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Inspiring, Challenging and Preparing Students
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News From the Village
September 26th, 2014
In This Issue
Our Mission
Substitute Teachers Wanted
Flu Shots
Picture Day
Chinook Book
Discover Scuba Diving
Choice & Accountability
Driver's Ed!
Washington D.C
Club List
Village Ringers
Chess Club
Gender and Sexuality
8th Grade Meeting
College Field Trip
Dress for the Weather
P/T Conferences
CVA Student Council
Girls' Dreams Grants
Join Future City
After School Program
CVA Soccer Club
Teaching Assistant




School Picture Day

School Board Meeting 4:30-6:00


10/6 -
Emergency Day/Fall Field Day 

10/14 - Conferences, 12-8 Online day

10/15 - Conferences,
8-4 Online Day

10/24 - School Dance

10/29 - Advisory Assembly

10/31 - Last Day of Quarter 1 

Globe in Hands




Our Mission
Cyber Village Academy prepares students to meet the challenge of a rapidly changing world with confidence by helping them to become

 inquiring, knowledgeable, caring and active citizens who value academic rigor, integrity, self reliance and compassion.



Substitute Teachers Wanted

CVA has an extremely reliable staff, but sometimes life happens and a teacher is not able to be at work. If you're able to be a substitute teacher (preferably with a short-term substitute teacher's license). Please email Dave Glick to get on the sub list.


Flu Shot

Flu Shots

Flu season is almost upon us! If it suits you medically, please consider getting a flu shot to keep you and those around you healthy! Usually, your corner drug store can do that for you.





A couple weeks ago I wrote about words. Words have different meanings to different people and in different contexts, and they are always subject to interpretation.  


Today, I've got numbers on the mind. I've been looking at data from the MCA tests of last spring and the results of the MAP tests that students just completed. Our students perform well. For example, on the national scale and based on the MAP test, our sixth graders are starting the year reading at the eleventh grade level, and Grades 7-12 are well above that. On the state tests, our students typically perform several percentage points above state average.


But numbers are subject to interpretation, too. Different methods of calculating the same statistics yield different results. Statisticians will tell you that when using advanced functions in Microsoft's Excel, you'll get different results than you will get from a more sophisticated system designed for researchers. Arithmetic may be pretty straightforward, but beyond that, numbers can be as fuzzy and ambiguous as words!

-Dave Glick

CVA Picture Day!  


It is time for School Picture Day! Cyber Village will be holding our school picture day on Monday, September 29th between 8:30 and 11:00 am. Picture order forms will be sent home with students next week. If your child does not hand you their picture order form, please ask them for it! They can also pick up a new order form in the office if needed.    


Pictures can also be ordered online. Visit www.mylifetouch.com and enter in our picture day ID: MI194038Y0. Order pictures and print the receipt to hand to the photographer on picture day.


Even if your student is not ordering pictures for purchase, they will still have their photo taken for their school ID card and for the yearbook. PASCAL students are encouraged to attend picture day as well! PASCAL students can come to the school at any time during our picture day time to get their photo taken. If you have any questions about picture day, please contact Melissa in the school office.

Chinook Book Fundraiser!   



CVA will be selling the Chinook Book as a school-wide fundraiser. These coupon books have a green focus and feature great local restaurants, grocers, boutiques, hardware stores, entertainment venues, and more!

To get a sneak peak at all of the great deals in this book, you can visit the Chinook Book website: http://msp.chinookbook.net/  


Chinook Coupon Books are for sale for $20, and Mobile Coupon Packs for use with smart phones sell for $14. Students have an envelope to take home to collect payments and record any sales they make. As soon as they return their envelopes with the payments, they can collect their books from the office to distribute. All envelopes are due back October 22nd. The advisory classroom that sells the most books by the 22nd  will win an advisory party! Chinook Books are already available in the office, so you can pop in and buy one any time, or come thumb through our display copy to see all of the great deals inside!  

Contact Melissa or Augustina in the office if you have any questions.

Discover SCUBA Diving!  

Have you always wanted to try scuba diving? Now's your chance!

CVA is teaming up with Scuba Center Eagan to offer a Discover Scuba class on October 24!  


