Winter Newsletter
Here's all the latest river-related news!December 2013
In This Issue
Riverkeeper Report
Restoration Update
Conservation Corps'ner
The American Eel
Legislative Update
Seven Myths about the Conowingo
Fish On!
Leaves Cause Pollution

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Annual Appeal 

Members & supporters of West/Rhode Riverkeeper should have received a letter in the mail asking to contribute to our end-of-year appeal.

We've had a great year - and none of it would be possible without you. Now we are asking you to include us in your end-of-year giving. Help us keep up the good work we are doing.

Thanks for helping us help the rivers!

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Riverkeeper Report by Bob Gallagher

It has been more than a month since Chris moved on to greener pastures. I was drafted out of retirement to serve as interim Riverkeeper and Executive Director until his replacement takes office. Read on to learn about Chris' replacement and the Stormwater Restoration Fund.   Read more...  

Restoration Update by Joe Ports

Volunteers and staff have been hard at work restoring the West and Rhode Rivers.  Volunteers have been cleaning our forests, and maintaining some of our existing projects.  We have received funding to start new restoration projects and we can't wait to get them in the ground. Read more...

Conservation Corps'ner by Sam Hartman            John's Creek and Norman's Creek in the West River are currently undergoing a dredging project to help restore this tributary's recreational boating areas. The project is being funded by the state through its Waterway Improvement Fund and by private homeowners who pay to have their own channels and boat slips dredged.  Read More...
The American Eel  by Joe Ports  

While eels may seem to be everywhere in the Chesapeake Bay, experts have observed a decline in the eel population along the Atlantic coast. Factors like over fishing and habitat loss are contributing to the decline. Some experts are advocating placing the American Eel on the endangered species list. Read More...



Legislative update by Bob Gallagher

The Maryland General Assembly will be in session from January 8, 2014 until April 7th  From polluted runoff and pesticides to fracking and renewable energy, it is sure to be a busy session.  Here is a quick summary of the issues that are of interest to the conservation community.   Read more...

Seven Myths about the Conowingo Dam 

by David Foster   

The impact of the Conowingo Dam, particularly during storm events, continues to be one of the most serious and contentious issues associated with the clean up the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.  Despite the importance of this issue, much of the current debate is founded on mythology: Read more... 


Fish On! The Broadwater Point Invitational by Bob Gallagher

I never realized how much fun a neighborhood fishing tournament could be until I was invited to participate in one sponsored by the Broadwater Point community. Here is a story about it that appears in the December issue of PropTalk Magazine.    Read more...

Leaves Cause Pollution? Really? by Bob Gallagher

When Europeans first arrived here, we had a lot more trees and a lot more leaves. They fell to the ground and decomposed. Rain caused some of the detritus, which includes nitrogen and other nutrients, to run into rivers and streams but most soaked into the ground and nature was in happy balance.    Read more...

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