September 7,  2011



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Welcome to Fall Term 


OLLI Fall Term begins on Monday, September 12th. Make sure to check your class request form to see which classes you are enrolled in and which ones are waitlisted. Also, members can add/drop during the term by calling the OLLI office at (541) 552-6048 or by stopping by the Ashland office.



Parking in Ashland


Parking permits are available for those members who would like to park in the Cox Hall Lot on Frances Lane (across the street from Starbucks) in Ashland. The parking permit costs $30 and will be good from 9-12-11 through 6-8-12. Bring your car license plate #, your $30 and Pam can provide you with a permit.  


Parking in Medford


The City of Medford is changing how downtown parking works, but at this point it sounds like those changes won't be effective until winter term. Fall term should be "same as last year" (free all-day parking in the Bear Creek lot, free 2- or 3-hour parking in the lots on Central Ave.) but please keep an ear out for announcements about the changes that are coming.

Change to Schedule


The following changes have been made to the Fall 2011 schedule:

  • US Supreme Court Class #44 has been moved to Tuesdays, 8:30-10:20, 10-4 thru 11-8 for 6 sessions in the Meese Auditorium.
  • Jewelry Design #62 has been moved to Thursdays, 1-3:00, 10-27 thru 11-17, Room B.
  • Juggling is Art #67 has been canceled.
  • Basic Retirement Income Planning #108 has been changed to Thursdays, 9-10:30, 10-6 and 10-13, HEC 226, 2 sessions.
OLLI Golf Putting Tournament

golfThe deadline for OLLI's first annual Golf Putting Tournament is September 12th. This tournament is being held on September 20th starting at 10:00am at Quail Point Golf Course in Medford. The $10 fee includes golf and lunch. Join us for lots of fun! RSVP by calling the OLLI office by next Monday, at (541) 552-6048.
Members' Lounge Remodel

Stop by the Members' Lounge. It has been decorated with beautiful furniture and paintings. Enjoy it with other OLLI members...have your lunch or snack...enjoy some quiet time. On the bookshelf, also note that there are a variety of Great Course videos which are now available for you to take home and view. There are a variety of videos from Opera, to WWI to Joseph Campbell.
The OLLI at SOU One Credit Initiative

There are two additional OLLI courses to add to your list of one-credit classes for fall:

  1. Conscious Relationships, OLLI CL#85
  2. Rogue Valley Concerts, OLLI CL#9 
Signing Up as a Senior Auditor at OLLI at SOU
  • OLLI students who sign up to audit as SOU students get a student ID card in the mail.
  • Card Activation: When it arrives, you need not "activate" the card, and even though it looks like a credit card, it is NOT a credit card. It could be activated as a debit card for SOU students on financial aid; since OLLI students do not pay tuition and fees, you do not need to activate your student ID.
  • Benefits to Auditing as an SOU Student: One major benefit to signing up as a senior auditor is that you gain student privileges at the SOU Hannon Library for the term. Note: Please enroll by the deadline (9/13/11) to be sure that your name is added to the database of senior auditor students.
  • Other Benefits to OLLI Membership: There are several other campus-related benefits to being an OLLI student, and these are outlined on the FAQs page of the OLLI website. Also feel free to contact Pam Roessler in the OLLI office if you have any suggestions, comments, or questions about the One Credit Initiative.

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