This is a brief and inexpensive way to try out this exciting hobby. You'll learn about the equipment and spend plenty of time in Scuba Center's 88-degree pool. Anyone 10 years old or older can participate - including parents & siblings of CVA students.  

For more information, see this flyer. 

Choice & Accountability  

Awards Winners!!! 

September's theme during advisory was "Choice and Accountability." The traits we focused on were making decisions, accepting consequences and being responsible for the choices we make.  Based on these traits, each advisory chose one classmate they thought really stood out for being accountable for the choices they made. 


The Award Winners were: 

  • 12th - Mark R
  • 11th - Hannah D
  • 10th - Ian M,
  • 9th - Rei H
  • 8th - Mack K
  • 7th - Eli SP
  • 6th - Jake W
  • 5th - Victoria I
  • 3rd/4th - Elijah R. 


Congratulations to you all!!  October's theme is "Positive Attitudes."

Interested in Driver's Ed!      


Attention High Students! We will be having A+ Driving School

come in to teach driver's education classes. The classes will take place after school starting October 20th. You may also sign up for behind the wheel through A+.
A+ does this for schools all over the Metro and uses ex-police officers to teach their classes.  

Click here to register for classes or contact A+ if you have any questions!  



The eleventh hour is upon us! If you are interested in having the time of your life from April 23rd-26th you need to register by October 10th.  

To register go to www.worldstridesdiscovernow.org

and enter our trip ID#: 104142. We need 10 paying students and/or parents to travel this April. If we do not get to 10 by October 10th anyone that registered WILL get their deposit and other payments back.  

Contact Mr. Wewers if you have any questions!  



Club List 2014-15   


This week we had an activities fair during our lunches to introduce and recruit students to get plugged in to one or more of the many after-school activities offered at CVA this year. 
The comprehensive list of activities is attached here in case you'd like another copy.  It is a great way to make new friends and accomplish some great goals.

Please encourage your students to try something new!

Village Ringers!     





Handbells got off to a great start this week with a visit from professional ringers - Chris Johnson and Patty Munter from Twin Cities Bronze, a Local Professional Handbell Ensemble.  They gave us a great lesson on how to play Four-in-Hand, or 4 bells at once, 2 in each hand.   


We currently have 3 groups of ringers, beginners, rehearsing on

Tuesdays (3:30-4:15), Intermediates, rehearsing Wednesdays (3:30-4:15) and Advanced ringers, rehearsing on Thursdays (8:30-9:30 am).  


There are currently 19 students signed up and room for more in the beginners and advanced groups.  Students can still join the advanced group if they already read music and play another instrument. For more information, email Se�ora Odle here   

Grandmasters of Chess Club


Cyber Village is pleased to offer a new chess club! The Youth Enrichment League (YEL) chess class will meet after school on Mondays from 3:30-4:30 pm beginning October 20th. The cost is $77.00. To register, visit the YEL website at www.youthenrichmentleague.com and search for Cyber Village Academy.   


See the attached flyer for more information.  

Gender and Sexuality Association

Beginning September 22nd, GSA meetings will take place on Mondays from 3:30 to 4:30 in the library. The GSA will be a safe place for students to come and talk about anything that is on their minds. We will also talk about news relating to LGBTQ+ topics, organize school events, and raise awareness in our community. Anyone grades 7-12 is free to come; we have loads of fun stuff in store for the year!

 Meeting for all 8th Graders and Families!

There will be an informational meeting for Eagle Bluff on Monday, October 13 before school at 8:00 a.m. and after school at 3:45 p.m. This meeting should be attended by all 8th graders and at least one parent - you only need to attend one of the meetings.   


The meeting will cover general Eagle Bluff information as well as Spaghetti Dinner/Silent Auction information. Please note - the Spaghetti Dinner/Silent Auction is on Thursday, November 13. All 8th graders should plan to attend and work as this is their fundraiser for Eagle Bluff.  


If you have any questions, please contact Jillian.

