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Issue: # 1February 11, 2015
Young Agents Wanted To Go To Washington DC

Two $1,000 Scholarships Available For IIABA Legislative Conference - Apply By February 27

If you're a Young Agent (age 45 or under, or 6 or less years in insurance), and you'd like to join IIAN's officers and hundreds of other agents from across the country for IIABA's annual Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C., April 22-23, 2015, fax or e-mail your application for one of two $1,000 scholarships to the IIAN office by February 27, 2015! 

Big "I" Legislative Conference 2015 Preview - Click Above

Each $1,000 scholarship should be sufficient to cover conference registration, air fare, and one night's lodging - and most meals are provided by the Big "I".  Scholarship winners can stay for IIABA's Conference events April 23-24 at their own expense - including a Young Agents party and fundraiser, and a panel of top insurance company CEO's!

Click here to download scholarship application.

2015 Unicameral Session In Full Swing
IIAN Sponsors Bill To Remedy Problems With Uninsured Independent Contractors - LB 276

The 2015 Unicameral session started on January 7, and Unicameral committee bill hearings are being held in the afternoon until March 22, with floor debate conducted in the morning.  The last day, or "sine die", is scheduled for June 5, 2015.  Out of the 663 bills introduced this session, IIAN's Legislative committee, chaired by Bob Hoppe of Columbus, is actively watching 41 which impact insurance agents, consumers, or the industry.  "Priority" bills which will be named by senators, committees, and Speaker Glenn Hadley by March 16, stand the best chance of being acted upon this session.  Click here for a list of upcoming hearings, and IIAN positions on particular bills. 


IIAN's top issue for the two-year session is LB 276introduced by Business & Labor Committee Chairman Burke Harr of Omaha at IIAN's request, to address the growing problem of independent contractors who do not insure themselves for workers compensation.   Read why LB 276 is needed in Nebraska.  IIAN members are urged to inform clients and companies affected by this issue of LB 276.  It is scheduled for hearing before the Banking, Commerce & Insurance Committee on February 23, and we are lining up supportive testimony.  


Other bills of special interest: 

Intergovernmental Risk Management Act:  IIAN supports LB 51, which would require risk management pools to disclose in writing, certain legal/regulatory facts and restrictions, to each member of the governing body of a public agency considering whether or not to enter a pool.  The bill is scheduled for hearing before the Banking, Commerce & Insurance Committee on February 24.
LB 78 would remove the prohibition again risk pooling by school districts to provide health insurance. Currently, the law allows it for all other types of public agencies.


E-Commerce & E-Posting:  IIAN supports LB 628, but is seeking amendments which would better protect policyholders and insurance producers.  It would allow insurance consumers to "opt in" to electronic billing, non-renewal, and cancellation notices, and other communications from insurers. 


Transportation Network Insurance:  IIAN is studying LB 488, which would enact a new law - the Transportation Network Insurance Act - to prescribe minimum insurance requirements for Transportation Network companies (TNC's) such as Uber and Lyft, and its drivers; and how private passenger auto policies must interact with TNC insurance. The bill is scheduled for hearing before the Banking, Commerce & Insurance Committee on March 9. A related bill, LB 629, would require regulation of TNC's by the Public Service Commission, and establishes regulatory requirements, as well as insurance requirements which are similar to those in LB 488.  The bill is scheduled for hearing before the Transportation & Telecomunications Insurance Committee on March 2.

Withholding of Insurance Proceeds:  IIAN opposes LB 213, which requires insurance companies to withhold at least $10,000 of claims proceeds to be held as a "demolition cost reserve" for certain real properties, to pay for costs of demolition by a city, village, or county.  The bill is scheduled for hearing before the Banking, Commerce & Insurance Committee on March 2.   

Check www.iian.org every Monday for Jim Cavanaugh's "Week In Review" report for updated status on all of the bills IIAN is watching - see this week's update here.


IIAN members are encouraged to let us know if there are bills or issues you would like IIAN to address!   Go to www.nebraskalegislature.gov to see the full text and status of any bill.

NE Insurance Director Warns CoOportunity Policyholders - Get New Coverage As Soon As Possible

Sen. Fischer Challenges CMS to Reimburse Policyholders
Yesterday the Nebraska Department of Insurance issued a press release encouraging CoOportunity Health policyholders who have not yet replaced their health insurance to act immediately. Sunday, February 15,  is the last day for open enrollment.  "Enrolling into a new plan may be inconvenient and, in some cases, a financial burden because some policyholders may have already had medical bills applied to their annual deductible," the department said.  But a special enrollment will last for 60 days after a CoOportunity liquidation order is signed, probably on February 28, and when that expires, options for the purchase of individual health insurance may be limited. "It is questionable if any plans will be available at all because an insurer is not required to sell a policy to an individual outside of an open or special enrollment period," the department said.  Read Department release.

     On February 9, U.S. Sen. Deb Fischer joined Iowa's Senators in challenging the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services to help stranded policyholders. "For constituents who have already paid thousands of dollars toward their deductible, it is simply not feasible for them to get a new plan and then have to pay thousands of dollars again toward the new deductible," the senators wrote. "As the agency tasked with reviewing, approving rates and funding co-ops, CMS has a responsibility to solve this problem."  They asked the administrator to respond by defining the agency's obligations and also offer a plan to reimburse insured clients if they choose a new health insurer. Read letter.

Obama Budget Proposal Targets Federal Crop Insurance For Cuts

Last week, President Obama released his budget proposal that once again specifically targets the Federal Crop Insurance Program (FCIP) for cuts. The budget proposes to slash insurance premium subsidies for farmers and payments made to private insurance carriers for administering the program. 
The Big "I" and several other crop insurance industry groups sent a joint letter to Senate and House leaders expressing strong opposition to the cuts and urging Congress to oppose the President's budget proposal. 

     The Big "I" also strongly opposes S. 345 , a bill introduced immediately following the budget release, by Sens. Pat Toomey (R-Pennsylvania) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-New Hampshire) introduced S. 345, "to limit the level of premium subsidy provided by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation to agricultural producers."   Read more.

     IIAN Board member Todd Anderson, with Cornerstone Insurance in York, serves on the IIABA national Crop Insurance Task Force, and will be representing IIAN members at the Big "I" National Legislative Conference in April, and visiting personally with Nebraska's Senators and Congressmen.

Big "I" Member Guide To NARAB II - New Multi-State Licensing Facility

Now that the National Association of Registered Agents and Brokers legislation has passed Congress along with a six-year TRIA extension, Big "I" members across the country may be wondering, "What exactly does it do?"  To answer this question, the Big "I" has created a Member Guide to NARAB II.  The guide delves into some key points on how exactly NARAB will work, including the process of applying for membership, the benefits of membership, the role of the NARAB board of directors, and the next steps for implementation.  Click here to read the guide.

Click below to view brief video summary - NARAB II Highlights:  

NARAB II: The Next Steps
NARAB II: The Next Steps
How To Contact Us

Jim Cavanaugh, Legislative Representative
1-800-342-3352/402-341-2020 Office  402-301-9675 Cell
Carol McClelland, CAE, Chief Executive Officer

1-800-377-3985/402-476-2951 Office  402-432-5113 Cell

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