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More Than Money 
It's About Money and Much More

Beach Chairs

August 2013
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Summer used to be a time when people gave themselves permission to kick-back and renew the balance in their lives. A twenty-four hour news cycle and mobile devices have changed all of that.


And there is a lot to keep us busy! 


Bankruptcy in Detroit; the new definition of marriage; renewed attention on growing the economy from the middle-out, and more. For mission-driven enterprises, entrepreneurs and investors these developments present special challenges and new opportunities. 


With the dizzying pace of change, this edition of More than Money encourages you to reconnect with the people and causes that mean the most to you, many of which are likely right in your own backyard. Because as we know too well, September is around the corner and in the end, it is about much More than Money.


Stay tuned in September as we take inspiration and lessons learned from several exciting projects currently underway to raise money (and awareness) for serious medical conditions including blood clots; expanding access to the benefits of music education; and rehabilitation of a historic property with potential to catalyze development in/around Trenton/Hamilton, NJ.


Enjoy August and we'll see you back in September.

Bruce Arbit
Founder and President, Melarbit Partners, Inc.


About Us
Melarbit Partners is a fundraising consulting and community investing firm that raises money and leverages resources for mission-driven enterprises, entrepreneurs and investors. Our work is based on more than 25 years of direct fundraising, marketing and management experience, along with innovations in philanthropy and a community investing discipline. Learn more at