College Fair Field Trip

Attention ALL high school students (PASCAL and Fusion). On Wednesday October 8th we will be going to the College Fair at the Minneapolis Convention Center. We will be taking Metro Transit from CVA at 8:30 and will be returning to CVA in time for normal pick up at 3:30. This will be considered a normal school day as far as attendance is concerned so you are expected to be there if you want to be marked present. All high school students should have received an e-mail outlining the information for this field trip as well.

High School students required action:

  1. Fill out the College Fair permission slip 
    and return it to Mr. Wewers with your $3 for the bus/train.
  2. Register for the College Fair by following following these instructions.
  3. Be at CVA at 8:30 on Wednesday October 8th ready to learn about and make connections with potential colleges.

If you have any questions please e-mail Mr. Wewers!

Dress for the Weather

Cyber Village Academy has outdoor recess all winter except when the temperature (including wind chill) reaches zero degrees or below. Please be sure your students come prepared for outdoor play with hats, gloves, warm jackets and, when the snow arrives, remember the boots.   

Fall Parent/Teacher


It is fall conference time! Parent/teacher conferences will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, October 14th and 15th. Conference times will be scheduled in one hour blocks between noon and 8:00 pm on Tuesday and 8:00 am and 4:00 pm on Wednesday. Families will meet with all of their student's teachers round-robin style. Please email Augustina Nduagu to sign up for a school conference time. We look forward to talking with you about your student!


Students will be working online at home on these days and there will be Study Center available on Tuesday and Wednesday.  

Come one - come all!!  Everyone is welcome
to Join!


 CVA will be having the first Student Council meeting on  

Tuesday October 21st.  This club will involve promoting school spirit, organizing some fundraisers (Pennies for Patients and the MS Walk), and selling snacks at school to raise money to purchase things like computer accessories, extra recess equipment and more books for the library.  We will also meet a few times a year to make sandwiches to donate to a Minneapolis shelter. 


The first meeting will be Tuesday, October 21st in room 216 (Amanda's room) from 3:30 - 4:30PM.If you are interested in joining, please fill out a permission slip and return it to either Robyn or Amanda. 

Support for Girls' Dreams!!!

Girls - Do you have a dream that needs funding?  In the past, girls from CVA have received grants for camps, travel, and language study.  The Ann Bancroft Foundation loves to support girls with grants of up to $500 to achieve their goals.  

Click here for more information and approach a CVA teacher for mentoring.  The deadline is October 15th for applications.

Join Future City!

Future City will meet on Thursday afternoons from 1:00 - 2:00 starting Sept. 18th, 2014.   


The mission of the National Engineers Week Future City Competition is to provide a fun and exciting educational engineering program for seventh and eighth grade students.


Ask Mrs. Mann or Mrs. Koenen for more information!

After School Program
Sign up forms are now available for the after school program at Cyber Village Academy for the 2014-2015 school year. Students can sign up for the after school program by the quarter or for a single day. Please see the attached registration form for more details.


We did not have enough students register to create full soccer teams, but Cyber Village Academy is providing all our students from 3rd grade to 12th grade with an opportunity to play soccer on Tuesdays from 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm.    


Price is Absolutely Free!  


Practice on the following Tuesdays:

  • Tuesday, Sept. 16
  • Tuesday, Sept. 23
  • Tuesday, Sept. 30
  • Tuesday, Oct. 7
  • Tuesday, Oct. 21
  • Tuesday, Oct. 28
  • Tuesday, Nov. 4 
    • No practice on Tuesday, Oct.14 
  • Registration: Please fill out the attached registration form, cut the bottom half and return to CVA. Students should remember to bring their own shin guards and soccer shoes since CVA does not have a few pairs of extra cleats, shin pads, socks, and shorts for everyone.

 If you have any questions please contact Ms. Jillian.

Teaching Assistant

Art students, parents and guardians,

          My name is Brian Nagel and I will be student teaching this semester at Cyber Village Academy in the arts classroom.  I have been a paraprofessional here for the last 2 years am excited to have the opportunity to complete my Concordia University teaching program here at CVA.  I look forward to learning from both an experienced art teacher and the students themselves.  Cyber Village Academy is such a supportive environment for students and teachers.


I cannot wait to grow here!

Yours for the kids,
The Team at                      
Cyber Village Academy