possible- especially if you plan on ordering lunch to have on the 1st day of school.
Before School Care

To accommodate more family schedules, CVA will have before-school care this year. Starting at 7:30 am, students of all grade levels who arrive prior to 8:10 will be supervised in the gym until 8:10. At that time, they will be free to go to their lockers and classrooms. There is no fee for this service.

Celebrate with Seamus!


The Schubert Club and Composer-in-Residence Edie Hill will be congratulating the Student Composers (
one of which is current CVA Student, Seamus Hubbard Flynn!) for the 2015-2016 Composer Mentorship Program!  
The event will be held Saturday, September 12, 2015 12:00-2:00pm
at The Schubert Club Museum, 2nd Floor, Landmark Center, 75 West 5th St. Downtown St. Paul  
Enjoy a performance by Copper Street Brass Quintet, Orientation & award ceremony for Mentorship winners, their families, friends and teachers.  Refreshments will be served after the program.  Sponsored in part by the MAHADH Fund of HRK Foundation and the McKnight Foundation
New Student Orientations
 All new students should plan to sign up for a New Student Orientation session.
These orientations provide background information about Cyber Village Academy, details about the school program, and copies of the CVA student handbook. The Fusion Program orientation includes providing students with their Moodle online classroom platform log-in information and a detailed walk-through of the Moodle system. The PASCAL Program orientation includes an overview of the student responsibilities and a walk-through of the Edmentum system. High school students will also have time to meet with the program coordinator and select courses.
Please review the dates and times that orientations are available and select a date and time that works for your family. A parent/guardian should plan to attend the orientation along with the student. You will only need to attend one orientation session.
Fusion Program Orientations:                                                
  • Elementary School:
    • August 27, 11:00- 12:00: ____
  • Middle School:
    • August 27, 9:00-10:30 am: ____                                                                                                                
    • August 27, 1:00-2:30 pm: ____                                                                                                               
    • September 3, 6:00-7:30 pm:  ____
  • High School:
    • August 26, 9:00- 10:30 am: ______
    • August 26, 3:00 - 4:30pm: ______
    • September 3, 6:00-7:30 pm: ______                                                                                                      
PASCAL Program Orientation (All Grades):                           
  • September 1, 4:30-6:00 pm: _____
  • September 3, 1:00-2:30 pm: ______                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Please register with Melissa in the office, or include this form in your enrollment packet.
Cyber Village Academy is authorized by Innovative Quality Schools which is responsible for providing oversight of our school.  For information about IQS go to www.iqsmn.org  The website will also provide you with names, phone numbers and email addresses.
Yours for the kids,
The Team at                      
Cyber Village Academy