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Winter Newsletter
Here's all the latest river-related news!December 2012
In This Issue
Riverkeeper Report
Restoration Update
Conservation Corps'ner
Pelicans on Patrol
Two Rivers Auction Recap
Legislative Update

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Annual Appeal 

Members & supporters of West/Rhode Riverkeeper should have received a letter in the mail asking to contribute to our end-of-year appeal.

We've had a great year - and none of it would be possible without you. Now we are asking you to include us in your end-of-year giving. Help us keep up the good work we are doing.

Thanks for helping us help the rivers!

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Chris Riverkeeper Report by Chris Trumbauer 

'Tis not the season for "doom and gloom". So often when we speak of the troubles facing the Chesapeake Bay and our rivers, the conversation focuses on past failures, astronomical costs, or who to blame for the condition of our waterways. But during the holidays, who wants to focus on the negative? This is a season of hope, a season of giving, a season for cherishing time with family and friends. So it is fitting that we approach the ongoing effort to restore our waterways with optimism.   Read more...  

Restoration Update by Joe Ports

It's an exciting time for restoration around the West and Rhode Rivers!  We have several projects that are just getting started and some that are incredibly close to starting. Learn about our activities at YMCA Camp Letts, the utility right-of-way in Harwood, and Living Shoreline projects in Popham Creek (West River) and Bearneck Creek (Rhode River). Read more...

Will Saffell Conservation Corps'ner by Will Saffell                 

Meet Will Saffell. Will is our 2012-13 Chesapeake Conservation Corps member. He comes to us as a recent graduate from Towson University, where he received a degree in Biology and Environmental Science. Will is looking forward to getting engaged in all of our restoration and conservation activities. We're sure glad to have him aboard. In this issue of Conservation Corp'ner, Will tells you a little about himself, and his interests.  Read More...

Pelicans on Patrol by Joe Ports  

The weekend of November 10th, Brown Pelicans decided to come up from their usual homes in southern Maryland and Virginia to visit the piers and pound nets of the West River.  They were even spotted as far north as the Severn River.  This area is much farther north than Brown Pelican's usual territory, which in recent years has been around Solomon's Island. Read More...


Auction Two Rivers Auction Recap by Amy Colhoun    

The Two Rivers Harvest Auction was held on October 20th at the Galesville Hall.  The event brought friends and supporters to the hall for an evening of great food, music and auction bidding on a wide variety of items graciously donated to help us raise critical funds to continue our work to protect, preserve, restore and celebrate the West and Rhode Rivers!  Read more...


Annapolis Legislative update by Chris Trumbauer

West/Rhode Riverkeeper is a member of two important environmental advocacy coalitions for the upcoming General Assembly session that begins in January: Clean Water Healthy Families, and the Smart on Pesticides coalitions. See what we're working on, and how you can help!  Read more...

Smart on Pesticides Let's be "Smart on Pesticides!"                

Pesticides pose a serious risk to our health, to the Chesapeake Bay and local waterways, and to homeland security - but Maryland lacks the information we need about some pesticide use and the sales of restricted use pesticides. West/Rhode Riverkeeper is part of a large coalition of organizations advocating for a pesticides reporting bill in the next General Assembly session. CLICK HERE to sign the petition!

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